The numbers tell the story

A neat look at some decisions the Devs made on some melee archetype abilities has been posted. Check this out. ""This ability adds an additional 2% to the Natural Durability, Combat Agility and Combat Stability archetypes. There is no pre-requisite that these archetypes be trained in, however the greatest effectiveness is achieved from doing so. It is believed that you need at least 1 point in an archetype to get the 2% increase in it (i.e. you would get no benefit in Natural Durability if you only had points in Combat Agility and Stability)."" Most every melee type has this skill under Archtype, Paladin, Ranger, Shadowknight, even Beastlord. But seems Warrior, Rogue and Monk are missing it, or were left out specifically. What was the reasoning behind this? Find the answer here.


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