Warder Spirit Buff to be Nerfed and BST AC Review

Seems there is another bug going to get squashed by the Verant Terminating Service. Apparently the the Spirit buff spell can heal the warder, since this was not intended, enjoy it while you can. See the post below from the Developer's Corner. Spirit Buff = Complete Heal Since the thread on the AC / weight limit of Beastlord seems to me expanding beyond just questions about AC I thought the timing might be right to pose another Beastlord related question. Is the Spirit level buff spell intended to be used as a complete heal spell for the warder? I ask because I am sure you already know it can be used as such. Post level 30 it is no more mana efficient to use the spirit buff over the rejuvenation spells, especially when you add in the mana cost of re-applying other buffs. But Prior to level 30, using the Spirit level buff as a complete heal is a very powerfull technique that allows the Beaslord to handle many red conning MoBs by simply meditating while watching the Warders health get down near zero and then spirit buffing them back to full and re-applying the proc spell (after level 15). If this an intended side effect of the spell or is it considered a bug or an exploit that will be "fixed" in an upcoming patch? This is indeed a bug. Buffs like that are not supposed to double as healing spells. We will be fixing it soon. An another note, we will also be reviewing the AC on Beastlord armor, and may make some changes in the future. I'm not sure when or exactly what we'll be doing, so keep your eyes on the patch messages. Alan


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