PlayStation App Coming November 13th

Mobile application allows phones and tablets to access PSN, work as a second screen for games and more.

We're now three weeks away from the November 15th release date of Sony's PlayStation 4 console in North America, while those in Europe will have to wait until the 29th for their systems. Some of us have probably already planned vacation or "sick" time to play with their new console and games. Luckily for the rest of us who can't get out of work that day or the week after, we won't have to be completely separated from our new systems. In a recent press release and blog post, Sony announced that Playstation App, their mobile application for iOS and Android devices, will be released for free on November 13th in North America and November 22nd for EU.

While it's not quite the same as having your PS4 and HDTV with you at all times, the new application does give players access to a variety of features for both while you're away and while you're home playing your new console:

  • Access PlayStation Network features: Users can view profiles, compare their Trophy collections with friends, receive notifications or game invitations, as well as send messages with other players on their PS4s, PS3s, PS Vitas, as well as other mobile application users.
  • Spectate other PS4 players' gameplay: If your friends start uploading or live streaming their gameplay while you're stuck at work, the application will notify you and clicking on the notifications will take you to watch the gameplay or to post comments on what they've shared.
  • Second Screen: If the game you're playing supports this feature, you'll be able to use your mobile device as a second screen. One example comes from The Playroom, a pre-installed game requiring the use of the Playstation Camera. Players can use this Second Screen feature to draw pictures on their mobile devices, then flick them at the TV where they'll appear as a 3D object within the game.
  • Remote Control: Similar to Second Screen, the Remote Control functionality allows players to control functions of their PS4 system as long as both are on the same wireless network. Players can switch their system from standby mode to fully powered on and vice versa as well as using their mobile device as a keyboard rather than using the controller.
  • Playstation site and purchasing content: Access to the official site and blogs isn't really an exciting feature here (if your device is online enough to talk to your system, you can surf there yourself). The ability to purchase content is somewhat notable though since you can do so while away from home and have your console start downloading it to be ready once you get back.

Both the iOS and Android versions of the application are slated to release on November 13th (22nd for EU), so be sure to head to whichever App Store you use and download it before the PlayStation 4 launches. That way you'll be able to test out the second screen and remote control options while you're at home and while you're at work, you can stream video from your friends who came down with a serious case of Killzone-itis.

Michael "Ragar" Branham


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