SOE Donates $25,000 to Haiti Relief Efforts

Thanks to the generosity of players in EverQuest, EverQuest II and Free Realms, Sony Online Entertainment raised $25,000 to donate to the American Red Cross' aid efforts in Haiti following last week's devastating earthquake. SOE donated $10 for every in-game Haiti Relief item that was purchased in the Marketplace from Jan. 15-18.

"In just three days we were able to reach our goal of $25,000 and it's all because of the generosity of our players," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. "They really stepped up for a good cause and we're proud to lend support to the estimated 3 million Haitians affected by the recent earthquakes."

More information on how you can donate to help the people affected by the earthquake can be found on the American Red Cross site.


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