New Server Being Opened

Here's the press release: Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, announced today that it has seen significant growth in the number of simultaneous user base and recently set a new record of 118,000 simultaneous players, almost four years after the game was launched. In addition, the company is opening a brand new EverQuest® server, Maelin Starpyre, and for the first time ever, will offer full character transfers from existing servers including all equipment, acquired items and experience. Transfers are subject to certain restrictions. “We have consistently hit over 100,000 simultaneous players over the last few months and see now as the perfect time to bring our user base to the next level with a new server,” said Michael Lustenberger, director of product marketing, Sony Online Entertainment. “New servers expand the potential user base of the game, offering new EverQuest players an opportunity to enter our unique game world, while giving loyal players a different experience with a new group of people from around the world.” The new server, Maelin Starpyre, is a standard rules server with a non-standard character transfer service available. Normally, when a new server opens in EverQuest, there is a waiting period of six months before character transfers may be requested to the new server, and characters are transferred without any items or gear. For the first time ever, characters can be transferred to the new Maelin Starpyre server with all of their items. The Maelin Starpyre server is scheduled to go live today before noon Pacific Standard Time. Please visit the Maelin Starpyre Character Transfer Service page for full details, fees and restrictions at:


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# Mar 06 2003 at 7:37 PM Rating: Default

I enjoy ham with alot of cheese!

I love to sleep with Bazzar Bot working on over lagged zone :) Feels good to make a nest with toilet paper when using a public bathroom.

I think plastic is a sin from heaven.
Blame the Bazaar
# Mar 06 2003 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
This is ridiculous.

There's more lag every day and Sony is complaining about network issues. Now Sony is attempting to rebalance the load while bragging on how many simultaneous "users" are on the system. But are you really a user when your character is idle in the bazaar and you are sleeping?

The process of selling EQ loot for EQ cash is not really a network operation. In fact, transfering items and money from one character to another happens entirely within the EverQuest servers. There's no reason the EverQuest client needs to be involved, except that the bazaar feature was such a poor, bug-ridden mess from the start.

Becoming a trader in the bazaar forces you to keep a PC powered up and connected to the server. This inflates the user count which Sony can use in marketing press releases while degrading performance and stability, inflating server network costs, inflating consumer electric costs and preventing your system from actually being used to PLAY the game.

"Never attribute to malice what is adequetely explained by incompetence."

It might be in Sony's best interest from a marketing perspective to produce these bazaar-inflated simulataneous user numbers, but I actually doubt they'd continue it if they had a choice. The additional network and server costs must add up too high. Sony simply has not had the ingenuity to work out all the potential exploits of a real clearing house / consignment system of in-game commerce.

Maybe I'm wrong and those 500 traders in Bazaar aren't actually using up bandwidth. But I know for sure my PC has better things to do this...

/afk Stuff for sale cheap near the stables

Edited, Thu Mar 6 13:30:47 2003
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