Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    sounds familiar
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
    dont know what yall think but I think that this new EQ2 sounds alot like DAoC. In which case if it is like DAoC then i wont be on it ill be in EQ1

    Legeren 51druid of Tunare
    Shadowsorcerer 21 necro
    Losing your character?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
    So when this new eq2 comes out, you can't transfer your character onto it? If so I'll be quitting and joining a different's taken me too long to get lvl 60.
    RE: Losing your character?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:42 AM Rating: Default
    They've gone batty at VI and SoE. Plan and simple they cant fix whats wrong with the game now nor have they implimented everything they could. Besides it's not like they even have to make EQ2 the world as it is now can be ever expanding into infinity there is no need for EQ2. Also who in there right mind who already has 2 or more 50+ let alone 60's will want to lvl a charecter to 100 or even 200 like there saying.... NO ONE. Please everyone for our own sake write a e-mail,letter anything rest a plane and write smoke in the sky and let SoE and VI that we don't want this **** that its useless and all we really want is what they've been promising us for the longest time to fix the game we love and to impliment everything they talk about.
    RE: Losing your character?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
    53 posts
    Its time for something totally brand new - but done right. The framework of EQ is getting tired. They keep changing and adding to it - and thats great - but you can only go so far. Like... youll never see player housing in EQ. You'll never see alot of things in EQ, because it would just require a total rewrite. Thats what makes EQ2 exciting. They can start from scratch - a clean slate and take the experience theyve had from EQ and other MMORPG's and make something better. Just look at the screen shots for one! The new graphics engine - EQ will never be able to touch - cause its still based on very old technology. Thats why, while luclin is pretty, its no where near the level of graphics could be in this day. I think youll find MANY who will jump immediatly to EQ2. So many of us are really tired of EQ, but there is nothing compareble yet to the depth and challenge of EQ. EQ will be around for many more years. Heck - they just recently shut down the Meridian 59 servers - and that game has been around for a number of years. Yes... maybe YOU dont want EQ2 - but dont think the rest of us dont.
    this looks like ps2
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:11 AM Rating: Default
    this might just be the ps2 version. why would they announce ps2, then announce eq2 a few days after, dont think so. if it was eq2 i think they would spread out the products, and not compete within its own.
    Amen: Sasharelle
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:44 AM Rating: Excellent
    First EQ will be out for atleast two more years, the work required to cancel it without a bankruptcy proceeding when they have paid subscriptions for up to 2 years 6 months from now would be a nightmare along.

    Secondaly as long as people pay enough to support the servers and bandwidth they most likely will continue it.

    Finally: What about Moria and Larn, Sasharelle do you remember those ports?
    UM OK
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
    If veraint does what It looks like they going to do i will quit eq.
    i mean i have 3 level 60s and i worked hard
    if i cant play them anymore well **** them
    Things that break? Good !
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
    In previous posts, an anonymous poster said:

    >>1) Tradeskills are still a joke and you should be able to make money from them without spending three hours trying to auction to players.<<

    and Serrasin said:

    >>actually EQ is broken. the economy is shattered. there is nothing more depressing than to be a 50+ charater and see a level 6 whatever walking around with better gear than you.<<

    aother anonymous poster (I will refer to him as Anonymous 2) said:

    >> Personally I hate the idea of breakable or durable goods/weapons. Bad idea. The newby already has a hard enough time to get weapons, and gear, spells, food, and water. Lets add the worry of being without a working weapon because you can't afford the cost to repair it. Just plain Bad.<<

    Anonymous 2 has given us a well written post, and I sympathize with his opinion. I just happen to disagree with it 100%. Trade skills are worthless in EQ beacause, as Anonymous 1 and Serrasin have already pointed out, the EQ economy is broken. They understate the case: the EQ economy is horribly, godawfully, unreasonably broken. And the cause is obvious.

    Never mind trade skills for a moment. They are just one symptom of the root underlying problem. Please bear with this lengthy post and let me explain.

    I am a 15 Paladin. My best armor piece is a Netherbian Chitin. It was worth 400 plat when I acquired it, and has been my best armor piece ever since. Through a whim of Brell Seralis (read: lucky game bug) I managed to get my hands on a second and gave it to a friend in exchange for some other gear. My buddy sold it for quick cash and got $300. Later on, I decided to take up smithing and reluctantly decided to give up my prized Netherbian, which has seen me safely through countless hair raising battles, to raise cash for my smithing education. The first day I decided to try auctioning it, the best price I was offered was 200 plat. I groaned to myself and mustered my patience, figuring this was a temporary market dip.

    Wrong. The next day, the best price I could get was 150. The day after that, no one would offer any cash at best offer was trade for a hand tailored backpack by a sympathetic tradeskiller. For the last three days, I have continued to look for a buyer. The best price I have been offered has been 100 plat. One quarter of the original value when I acquired it.

    I could cry and whine about this, but would get laughed at. Every serious EverQuest player has been in exactly this situation with some prized acquisition he wants to resell. It is called deflation, and it is a basic, fundamental part of the EQ economy.

    The reason is simple. EQ items never wear out.
    Think about it a minute. The quantity of every item in the game is a number that never goes down, only up. Word of any decent quest or monster item rapidly gets around, and other characters duplicate the actions needed to have the server generate them one, be it killing a mob, delivering a quest item, jumping through GM hoops or whatever. Technical hardware constraints keep the number of players on a server from ever increasing once it has been in service for more than a few weeks.

    Fixed market size plus ever increasing supply has an inevitable effect. The price goes down. Whine all you want, the law of supply and demand is merciless and doesn't care about your feelings. (Gotta be an idea for a new God there somewhere...perhaps we'll see Keynes Ferengi, god of profit and beloved of traders, in EQ2)

    Tradeskills inevitably suffer from this. When a server is brand new, tradeskills are worthwhile. But after a few months of steady deflation, tradeskillers have grave trouble finding ANYTHING to make that will have a market value nearly as high as the cost of the materials it requires to make.

    The exception to deflation is tradeskill items that by their nature DO wear out: potions, poisons, brews and baked foods. Not that there is much money in any of these, potions and poisons require ingredients that are notoriously difficult to get compared to the effects, and Verant has carefully set the recipes for baking and brewing so that you can make money at them, but only in amounts that are completely trivial on any mature server. But for tailors, jewelers and Brell help us, smiths, deflation dramatically decreases the value of our crafts.

    For example, the 300 plat I had hoped to raise selling my Netherbian would have been enough to finance raising my skill to where I could make banded armor. The majority of EQ players would scoff at banded armor as merchant trash (a piece of EQ jargon whose very existence says volumes about how broken the economy is). Succeeding at acquiring this level of skill would mean I would have the privelege of making my very own banded armor, and the privelege of replacing my prized Netherbian, AC 20, +10 HP, sv fire +2, with a banded breastplate, AC 15, no stat bonuses. Oh joy. But the reality of deflation means I cannot develop that level of skill without further financing. With 100 plat I could maybe raise my skill enough to reliably make smithed weopons. Wonderful. Don't even get me started about how worthless smithed weopons are.

    It will never, ever, be possible to produce a stable tradeskill system that produces useful results unless either deflation is eliminated or Verant constantly refigures the recipes or ingredient prices so the production costs stay in line with the market value of the results. Figure the odds of Verant arranging that. Verant has ONE employee who works, part time, on the tradeskill system. His time is almost completely taken up in development of expansions. Sure, if we all just whine loud enough, they'll hire a staff of ten or so extra GM's to constantly check the market prices on each and every server and adjust the tradeskill recipes accordingly. About as likely as Brell donning a speedo and hitting the beach to work on his tan.

    The fix for this is simple. Items must not last forever.

    This is the primary thing I am looking for in EQ 2. If items will have the ability to wear out, the economy will have at least a chance of being stable, and tradeskills a chance of being worthwhile. Verant can still get it all wrong, but without that fundamental measure, they may as well just leave tradeskills out altogether.

    Ok, rant over. Quit wasting time here and go teach some foul follower of Cazzic-Thule the error of his wicked ways. If you play on Mith Marr, send me a /tell.

    Galogan, apprentice smith and Paladin of 15 seasons.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
    By the time this game comes out I'll probably have been sitting at lvl 60 for a few months with my main and hav fun with my twinks.

    In case u can't tell Verant, the breakable item idea is something you'll need to think long and hard about. That and twinking. You yourselves stated how boring the early lvls are, and recently changed a few relatively major things in the gams to adress this. Let us keep our twinks. We work hard to get our main's where they are, and having to do it over, and over, and over again... You will take the fun away and replace it with monotony. Getting to lvl 53 on my own has been fun enough, but I honestly have no intention of drudging through it again with an untwinked character. What do u care? I give u my $14 a month.

    Sembrin Bowhunter
    Know what i think...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:18 AM Rating: Default
    I think this is just a previewe of the ps2 eq game that is taking place 500 years before the current eq. Tha was annouced a while ago. This crap about classes and skills seems like bogus BS. The "it takes 30 mins to get level 6" is to detailed... i think the links are made for the Ps2 eq game, and the details are bogus. Thats that....
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:11 AM Rating: Default
    Hello everyone this will be the first message i will have done on this page. how many of you out there have looked at those pics that he put as links on the site. i just checked them out after reading all your posts. now iam a gamer on EQ i play many other games to.(none of which i pay for a month) Right now EQ has promised so much and gone so far from what it used to be. ask anyone who first got the game when they first released it. most of them will tell you that the game has goten alot better but still needs work on things like graphics bigger zones and things so you dont have a waiting list a month long to camp what you need for one quest item or say even exp. i hope in the next few years to make my own 3d graphic game.(working on one now trying to use origonal ideas) the graphics on those two pics that have been posted are great if they can make a world 3d for online that has tho graphics that alone will make them rich(or broke how ever you look at it) i mean wouldnt you like to see a game that has more reality to it. i mean it would be kewl to have to roleplay alot more to get things done. I play D&D if any of you oldfoggies out there remember that one this game is starting to turn into that which is what it was sopost to be after. now as for the sc fi part of this if you go and look D&D has a expasion on it where you can get on a flying ship and it takes you to another world and you can have ship wars and things like that. the moon was a good idea. it helped people stay into the game. sure no one was thinking about leaving but now they going to stay for aleast three more months(depending on how much they play) to check out the new zones items and things. heck thats what iam doing right now my highest lvl character is lvl 21. he is a warrior thats in full crafted and ive got some nice items too. i have killed many DE guards and i have twinked 6 other characters one of which is a monk in full wu's fighting armor. a cleric with a dark ember. and wizard in all kindsa of INT gear and mana helping stuff. oh and a DE SK in full fine plate black. so yes i like the idea of twinking but i start alot of new characters untwinked to see what the game was first about and if i had to start anew. i wouldnt mind to much. now i think it would be kewl if VI made EQ2 and you didnt have to pay for another account you could use the one your using right now and all you would have to do is pay for the game. that would be a good deal for their current costumers(ie most all the people posting here). now dont get me wrong i like eq the way it is right now and iam sure most of you out there do to. and as for the requirments my computer right now cant handled that. but for say 300 more dallors i can buy top of the line stuff and put in my self and save about 1200 bucks. right now i go 256 ram to get 512 i would have to buy two brand new sticks or ram or just one over priced one. as for graphic cards and other things like that i got those or better. and if i dont they cheep if you know where to get the. well i covered alot on this post. time to stop talking and start playing.


    P.S. live once die twice. play hard guys and have fun
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
    Sounds like DAoC. I guess if you can't beat 'em...

    Honestly, I just got done upgrading my computer so that I could play with everything Luclin has to offer. (New models are all on now! YAY!) I have yet to explore most of the new continents. I've been to a few places on each, with the exception of Kunark and I still haven't been everywhere there.

    Yes, there are things that need work in EverQuest. I'd like to see them fix the things they've been saying they will fix for over a year now.

    Frankly, I don't think the economy needs work. It does smart when you see someone walking around better equipped than you are. But does that REALLY matter? Be proud of what you've done and let the rest do what they want is my motto on this. One of these days I'll have that UBAR item they have and I'm drooling over. Twinks? *shrugs* They have to have a higher level character to twink, and they put in the time and effort. So let 'em enjoy it.

    Degrading weapons and items? GARG! I don't care if it's more realistic. What a pain in the a**. You're fighting ubermob_01 and your sword breaks. Great. Guess you'll be making a corpse run just to turn around and find a blacksmith. Thrill me.

    No more classes, stats, etc at the start? So, I guess that is good from a RP standpoint. Your character can "grow". But it sounds confusing to me, and frankly I don't trust VI to make it clearer.

    Ooooh, a little town for me and my groupies! PvP would rock for this. Otherwise, let's just stroke those egos, shall we?

    Mobs can chase me across the zoneline? ARE YOU CRAZY? That's brilliant, really. I don't know how many times I have died steps from the zoneline. Thank you for making it *that* much harder, VI. You're all getting coal in your stockings, I swear.

    Level 200??? Or for that matter, level 100??? Good gods, I haven't even managed to get to level 60 in the year and a half I've been playing! Oh wait, it'll be easier to level up, and you won't lose experience. But wait again, you incure an experience debt? Ok, now I'm confused. You're still penalizing us for dying, but it's not so obvious anymore? *shrugs* Whatever, that's a fix. Uh huh...

    All in all...Not a game I am interested in buying or playing. I'll be sticking to the old EQ, *if* they keep it around. Guess that's what I'll ask for for Xmas.

    Teneel Frostblade
    Ranger of the Tribunal Server

    Kerridwynn D'Veldrin
    Yathrin of the Firiona Vie Server
    RE: Hrm...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:25 AM Rating: Default
    Wow I totally agree. Ya can't forget the requirements for EQ2. Guess Verant thinks everyone can buy a new 1000 dollar computer. Oh well I guess I'll go to school now. =)
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 4:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For all the people that dislike EQ2 and saying that not buying it or playing it ... here , NO one is asking you to play it and stop thinking people give a **** about you playing or not.
    2 Years Subscription
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
    Umm, I subscribed for the 24-month plan for the old EQ, now they announce E2, does my old subscription carry over, did I pay in vain, and have to pay doubled if I want to play E2, is Verant hurting itself or is it another way to get more money from the players.
    I for one have made a long-term investment into EQ with the 24-month subscription so I hope to see that game developing and getting good customer service with all the money they have gotten from me in advance

    Murielheart Lvl 52 Druid on Xev
    Questorian Lvl 43 Enchanter on Xev
    Woo Woo... here we go again!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
    Well, a new form of UO or Diablo or what ever pops in mind is just what we need. EverQuest has always been something unique and it always will be in my eyes. I just hope that we can continue to play the _OLD_ EQ and let those who want to play this new silly modification do so. There is a lot of adventure games on the market and you have to ask yourself one question, why do people buy EQ even today? Why do people that have played the game since it first game out still continue to play? The gameplay of course, it rocks totally and the game is constantly evolving with new addons, new improved graphics and so forth. Of course this could couse latency for some but ... this has always been a fact in the gaming business. Something new comes and if you linger behind with your upgrade on hardware you're ******* There is nothing new under the sun here.

    Bankrupt wiz on Sullon Zek that cannot afford to repair items if that's the case.
    Things that break? Bad
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
    I too have been playing for a long time. I have 2 accounts, and characters from the 10's to 56. Personally I hate the idea of breakable or durable goods/weapons. Bad idea. The newby already has a hard enough time to get weapons, and gear, spells, food, and water. Lets add the worry of being without a working weapon because you can't afford the cost to repair it. Just plain Bad.
    If they even are able to make it remotely in the newbys price range, then is the isue of time. I guess I'll close both my accounts, and move on. They are raising the price now.. (humm whats 200 thousand x $2?) a month, I don't see the content getting better, richer, or even the customer service. The keep comming out with expansions, which are cool, I love new raves, and lands to explore, and the gear, but now the conditions are such that you have to have near the top of the line, for something which, while it has been your intellect, and patience, and time to make it blossom, doesn't belong to you. Its not on your computer, theres nothing that says they can't erase it, change it, or anything they feel is fine with them.
    I think EQ has a lot of issues. I also love it. One of my long standing gripes, has been "what about us poor slobs who work 60hrs a week? Level 60 would be cool, but some of us may only have 5-10 hrs a week to dedicate. Are we doomed to never see the ultra cool gear, or ultra cool creatures?
    I understand tech degrades, and falls from S.O.T.A. thats the way life works, but I think the'll loose my buisness, and I would assume many others as well if they simple shaft players.
    well thats my 2 cents. won't get a cup of coffee, but he I got to rant a little.
    Hamorr 56 Shaman
    Polarbear 26 Wiz
    An overlooked portion
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
    one of the possible new features is to be able to target a body part on a mob to hack at. i think this is a realy good idea. ( tear that leg off for a gheto snare, or take off an arm for a ghetto slow) i think that puts more sttrategies into place especialy in a higher level raid setting.

    as far as these communities if it can be done well, i can see this adding allot to a PvP server.

    now on the breakable weapons. in the past few months i have clawed my way from a level one nothing to a 51 epic ranger. i have mixed feelings about this and it greatly depends on how its done.
    if the item loss is permanant , i know allot of people will never do the epic quests.
    if it is temporary (IE like diablo2) then i can see it adding allot to the game. then on a full raid setting you may need to bring a master blacksmith with you as well of be able to gate there and back? but then the problem of a flooded market is stil there.

    personally i think i would change to EQ2 it seems over all a more dynamic world and that is what i am looking forward to.
    RE: An overlooked portion
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:21 AM Rating: Default
    Only problem I have is how can a level 51 ranger complete their epic when the npc require you to be 55 to complete the quests?

    RE: An overlooked portion
    # Apr 26 2002 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
    He doesn't,

    He won't give the tag lines unless you are over a certain level (55?), but the epics are not level capped in that way. You can get your epic at level 51, and I have heard rumors of a ninja looter in his 40s making off with a key item off the final battle of an epic and finishing the quest at 45. But that is jsut a rumor. All I know is at least from 51 on, you're fair game.
    Bleh I quit UO because of all that!!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:37 AM Rating: Excellent
    Man they are totally trying to make it like Ultima Online. Let me guess..there wont be PK servers anymore!! In fact you can get PK'd now!! How stupid. I hope to god they dont do 75% of what was written there.
    Keep the good remove the bad
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:37 AM Rating: Default
    While it will be a shame to lose the high level characters we have spent so much time and effort in playing, it is getting to a stage where the game is turning into an item collecting game because thats all there is left to do.

    I have tried most of the other games out there and keep coming back to EQ for a number of reasons. (a few of which are)

    1) I can choose to play on a PvP or Non PvP server and it is not imposed on me;

    2) You are not expected to upgraded your items every level just to kill the Mobs at the next level;

    3) The world is big enough (now) for its population base,

    There are areas where the game can be improved (again a few of which are)

    1) Tradeskills are still a joke and you should be able to make money from them without spending three hours trying to auction to players.

    2) Everyone of the same level is more differentiated by the equipment they have and not the choices in their characters development

    3) Zoning times still suck, and if mobs follow you across, they may need a smoke break while waiting for us to cross :)

    The end line is that VI will have to work out what made us all stick with their game and not move (permanently) to the newer games out there.
    twinking and why I love it
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
    I think those that have a fit over seing a level six character wondering around with better equipment should realize that they probably have a higher level character to have acquired the stuff in the first place. So quityerbitchin and level up, get your own twink stuff and make a twink. I have just recently gotten to 50 myself and have two twinks already for when I get bored and want to goof off. And I think that if someone wants to make a twink having put 35 days of play time into there main then it should be possible and not retarded by some stupid ruleset.

    And if monster can follow you through zones then all damn classes should be getting SoW or the monsters should advance in difficulty at same general rate as the characters.
    RE: twinking and why I love it
    # Apr 25 2002 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
    Well Said, Serrasin. I hope that VI makes EQ2, I for one will play it. If the new rule sets don&#8217;t appeal to people then don&#8217;t play the game. As for me there are elements on DaoC and UO that I like and hope that EQ2 uses them. I can&#8217;t help thinking that if VI came out with another game, but dropped the Everquest name we would not be hearing all this whining. I think most of it is sour grapes. The game is over a year from going live which is more than enough time to upgrade my computer. As for those people complaining about having to upgrade get used to it. Software is always pushing hardware and most systems fall behind within two or three years after purchase, unless you buy some monster machine.
    RE: twinking and why I love it
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
    you are more than welcome to still twink your little heart out. if that how you find pleasure in a game then im glad you are having fun. honestly i have twinks myself. but i think that the new rules set that reduces the power of the weapon based on skill is excellent. its a great way to nerf the twinking a bit without nerfing the items. i would like to see a movement towards actual roleplay and away from munchkin powergaming. and i think this would be a good step in that direction, however i doubt i will live to see that day. most EQ players dont event know what it means to roleplay. as the game stands now EQ is a game of socialize, camp (sometimes for days), and at best cooperation, at worst item collecting.
    maybe it'll work.....
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:20 AM Rating: Default
    we'll have to see whether or not verant will release EQ2. yes the graphix look good but like other people have said , only those with really powerful pc's will be able to run will they just revamp the old EQ with the new program code or just expect everyone to swap to the new game ??.. maybe if verant are just going to release the new game they could offer all the existing players a move over? . plus it all depends on how much a month its going to cost us. as a side note it would be good if verant can take a bite out of dungeon sieges idea of being able to play single player offline , obviously with going online to dowload your chars stats to the mainframe so you can join in with other people and groups. but if they do that then theyre gonna have to be careful of people breaking the codes and giving themslves monty haul's while theyre offline....
    this is ghey
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
    Ultima Online RIP-OFF
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    Everquest as it stands cannot and will not survive as a mmorpg if it does not >>evolve<<. I hate to disagree with my fellow Evercrackwhores (you know who you are, dahlings), but the game as it stands is incredibly boring when starting out a character and not twinking it (I tried something a while back: When I create a new character, I make sure that character is the only one I have on any particular server, so I cannot twink it myself, and there would be no temptation). All due respect to Mr. Hobbithucker, if you were Verant, to whom would you rather lose your Everquest customers, another of your games (and keep the cash in your pocket), or to a competitor? Think about it, EQ is going to lose people, period, because of the engine plain and simple...They have to do something to keep bringing new blood into their universe.

    As far as the item decay goes, if they engineer it so that you can go to a blacksmith (or tailor, depending) and have your worn-out weapon/armor repaired and restored to its full "potential", and make the cost equivalent with the "potential" of that item, kind of like recharging a magic item, then it would definitely add more RPG realism to the game. I mean come on, if things in RL were like stuff in EQ, I'd never have to a) Feed my dog; b)Take my VW into the shop; or c)Take a shower (or, for that matter, d)Go to the bathroom, rofl).

    Anyway, the closer they can get EQ (or any other mmorpg that beats em to the punch) to being an ACTUAL roleplaying game, like us old fogies used to play on tabletop, the the happier I'll be.

    My 2 coppers

    P.S. I think making your own little guild communities is a great idea. Being able to burn your enemies' down would be an even greater one.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Default
    Well, I hope the new game corrects some of the things that I think have been mistakes in the graphics of the Luclin upgrade.

    My biggest gripe--and everyone I speak to agrees with this--is that, despite custom facial hair and lots of details, SoL makes the graphics look worse than they did prior to the upgrade. To wit:

    --It is useless to invest billions of bytes of memory to make sidewalks look more cracked, rocks look more flinty, and wolves look more furry. These are extraneous details that add nothing to the game. Who runs down a trail looking at the rocks on the ground?

    --The Erudites look stupid now. They have giant foreheads and bodies like Venice Beach bodybuilders who work out at Gold's Gym. Since they have pathetic physical strength characteristics, this is asinine, and the mutant forehead is just silly.

    --In relation to the above---almost all races and categories of characters now look like Venice Beach bodybuilders who work out at Gold's Gym. Who is the art designer in this game? Joe Weider?

    --The Ogres never looked good, but now they look even worse. They at least used to have bodyfat and wrinkles, which made them look unique. Now they look like big, tall, ugly snaggletoothed Venice Beach bodybuilders...(see above).

    --The Dwarves used to be a good-looking race of characters. The dwarf women looked like pretty little women with nice breasts. They fixed this--the SoL dwarf women look like Stumpy's
    ugly-*** sister, who is so homely she has to tie a porkchop around her neck so that the dog
    won't run away when she tries to pet him. Great "upgrade", fellas.

    ---Despite fantastic expense of memory, RAM, and really, really chiseled, flinty-looking rocks, the cities in the game still look unconvincing. Is there anyone at Verant who knows what a castle
    looks like? What a thatched roof looks like? What cob is, and what machicolations on top of a fortress wall look like? Would someone at Verant please go to the Library and check out a book on medieval cities and towns?

    Itinerant 20 warrior
    additional rumors
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:00 AM Rating: Default
    In a recent copy of Electronic Gaming Monthly, there was an article about Everquest for the PS2. In addition to the game, you have to buy the network card add-on, and hope that you have broadband access in your home. It too was called EQ2, and I'm wondering if all the changes proposed, are geared to make the game more compatable with a console enviroment. Even with a USB keyboard attached to a PS2, I doubt playing EQ on it will be very easy or rewarding. This is, after all, a role-playing game, and when you limit the social interaction to a few pre-determined messages, something will suffer.
    EQ2 is a Good Thing - Flamebait!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:59 AM Rating: Excellent
    Well first of all, I think EQ2 is a Good Thing. The current EQ suffers from a few fundamental problems:

    It's *old*. Therefore, the population distribution is completely unrealistic. At least on Emarr, it seems that over half the population is over 55.

    Because of this, *everything* is *constantly* über-camped. No, I'm not actually whingeing about this. But it makes the game less enjoyable when you notice that, as you approach your fifties, everything you need to complete a quest is being pharmed by 60-only Über Guilds, seriously limiting your own ability to progress. And people get ruder and ruder the higher up they go. Stealing camps or kills becomes the norm rather than the exception, simply because arrogance levels go up as well.

    Also, because it's old, there's only so much patching and tweaking you can do to change or improve it before the time comes to stop and re-write it all from scratch. Those of you who have worked on large software projects of any kind know what I'm talking about. Those who haven't done any large-scale software development and say "why don't they just keep improving EQ1", don't know what they're asking.

    I think that an EQ2 the way it is described will give all players at all levels a better, fairer playing-field. And anyway, why get so worked up about something that is, at this stage, pure hot air and conjecture? Someone did some maths in another post here, and it's true that with this much money coming in, Sony would be mad to kill off EQ1. So if you don't like EQ2, just stick to the old game.

    Oh and as far as customer feedback is concerned, I hope they don't take *all* the posts on Allakhazam and other boards into account, because then they'll release all future games for consoles usable by 10-year-olds, as opposed to creating rich, immersive games targeted at people whose IQ is higher than their shoe size.
    If those are the real graphics...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
    My graphics card is attempting to go on strike. Just said if I were to play a game with that intense of graphics from VI it would kill me =/ doah!
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