Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    # Apr 27 2002 at 7:51 PM Rating: Default
    I AM GOING TO LOVE THE NEW TARGETING SYSTEM.... think of it, you don't just stand there and sit while your guy throws hits, you get to CHOOSE where you hit the guy! And the thing about griffons are a dot in the sky before they see you i would love to tell some newb to walk out in the middle of a field then watch 40 griffons fly down from the air and create mass slaughter <grin> name is IntruderX btw (didn't feel like registering)
    # Apr 27 2002 at 7:34 PM Rating: Default
    In my eyes here are some problems with eq2.
    1) Items can break
    2)there will be no more monks
    3) this mabey a lie but i have heard that it will delete your eq account
    RE: problems
    # Apr 28 2002 at 7:31 AM Rating: Default
    thats not nescarrily true, it said something like brawlers for a subwarrior class right? well that would mean that the next set for brawlers would be something like monk, beastlord and something else (most likely some thing like a kobold pitfighter :P)
    breakage and camping
    # Apr 27 2002 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
    This is a fantasy world. Breakage would suck for those of us who have struggled and scraped to get our gear together, yet I would cheer when some young **** running around with obviously twinked stuffs. So maybe a compromise ... breakage for things equiped below x levels of when you are supposed to aquire it. Maybe that would work better than flat out wear and tear or breakage as a rule for everything.

    As far as camping goes, I came over to EQ from a textbased game where it was considered rude and obnoxious to camp. So it has taken me quite a while to get used to this idea of "camping." (I do, however, get just as ticked off as the next person when someone runs up and attempts to bust in my camp now though. Practice makes perfect I guess.)

    Anyway, I would be happier if there were fewer "camps" and more roaming things out there. By the same token, VI would have to cut down on the amount of critters that randomly aggroed on you or else no one would be able to hunt.

    I think more roaming critters and random spawn spots would greatly increase the pleasure of the game for most folks. Of course, then you would have folks try to call spawns over the ooc or shout. Hum. Maybe VI should make all the really awesome eqip items totally quest, but not dependant on one, rare, independent, hard to find, overly camped spawn. Have several things (of compariable age to the item) in several areas carry the components.

    Maybe that would work. Maybe.

    There are always folks who will find a way to abuse the system ...

    - Jashen, druid, Tribunal
    # Apr 27 2002 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
    It's not unlikely that both EQ1 and EQ2 will both be supported. A lot of what was proposed in EQ2 so far appeals to nobody I know. Individual banks etc.. Nice and you can buy carts and horses to transfer equiptment. But at what cost? Being a cynic I gander 150,000pp (or equivelent) just like a horse in EQ1? Verant really needs to hire someone who will go clean up their current code. If you remove something (for instance, the need for the velious 'teeth') then you need to clear the extrenous crap out of the code. However I digress. The listed 'system requirements' for EQ2 will most likely not hold true either by the time the game reaches the market. Blizzard was on the Diablo II 'next month' idea for three years LOL If you get the idea that it's a good idea to quit because EQ2 will be out you're most likely mistaken. With a new expansion pack on the horizon why would they then shut it all down a year later? (Well okey sure, most companies couldn't care less but after selling 1-2 year subscriptions to EQ1 at the old rate to generate revenue they will have to honor those, return the money (!likely) or port over everyone to EQ2 -and- give them copies of the game or they'll loose a lot of customers. A final point would be that EQ2 will be non stop patch for about 3-6 months after it goes live and a lot will change that will dishearten everyone who thinks it's going to be -beyond belief better-. Every single game, mud, application etc.. has bugs, has things that could be improved, etc.. So get it out of your head that somehow you're going to be less gripey about EQ2 after a year than you are with this now. Some people are impossible to please. It IS possible for a company to support more than ONE online game at a time. Personally I think EQ2 needs a different title over all to detract from the concept as a replacement instead of 'another game' But if it is another game, I assure you, you'll get over it. If this culture is good for anything it's the ability to throw away one thing for the next thing.
    god help use
    # Apr 27 2002 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
    i juat want to know why the cant change things in eq some of the things in eq one need work i love the game and to have to start all over well that would have to out right sux yes i know we wont have to change but if you want to play and have all the thing that come with eq 2 then yes you will need to make the switch i just think alot of the idea that are coming out on eq2 could be down to eq also man i can not afford to get a new pc to play eq 2 i hope they think this out
    god help use
    # Apr 27 2002 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
    i juat want to know why the cant change things in eq some of the things in eq one need work i love the game and to have to start all over well that would have to out right sux yes i know we wont have to change but if you want to play and have all the thing that come with eq 2 then yes you will need to make the switch i just think alot of the idea that are coming out on eq2 could be down to eq also man i can not afford to get a new pc to play eq 2 i hope they think this out
    RE: god help use
    # Apr 28 2002 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
    God help you indeed - with spelling and punctuation for a start. I've read this three times before making any sense of this run-on whingeing.
    RE: god help use
    # Apr 29 2002 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
    You ever thought that this posters' first language may not be English, before flaming him/her?

    Edited, Mon Apr 29 03:39:14 2002
    # Apr 27 2002 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
    ok when does this thing come out and can i trade my eq subscription towards this new one this sounds awesome
    Another Site
    # Apr 27 2002 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
    If you read the "Hammerfell's Last Rites" on there were letters in bold, together they spells ruins of befallen, which leads to
    DAoC and AO
    # Apr 27 2002 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
    508 posts
    I also have two DAoC coasters, and two AO ones as well. More coasters than beer mugs, a sorry state to be in.

    People complain alot about Verant, but I believe they try hard to do the job well. One major point - when I cancelled my AO and DAoC accounts, both of those companies immediately terminated access to the accounts - even though I had prepaid for over a month of each of them. Never got a dime back.

    When I cancelled my EQ accounts to go to the other games, Verant let me play out my paid time (as they should), and they made it darn easy to restart the accounts again later. Even after 7 months away, all of my characters were in place once I reactivated.

    What I hope is that Verant has a "bulk" policy that lets me play SWG, EQ1, EQ2, and EQ PS/2. That would be great!
    # Apr 27 2002 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
    I like the idea of Level Appropriate Gear. But the idea of items decaying as you use them stinks if this includes Magic Items. Ok. Plain old ordinary boots, swords, bows and stuff can decay as you use them. But Magic items should not wear out. And if the item is above your level to use then it should act like a comparable non magical item. Like a WormSlayer in the hands of a 5th level Warrior should only act like a fine steel sword. Something like that. If they make it to where magic items wear out like every other piece of equipement then I will not play it. One of the things I like about the current version of the game is the sense of accomplishment about the things that I now carry.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 27 2002 at 1:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good Lord people! Just because Verant acts like a bunch of a**rapers doesn't mean that they can't do something right every once in a while! Im glad they're doing this, it'll get rid of twinks for one thing. I have a BL that has nothing twinked about him. I know a person who has a lvl 18 warrior who he never plays exept when he drops stuff to twink his newbies with. This game was made for fun not for twinking newbies and pissing people off by bragging. Some of you have legitimate concerns and I respect that but those who are upest by the 'no-twinking' thing going on dont really get the point.
    RE: Gripers
    # Apr 27 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
    True I hate people that brag about the gear. Otherwise you only come across as jealous. Why on Norrath would I want to start over again running around with a rusty sword. I worked hard for my first set of banded mail for my level 10 ranger and is one of my proudest moments. But I do not wish to repeat slaying bats and skeletons for umpteen hours to afford banded when I have a perfectly good Brigadine Tunic my new ROG can wear. Take your sour grapes and eat them.

    Twinks bug you ..being bombarded with begging by players that dont have the tenacity to save for good gear **** me off..."but you have better gear than me, give me something!"

    Go out, play and quite worrying about what other people have.

    Ancatdub 51 SK
    and various other twinked characters

    P.S. Its EverQUEST not EverBEG
    # Apr 27 2002 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
    ***** you all I'm swiching to shadowbane as soon as it comes out!!
    RE: rhuarch
    # Apr 27 2002 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
    Good idea.
    RE: rhuarch
    # Apr 28 2002 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
    i agree, with you gone we wont have to listen to you :P
    You can only patch a pair of old jeans so much...
    # Apr 27 2002 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
    I understand the concern of most of you out there and I agree that the release of a EQ2 should not mess up our EQ1 environment as we have been there through the good and bad with VERANT.

    Let me throw this idea out there... of the concepts that made EQ so attractive is that it had a "Patching System". This patching system would allow frequent upgrades, fixes to current bugs, and keep up with changing graphics cards. This gave the game the ability to constantly change thus giving it the name "Ever"Quest. (probably could be better named ForEver Changing Quest)

    ..but here's where I think VERANT may have run into a problem that they didn't inticipate. What if your "Patch code" became so abundant that it overwhelmed the original code of the game. This would cause your CPU to have to perform at greater speed in order to constantly keep up with all of the new code. (Maybe graphics isn't the only reason we needed to upgrade our machines)
    Also, the original code used to structure the game may have need replaced (i.e. new graphics engines, new A.I. procedures and algos, making more efficient code, etc,...) but as new code is introduced, VERANT has to insure that this new programming is "backwards compatible". Meaning that it will work with the original code, but sometimes this can't be done no matter how much they try (i.e., Win 95 users no longer can play).

    So VERANT patches and patches and patches, again and again and again, until they realize they are patching patches that patched other original patches. (Sorry if this confuses some of you.)

    ...then it hits them. They need to restructure the way the game is coded. They need to re-org the skeletal programming frame of the game. Make it more efficient. Run faster. Run smoother. You get the idea...but sometimes the easiest, cheapest and best (yes, the best way, even though I hate to say it) is to start from scratch. Make a game without all of the bugs you know are out there. Plus, this means they start with fresh new databases, new servers, "getting back to zero".

    This scenario actually happens more than you think. How many release of Windows are there? Microsoft has a patching system of their own right? Why not just charge for patches instead of releasing new software? It would be cheaper for them and us....because sometimes it's better to start from scratch.

    Just an idea I thought I would throw there from the programmer's perspective... 8)

    Wraylan of Rodcet Nife
    Dechlan of Rodcet Nife

    aka Stevo
    I am scared
    # Apr 27 2002 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
    If a Eq 2 does come out do you think all my friends will leave me and the guild will be broken? that makes me sad cus i am new :(
    RE: I am scared
    # Apr 28 2002 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
    you have a year and a half but its not to soon to get started, disscuss with your guild what the options are, disscuss sticking togheter in the new game , on a mutual server. Discuss these things, and perhaps your guild can survive. likely in 2 branches, one on EQ1 and one on EQ2. and perhapts (Depending on how orginised and web orinted the guild is ) messige boards and forms....

    I am seggesting this to you (All of you), for the Frendships that you deveoped in EQ are the most improant part of the game, not anything in the game. so try to keep them if you so wish.

    Good luck sticking with your guilds
    Alright SONY __Big Hand
    # Apr 27 2002 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
    I think the whole thing is exciting EQ2 shows promiss of uping the realality and getting rid of those Twikers that give first level charactors 60th armor and walk all over the newbies. they are rude and obnoxious. Also have weapons and armor that breaks is great for the realality and if you give a newby 60th armor they wont know how to use it and it will break faster that is fantastic. Tweeking causes weaker player in general and ruder ppl always. Camping as we know it will be gone also from what i ready in PC gamer.
    Giving a new idea of have items with knowledge is great now hording item will hurt you and your ability to us them the economy of the game will now be all on the game and not on E-Bay. Paying $100 for an item on E-Bay is wrong.
    Anyone that is complaining about any of these changes are the one I will be happy to see staying of EQ1 till they can't find a server without overcrowding and bad lag. because the servers that are now with eq1 some will goto eq2 and ppl's Charactor will be transfered to servers staying with eq1.
    Serves the rude obnoxious and Tweekers Right they are the ones that will get it in the end, and the rest of us will have a more enjoyable experiance in the end.
    no EQII
    # Apr 27 2002 at 8:30 AM Rating: Default
    Those shots are from the PS2 version of EQ. Believe me.
    RE: no EQII
    # Apr 27 2002 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
    508 posts
    PS2 version has already had a press release, no point of making another one next month. Also, the graphics for the PS2 are totally different than the ones the posted for this new version. Plus, they say it is based in the future, not the past as in the PS2 version. Plus, the PS2 does not have any hope of supporting the GeForce3 as per the spec's listed. If this is a PS2 article, then the spec's are wrong. If the specs are right, then this is not a PS2 announcement.
    RE: no EQII
    # Apr 27 2002 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
    Uh, no they're not - you can prove that to yourself by going to the official EQ PS2 site and looking on the media page, then go to to look at the unmasked screenshots. Totally different look and feel, plus EQ for the PS2 doesn't seem to have the bumpmaps or shadows that are evident in these screenshots. Look at the shot from vs. the shot on the EQ PS2 site of the dungeon interior for example.
    RE: no EQII
    # Apr 27 2002 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
    I would have to agree with this. Those graphics greatly resemble others shots I have see on teh PS2.
    # Apr 27 2002 at 7:18 AM Rating: Default
    Why is everyone ******** already? How does anyone know if they're going to erase original EQ for EQ2? That would probably be the stupidest thing VI could EVER do consider they have like 200,000 (or whatever the hell it is now) paying customers on that game already. Come on people smarten up, it makes no sense to have EQ2 erase original EQ. So I doubt it will. I think EQ2 sounds like fun anyways. Finally I won't have to deal with lvl 15 druids in oasis with 200 wisdom. And derv camps held by one uber twink necro. Or better yet no more not being able to find a group because every camp in Sol B is filled with someone who has their monk power leveling every one of their characters. And at least for a while, there won't be any Ebayed monks in Karnor who FD a group of mobs off them the second they see someone else run by who then would have to train the zone and then get flamed for it...

    And perhaps finally someone will buy some armor from me in EQ2. Wasted hundreds of plat to be a master smith only to realize Fine plate isn't good enough for your lvl 3 warrior anymore...
    # Apr 27 2002 at 6:03 AM Rating: Default
    first of all,
    those pics are absolutely stunning...if i had a PC that could handle it (if anyone's will be able to =)~ ) i would definetly give it a shot just for the graphics. but of course EQ isnt about graphics....even luclin doesnt look all that great...its the game play that we're hooked on. i agree with the majority of these posts on the majority of the issues....

    a) EQ is already extremely buggy...perhaps getting/keeping this project going on the side is one reason. this would also explain the price increase we just got smacked upside the head with. they need to fix ALOT of things in everquest before they even THINK about making a new one. oh and another thing about the price increase....notice the longest subscription that theyre offering(that i saw anyways) was 2 years..this could mean theyre gunna faze EQ out...maybe im just paranoid =)

    b) graphics aside...alot of the new gameplay features sound great, if any/all of them ever get implemented

    c) good lord all the precious precious time weve spent on this game...ive got over 100days of playtime logged over the past 2 1/2 years to give that up now for any reason would just be ridicuous.

    d) on top of the bugginess....there is the almost total lack of customer support. with what? 500,000+? people playing...5000? of which are playing on legends for quadruple the rate the rest of us are playing...theyre pulling in an ungodly amount of money. how many times have you petioned about something, only to hear "I can't help you with that. Good luck." and im not blaming this on the guides/GMs, i know a couple of em and for the most part they are good people....over stressed and over worked, good people. there just arent enough of them to go around and are SEVERLY limited by verant and/or sony in what they can do to help us.

    e) one thing i might enjoy about a new eq should it getting in on beta. something i missed by only a couple of months.

    i guess we'll all just have to cross our fingers and wait and see =/

    'No money to upgrade to game requirements? But less cigarettes if you smoke. Buy less beer if you drink. You don&#8217;t need to order out tonight, cook what you have in the credenza. Offer to take the garbage out and make your bed every day for money. Wash the dog or even help with the dishes. Get a summer job, if you don&#8217;t have one. And so on, and so on. If you start saving now by the time the game is out on the market you have enough to upgrade your machine to requirements.'

    ...HAHAHAHA this made me bout fall out of my chair...wash the dog? help with the dishes? wait til you get out in the real world kid. im staring at machine code 60 hours a week for minimum wage ATM just to keep my sorry behind clothed and support my evercrack habit. i wash my own dog, do my own dishes, make my own bed take out my own garbage and so on, and so on....should i start paying myself for performing such tasks? tell ya what....ill keep track of all my little chores and YOU can pay me for doing them so i can upgrade my comp and buy a new one on top of that, so i can be cool just like you

    anyways....i guess we'll just have to cross our fingers, hold our breath....wait....and see.

    well, good luck to you all, in whatever game you end up playing heh

    cazic thule

    RE: hmmmm.....
    # Apr 29 2002 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
    [q]...HAHAHAHA this made me bout fall out of my chair...wash the dog? help with the dishes? wait til you get out in the real world kid. im staring at machine code 60 hours a week for minimum wage ATM just to keep my sorry behind clothed and support my evercrack habit. i wash my own dog, do my own dishes, make my own bed take out my own garbage and so on, and so on....should i start paying myself for performing such tasks? tell ya what....ill keep track of all my little chores and YOU can pay me for doing them so i can upgrade my comp and buy a new one on top of that, so i can be cool just like you [/q]

    Thank you for the "Kid" compliment. I wish I was one still. You got my KIDS to get a great laugh, when they read your answer to my post. Based on your comment, of 60 hours a week working on code I am to tell you (from my daughter) that it is nothing. Considering the fact the their mom (me) works more than 60 hours a week (Software Engineer), manages 3 kid, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 snakes, neverending house work, a colorblind husband *grin*, 5 people playing everquest, soccer practice, football practice, girls scouts... and more than that... I really must assume you are having problems managing your time.

    Anyway the post was not for "people like you", but was mostly for kids like mine who wanted their PC's upgraded, and friends like mine who would do better smoking less and drinking less and will be able tog et their PC's in better shape.
    # Apr 27 2002 at 12:18 AM Rating: Default
    This kinda looks like the PS2 version of EQ. Just look at the graphics on this pics released. If those were to be on a desktop PC the lag woulde be insane. Another thing, all of u people who come on this form and flame all the people who are "complaing" about Eq and to shut up need to have a relaity check. You yourselfe are complaning about these people complaying about EQ2 so u have just brought yourself down to thier level. The fact remains, it's a form and were all intitled to our opinion fo all of u get off each others back and flame on.
    # Apr 27 2002 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
    # Apr 26 2002 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, at least dragons will look a bit cooler!

    Check it out
    get a grip
    # Apr 26 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
    I for one just wanna say that, with knowing how VI works within the past actions, that EQII will have it's up and it's major down sides just like in eqI. The fact is that VI needs to concentrate more on the game that is already out and still has 4hundred million and 1 bugs in it, than worrying about competition with other games or making more money, if anything, the outcome will probably be a loss in money. Just like what happened with DaOC, People left for a month or two then about 75% of the people that left came back saying how terrible the game was compared to EQ.

    I really don't think there is anything to worry about at all besides the fact that when and IF eqII even comes out that the attention give to EQI by VI will be cut in half (as if the customer support wasn't already bad). And for those people that are blowing up on the other people for down talking eqII, stop it, they have every right to down talk or hell even threaten to burn every damn copy they see of it. It's their opinion as well as alot of other peoples opinion, and even thou that not all info has been released on the game OBVIOUSLY with the info they do know and probably knowing that this will ***** over the EQI players in the end somehow, that they already don't like it.

    But i honestly wouldn't mind a bunch of people leaving for eqII, less people farming things and more for me yay! but it would also suck cause alot of people would be losing friends, so like i said, VI will have it's up side to things and it's down side to things, and knowing VI the downside will probably last along time =P

    52magician Sumpet 'Familjen" saryrn
    46Necromancer Ecalypto 'Familjen' Saryrn
    # Apr 26 2002 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
    Personally i think it might be cool.first of all from what i read EQ2 will be seperate from EQ so all those people crying about loosing EQ to the new one can calm down.Itll be seperate.New disks,new account and everything.The realism described i think will be pretty cool if they do it well,and most of all i think the idea of buying land and having friends form a settlement with you(walls and your own personal guard)would be freakin cool.I think ill scrape up some money so i can atleast try it out.
    39 druid
    # Apr 26 2002 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
    Dear Verant,

    I really dislike this ****... you all ******* suck ***! please do not change EQ. I really love the game and if you **** it up noone will play! Well, almost no one... some little assflaming retards might...
    RE: 39 druid
    # Apr 27 2002 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
    Your the type PPl I will be glad to stay away from EQ2 you just hate that you won't be able to "%@$#" with newbies, and tweek charactors out of the realm of normal means. Your the one that makes a new charactor Just to good around making it hard on everyone else. and fill the /ooc's will obnoxious chat, And could care less about other PPL's enjoyment of the game. Sorry i will be glad to say good bye to PPL like you. :)

    22 lev rogue
    22 lev cleric
    14 lev druid
    never a tweek in them, that is what it's all about
    RE: 39 druid
    # Apr 27 2002 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
    Actually, he has a semi-valid point in that we have a right to expect service to the existing product to the level we were promised. VI sucks, and I sure as hell will never buy another of their products.
    RE: 39 druid
    # Apr 27 2002 at 6:10 PM Rating: Default
    Your having a go a VI for something that hasn't ever been confirmed yet.
    # Apr 26 2002 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
    my prediction is that an EQ2 will appeal to a certain type of game player, thereby providing a place for people who have more interest in the roleplaying aspect of the EQ universe while those interested in twinking and kewl l00t will continue on the original, which is fine by me. i prefer mature gamers anyway.
    RE: divide
    # Apr 27 2002 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
    I'll have to agree with you on that. from what ive read so far about EQ2, it seems more appropriate to the more mature gamer who plays not to impress other folks, but to have fun exploring a new world. and as far as the whole twinking thing goes, i personally dont have a problem with a bit of twinking here and there as long as it doesnt interfere with my gaming experience. the thing with equipment degradation will definatly be a detriment to those who twink the hell out of their 1st level alternate characters.

    i cant wait till this new game comes out, but i will probably wait a few months for the major bugs to be worked out before actually getting it.
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