Class Balance Examination

From the Developer's Corner: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The EverQuest development team continues the process of evaluating class roles, class definitions, and class desirability to ensure that each class provides value in group and raid situations. Moreover, we have found that the term "class balance" is a term that means many different things to different people and we believe that it's more accurate to define our goal in another way. We believe at its core, each class should be fun and have a desirable role in raid and group situations and it is to this standard that we will hold our evaluations as EQ continues to grow and evolve. We have begun the process by looking into group roles. We plan to take a look at raid roles after we have finished with groups. We are looking at what each class has to offer in a group setting, how useful and viable that role is and finally, how well they perform these duties. The team is currently reviewing extensive data from live servers to make sure that the conclusions we make are as accurate as possible. Once we have data that we can share, we will ask for your input and insight on our conclusions. Our goal is to identify the underlying reasons behind any problems we uncover and we may find it necessary to make fundamental changes to the game to address them. As we move forward with this process, we will keep the community apprised of our findings and gather their input on the changes we feel need to be made to make players of all classes in EverQuest feel useful as they fulfill roles that are interesting and fun to play. We would like you to be part of these discussions and help us to determine the shape of classes in EverQuest's future. Thank you for you time and for being a part of this wonderful world that is Norrath. As an initial step in this process, while we are gathering data, we're going to host a live chat between players and the developers to begin this discussion. We will announce the time and date for the chat in the next few days. The EverQuest Team. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Post Comment
# Jan 08 2005 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
All I wanna see is druids get the ability to get crit heals with their line of CH spells.

Even if it was only with a focus effect on epic 1.5 or something, it would help a crap load while tryin to play healer in a few OoW zones
RE: Druids
# Jan 10 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Like every other healing class excluding Clerics, you can get crit heals if you get the right AA. "Healing Gift, Requirements: Level: 55, Must spend 6 ability points in General Abilities. This ability grants you a chance to score an exceptional heal at 3, 6, and 10 percent. An exceptional heal douples the healing value of the spell" it costs 12 points to max it out. not so hard. Then you can pump it up even more with Advanced Healing Gift. And no one is going to ask a druid to be the healer in OoW before really high levels anyway (66+ at least), unless your talking DS, which a group of 50s could handle with the only healer being a paladin. So, just work on your aas and quit whining.
RE: Druids
# Jan 11 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
Maybe your druid. Time/GoD/OoW geared druids can heal Time/GoD/OoW geared tanks in RS just fine, do it all the time. Only downside is figuring out 96% rezzes when adds happen and something goes wrong. No one's saying clerics aren't better healers.

It still would be nice to see Karana's crit though. Max heal for Karana's is 5990 with adept 9 and I regularly heal a 15k tank. Even with the 75% restriction a 11,980 heal would be nice to have, it's barely 75% health anyhow.
% based cheals
# Jan 10 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
The reason that druids/shammies cannot "crit" their "cheal" line of spells is that the spells are a % based heal. Meaning that no matter what the hps are of your target.. you will ONLY get up to 75%. SO, where as druids can take aa's to increase the healing power of their other heal spells... their "cheal" spell lines are NOT effected by the aa (ie: The spell Nature's Touch heals your target for 978 and can be crited... but the spell Tunare's Renewal which heals up to 75% of max hps can not be crited).
It comes down to players not understanding other classes spells. Might want to read up before you call someone a whiner.
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
Class issue... kinda
# Jan 08 2005 at 3:33 AM Rating: Good
I guess this isn't so much a class issue as it is several classes, but I've been suggesting to SOE for about 6 months that they offer a way to toggle the spell casting subtlety AA on and off.

For example, SKs with this ability are naturally going to have more difficulty keeping aggro when they're the main tank of a group. But they certainly don't want to take aggro off a warrior (for example) if the SK's role is DPS and backup tank. In a way the ability breaks the character. It'd be nice to choose when to have it on when you'd rather not steal aggro and turn it off when you want all the aggro you can get.

My impression of AAs is that they're a way to improve the capabilities of your character. It's rough that this one is such a double edged sword.

Ranger tanks
# Jan 07 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
Currently as a 70 ranger with CA3,CS3,PE,LR5,ID5, RM5 and DI5 I still feel like im getting out-tanked by pallys/sks the same level with much less aas and hp/ac gear in places like MPG and WoS.
RE: Ranger tanks
# Jan 08 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
well could that be because your not a TANK you are a damage dealer?? not to say that rangers CAN'T tank but its not their main area of expertise.
RE: Ranger tanks
# Jan 08 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sat Jan 8 12:00:56 2005
Pallies need fixing?
# Jan 07 2005 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
Whats the problem with Pallies?Pallies where never meant to be main tank for raids,get over it.As far as discs?All hybrids have 4 discs,but the fact we get spells gives us other options.Pallies get slays up to 6k and can self heal themselves and the entire group.Ive grouped with several pallies that can tank and be main healer at the same time.Warriors where made for being the raids damage taker.If pallies where able to tank the same as warriors there wouldnt be a need for warriors.Learn your class,and grind some aa.You will be useful someday.

Bracin 70 Ranger Fironia Vie
RE: Pallies need fixing?
# Jan 08 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
Okay, try re-reading the post.. Lets talk about learning my class...

The game has changed, things are no long just 72 person raid content. Much of the content is based around 1 group events, instanced what ever. GoD trials, Vxed, Tipt and on up. There is no reason why you should HAVE to have a Warrior to complete something that is single group.

Like I said a lesser geared/hp warrior could survive Jhriu, based on clicking /def disc.

Did I say that I want to "Tank" raid content? No.. Why, because this discussion is based on "Group" not raid. Again if you would read, you would know that.

There are 3 "Tank" class's. Warrior/Paladin/SK.. Those are your choices when you want a balanced group. Depending on content, one may be better then the other. Exp grouping all of these are interchangable.

When talking about doing instanced 1 group flag progression content, they are not interchangeable.

How many different class's are there for CC? Chanter, Bard.. You have a choice if you want the best CC..

DPS there are a lot more choices..

Utility lots of choices..

Healers, 1 group exp content you can probably use a druid.. If your talking BoT.. Any GoD/OoW there is no way you can have a druid as the main healer and still be efficient.

Thing is there is something wrong when the only way you can get the best group is by having 1 certain class that will make or break the group.

And as far as Slays go. I have all the crit, and max slay.. They nerfed this long ago because SoE felt it was "not balanced" Our Holyforge disc, has not worked for the longest time. Kinda silly that SU is a class defining AA, and it does next to nothing. For the 18AA's I spent to get it, plus the pre-req which was another 12AA.. For a total of 30AA for something that is random, and seldom at best. And will only work on content that is undead which, if you haven't noticed, there is not a whole lot of zones that are purely undead. So, don't talk to me about 6k slays.

Point is, we are not as good at tanking as Warriors. We give up some of that for the ability to have spells. However, when the spells are for the most part useless when you have a cleric in the group. You have inefficient heals plus a plethra of other crap that will get used seldom at best.

It comes down to Stuns = the pally. You take away the ability for us to stun a mob, you take away our dmg avoidance.

So maybe you ought to learn more about MY class. I have played 2 Pallies up to 65+. I think I know a bit more about the situation. Talking from the other side of the fence is always easier.

RE: Pallies need fixing?
# Jan 20 2005 at 1:38 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Nov 5th 2011 12:15am by KGBSpectre
RE: Pallies need fixing?
# Jan 15 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
Our Holyforge disc, has not worked for the longest time.

I have used holyforge from Day 1 and it has always worked. It only works on UNDEAD!
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 07 2005 at 5:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) to that ****** ******** about discs for knights
# Jan 07 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
Knights need to be fixed..

Pallies imparticular since that is what I am familiar with.

DISC's.. We have not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 useless disciplines.

Fearless? Have the AA's spent so I am never feared.

Resist Disc? Add 5 to all for like 5 mins? C'mon.. That does absoloutly nothing when all your resists get up to 200+ w/o a bard and decent gear.

Holyforge? Actually since the "fix" now gives me less slays. And even when it was working it's not enough dmg output.

Sanctification? Nice disc, but the ammount of time it last is way way short..

Fix the discs.. Give us something that is actuallyh of use.


A Warrior that is lower lvl, and does not have as good gear can tank better then a Knight. Unless the knight has an insaine ammount of HP/AC. I'm talking about the middle of the road knights. The "norm". Yes, we should not be able to tank as well as a Warrior. They are and always will be the kings/queens of that. However when we go up againt a mob like Jhiru in Tipt, I would like a chance to surrvive. I have 9k hps, and around 1700ac and I get eaten alive. I'm a speed bump, however a warrior of the same hp/ac will be able to pop a disc and survive. That makes no sense at all. So, give us a way to surrvive in situations like this. IE Refer to useless disc's. This would be a good one....


OMG.. Get creative with the spells. We get jank upgrades that are for the most part usless when there is a cleric around. Our heals have the crappiest hp to mana ratio's. And stop with the friggin proc's. If you are gonna give me a new proc, make it worth getting. Not just an extra 30dmg. Unlinking HoT's would be nice too. It's not like I'm gonna be chain casting HoT's on someone since only 1 will stick at a time. Same thing with the group heals. Unlink them. They already cost a crap load of mana, if we want to chain them and go oom, then let us.

I don't have a problem with the stuns, as this could be used to stun lock any mob that is 65 and lower. That makes sense, but not the heals.

Make our self buffs stack with the druid buffs.

Define my role in a group. If I am a tank, then give me all the proper tools to tank. If I am a psedo cleric, then make my buffs and heals efficient. When looking at this, look at all ends of the game. Not just the higher end, which is generally what you guys tend to cater to. Think about the 50% of us, that do not have all the time to put into a big raiding guild.

67 Pally
RE: Knights..
# Jan 08 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
OK! I have a pally, and if there is ANY class that is more balanced over the others i would have to raise my hand. Pally's are QUITE balanced. The only way I think that a pally is not balanced is that we get certain spells alot later then we should. but after those levels are past we catch up again and are quite balanced.

and as far as being at tank or cleric, a paladin is a mix of BOTH those classes hense why we are called hybrids. an sk is a mix of necro and warrior.

as far as having 9k hp and dropping faster then a warrior, well a war is MENT to take hits like that and not drop as fast. but a warrior can not heal himself OR stun mobs so they need to be able to take the damage.

Honestly there is no reason for you to be complaining about being one of the most balanced classes in the game. and thats what you are doing!
RE: Knights..
# Jan 08 2005 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Koohkin, number one.. I am not complaining. The point of this forum was to voice opinions about what we as the player base thought needed to be improved for group content. That is what I did, not complain. I save my complaining for the PoN boards.

Number two.. No offense, you are at a lvl where playing the pally if probably most fun. Because there is no real disparity between the tanks. When a mob is hitting your for 80dmg, it's a bit different when it's quading you for 1100dmg. Enjoy those lvl's because things will change when you get some lvls.

Again, I will say this. I don't want to tank AS GOOD AS A WARRIOR. I just want a better chance to survive an encounter with any given name. Be more of an asset to a group, rather then a liabilty because were not sure if I will get pummled by any given named mob.

Make my 4 discs that I have useful. Make my eye candy AA ability useful in more then 8% of the game.

So, again.. This post is all based on your own personal opinion. If you want to voice your opinion about your class then do so. Dont, bash me over voicing mine.

RE: Knights..
# Jan 09 2005 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
aye. I wasn't bashing your for voicing your opinion. I honestly took a good look at it. and sure there are things that NEED changing. But as far as balance goes pallys are really balanced. If a pally could use anything more its the low level groups. In playing my pally(i am a part time player who took a 2 year break) I am only lvl 49 at this point yes. But I do have enough of a grasp of the game as a whole to understand that there are other classes that need more work then pallys. that was the point I was trying to make and am quite sorry if I was mis interpreted.
RE: Knights..
# Jan 10 2005 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
i'll start at the top and work my way down
i agree 95% on disc ... fear and sanc are about the most useless i could think of
resist disc is nice for when ya wanna duel (all i use it for)
holyforge eh i pop it on named mobs and raid mobs just for the heck of it.

i agree we need better spells 90% of our heals are useless if ya have a "smart" cleric with ya
buffs brells and aura is all we really have when ya can get 4 hours buffs from a cleric
dd ... undead only .. (aside from that one spell with insane recast and only 125 dam that is always resisted)
stuns o god stuns that we have ... ofcorse oow-pop stuns are spell link'd where ya cant use them together
tanking .. i dont wanna be able to last as long as a warrior but ya know what when your talking about balanceing and paladins there is only 1 thing you should be thinking "shadowknight"
lets face it shadowknights it and i'll let you in on a secret if a pally cant stun it a sk of equal gear is a better tank for the job
min tank for RS is 11khp 2kish ac .. everything is over lvl 70 so everything is immune to stun thus pally's dont tank much there unless they got really good gear
btw 11k pall dies faster in rs then a 11k sk reson being (taps dont have a lvl cap stuns do)
and koohkin your not even lvl 49 you just set your feet into pop sorry to say but you are at the top of the hill try to enjoy the ride down
(edited part)
btw koohkin your about to find out very soon you will lose the ability to pull and thus you will spend 2x as long lfg then you do now

Edited, Mon Jan 10 03:11:47 2005
RE: Knights..
# Jan 07 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
Ummm You know that a Warrior of similar HP/AC just takes 12 seconds longer to become said speedbump. He can use Furious/Fortitude disc but Jhiru was re-tuned so that if a Warrior uses Defensive/Evasive/Stonewall Jihru will just ignore him and shred the rest of the party.

That proves the useful disc gives the Warrior a 12 second edge in tanking, but at that level of HP and AC you're both toast unless you start with a Ranger WS, then hopefully taunt before he smears and have a charmed pet doing mad damage.
RE: Knights..
# Jan 10 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
Yes but in that 12 seconds not only is the warrior alive for the cheal to land, the mob is slowed, tashed, malo'd and dotted a few times. Paladin 99% of the time isn't alive to see the first cheal on anything a warrior needs disc against.
RE: Knights..
# Jan 07 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
A 12 second disc...... cleric CHeal 10 seconds..... do the math.
RE: Knights..
# Jan 07 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
Whats a Knight?
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 07 2005 at 1:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) n/t
# Jan 07 2005 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
I think the idea of limiting a group to one per class is totally lame and against the basic concept of EQ as a roleplaying game. People are too into the exp grinding and not enough into the roleplaying. If you limit a group to one person of a given class you are ignoring the way things would occur in a true to life (EQ) situation where a couple of friends want to play together but cant because they both have pallys for their main characters. On the other side of the roleplaying coin, I never understood why EQ explained the faction problems between the good/evil races but allowed any mixture to group together. Halfling gets killed in Neriak but dark elf and halfling group together to fight in Highkeep. Anyway, a limit of 6 to a group is fine but any further restrictions like class or race should be left alone so people have the flexibility to enjoy the game and not sit around because they are the 4th enchanter in BoT when there are only 3 groups and they arent all full. :)
RE: Grouping
# Jan 08 2005 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
This guy is a moron and obviously has no clue how to play a paladin.

1) The paladin is the most surviveable tank around---there is not other class that can give themselves 1k hp in 1 second PERIOD---don't bother pointing out warrior discs because they cannot be used all the time like pally heals

2) A paladin holds aggro only second to an sk making them a far more desireable group tank than a warrior will ever be

3) Don't complain about your dps because dps is not the responsability of the tank and furthermore ALL TANK DPS SUCKS----yes this includes warriors eventhough many wars have convinced themselves that they are dps

4) Most people who complain about their paladin are those who haven't figured out how to play the class and aren't worth a crap at eq anyway so dont listen to them
RE: Grouping
# Jan 10 2005 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency jvalle
1) Almost true (only true as long as your fighting things that are stunable) ie not high end
2) Almost true (obviously you are not a pally or are not high end) for those that dont know it "taunt" only moves your agro to whatever the most is +1 unless you are the most then it will fail yes stuns are good agro lotsa good agro but if some class's go ALL OUT on dps no amount of chain stuning will help ya get / keep agro

3) i dont complain about my dps ...wish it was par with sk (couse imo pal/sk SHOULD BE BALANCED IN TANK ABILITY AND DPS) but actualy me tanking = more dps then most people think
ya have a balanced grp cleric / paladin / bard / shaman / magician / ranger (fairly balanced)
i would have roughly 125 ds going for each fight thus ones i get mad agro i stop stuning so that i can get hit more for more dps thus cant complain much sence that is about 250+ dps average
4) i do complain i am not ebay or plvl i work'd my way from lvl 1 to lvl 70 even did most of 45-50 solo due to low disirability am a officer in the raiding guild i am a member of and a mentor for paladins to teach them how to play there char better and what to do on raids and i do complain couse i know whats wrong and if you did you would complain aswell so imo if you dont have anything to say about a class get out of the forums about class balanceing
RE: Grouping
# Jan 09 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
Just a side not. pally heals Are mana dependent so therefor can not be used all the time either. And yes a pally with KEI CAN go oom!
RE: Grouping
# Jan 07 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
How about addressing the fact that if you are a pally, you either have to be part of a clique to hunt, or else you are left in perpetual LFG state, with nothing else to do while waiting, except looking for lowbies to buff (that a cleric hasnt already TEMPERENCED. BOTTOM LINE: nobody wants a pally, if there's already a tank in the group.

Pally = LAME until you get 350+AA and are 65+. So, level up, you say.....good luck doing that solo. You need a group. And you wont find groups EVER looking for pally. EVER. So how does the pally MAGICALLY get those AA's needed to make them the class they should be, but arent?

FIX: So make 60+ pally more of a DPS class, to compliment our useless and overwritten (and only used out of desperation if no cleric is around) buff lines of spells. Warrior should make a better thank than a pally or SK, but the disparity is FAR too much. Make the class have SOMETHING to offer a group, so we can frikkin PLAY. After 5years, I have had my paci taken away, and my DMG outpust gimped. Pally is far too gear-dependent of a class just to be considered a par player, and another thing with BSS that costs 50k, its out of privce range of most, so therefore unattainable by non Uber players. Oh, and one more thing, once you finally DO save up and spend 50k on BSS, you find out it gets overwritten anytime there is a beasty around. So what REALLY does a pally have to offer? Stuns? wow. And what else? Oh, that's it? Ok, well no wonder pally is undesired, they just take EXP from the group, and dont have anything to offer.

I don't blame people for not wanting a pally in the group. Groups do better with DPS DPS DPS, tank, healer, slower. So where does pally fit into THAT scheme? THEY DONT. IF SoE even gave HALF a CHIT, they would fix what they already have, as broken issues that need fixing. But I got more news for you all....SOE is more interested in selling us another $30 steaming pile o'Chit expansion (rememebr GoD??), than they are in FIXING what THEY made to not work, by constantly raising the bar.

SoE broke it. Not the players.


/rant off

Perpetually unemployed paladin of 5+years,

# Jan 07 2005 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
You say nerf cleric heal abilities, the complete heal was nerfed about 2 or 3 yrs ago and went from 10,000 hps to 7,000. They thought since no tank has 10,000 hps why have a heal go that far.
Now my cleric level 68 has 149 aas fights in mpg and wos, has to start a complete heal on a tank at around 60% to even try to fill the tank back up cause they are pushing 13 and 14,000 hps.
I thought clerics were supposed to be the best at healing are they not, yes they have a summoned hammer that can add some dps but my cleric still can't do squat unless the mob is slowed and even though mob has to be lightblue or green. He has 5500ish hps selfbuffed and 1300ish ac. and thats with some ep gear on him. So don't nerf clerics in the one thing they can do semi ok with a gimp tank cause well geared tanks near death forget a complete heal theres no such thing for them.
RE: Clerics
# Jan 07 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Clerics are the best at healing. No other class comes close.
# Jan 07 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent

Warriors are the masters of the weapon..
so why are there weapons that they canot use..

a warrior should be able to use an Ulak in H2H as well or better than a monk as a warrior gets H2H skill but its NEVER used.. or at least you never see a warrior going old school naked fists in a fight..

monks are the master of using there body for a weapon.. so why not let warriors specialize in brawling.. ( all weapons, yes even caster sticks.. ) anything that can be used to hit a mob with.. a warrior should be able to use..

so that (godly hard hitting ) / (really fast delay ) MNK/BST weapons , add WAR class to it Sony..

flame on.. its solid resoning..
RE: Warriors
# Jan 10 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
IMHO.... DraggynSoldyer
All your post said was you want warriors to have
the highest AC/HP Migration (which they already do) and you want to add the highest melee DPS which is just wrong ... imagen if you would a warrior duel wielding 2 weapons he can get in the bazar that are knight only ... blade of disruption and spiny hammer of chaos (spelling bad i know) you would have 43/30 and 40/28 procing runic and stun throw agro augs on them and you are a GOD!!!!!!!!!! so sorry master of all weapons NO and btw if ya wanna get techincal a KNIGHT! is suposed to be train'd to be a master of all weaponry a warrior is a grunt get it right
gear... ok look up something for me tier 1 oow quest armor for arms wrist gloves and helm compare one of each armor type to each of the others they are all equal acept ac now look up the items needed infact print off the post lising all items for all armors of all classes then log in go to the bazar and look up the items caster stuff generaly runs 50p-1k leather goes about 300p-5k chain runs about 500-10k plate however runs about 5k-50k average
the rest of the post accept for sarthene its about paladins and shadowknights being able to use a 1h weapon and a shield for hp/ac without haveing to be reduced to the dps of a lvl 45 char
to sarthane i have seen many things i have even seen silk classes that can stay alive in wos after the tank goes down and finish the fight off
RE: Warriors
# Jan 08 2005 at 2:18 AM Rating: Excellent
192 posts
Ok, I must say that I am kinda hung up on this issue after reading/re-reading the post a few times.. then thinking about it a bit. In a *way* I agree since a warrior (master of the art of war) should know how to use pretty much any weapon of war. However, if this is so then a warrior shouldn't be able to master any single weapon(being that if you are training on every weapon out there you have no time to focus your skills on just one).
Now on the disagree part.. why pick on just monks/beastlords? Why not all the godly rogue-only or ranger-only weapons out there? Or any other X class-only weapons for that sake? Or is this just the *Player* looking at the crazy dps out put of monks/beastlords with their weapons of focus? Monks Only get 1hb, 2hb, and H2H (yeap beasties get 1hp to add to that list)... while warriors have 1hs, 2hs, 1hb, 2hb, 1hp, 2hp, and can wield a sheild if they so desire. Yes, warriors do deal dps (heck if you hit the mob at all you deal dps) but warriors were not designed to be the high dps classes that monks/beastlords/rogues/etc/etc are.
As a beastlord player I will agree that there are some really crazy H2H weapons out there... BUT being already limited in my gear (ever tried to get *good* high end gear for a beastlord that even comes close to some of those plate items out there??) and in my weapon choices.. are you going to also make me fight against warriors for that ulak? If so then they need to add pally and sk to some of those warrior-only items (and hate augs) out there.
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
RE: Warriors
# Jan 07 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
/agree 100%

It's really sad sometimes. Figure a 1HS that a Paladin & Shadowknight but warrior is baffled by it so can't use it? Just doesn't make sense.
Antonius Bayle
RE: Warriors
# Jan 07 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
It's called magic. A knight can use it to it's full advantage based on their close alliance to their god, a warrior can only see a rusty piece of junk and would never even pick it up.
RE: Warriors
# Jan 07 2005 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
then how is the warrior epic a magic item..

think again friend..

gods have nothing to do with smakin an orc in GFay or a lion in the karanas.. if a warrior wants to slice and dice go for it.. if he wants to box , then let him pull off the gauntlets and go bare knuckles..

give warriors more weapon versatility
RE: Warriors
# Jan 09 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default

Sorry, allergic to stupidity.

With your logic since casters can use daggers with should have something like the new rogue epic as a useable weapon.

Unless I haven't been paying much attention over the past few years Warriors have all but one type of weapon skill open to them, more discs than you can shake a Stick of Fury at, and better armor types than the monks/bsts you selected as targets.

ALL DPS classes make up for their higher DPS with lower armor class. Monks/BSTs/Nuking Druids get leather, casters get robes (ever see one of those really stop a blade? Didn't think so), and Rogues/Rangers/Zerks get chain. They could tank but the healers spend so much more time and mana keeping them alive...

Anyway, do people REALLY expect SOE to do a damn thing about class balance? I've bitten before and I refuse to be burned again. I've closed my account until I find they changed the balance well enough.

/rant off

Have fun posting.
RE;class balance
# Jan 06 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
With teh increasing difficult areas such as Riftseekers would be great to see SK's and Pallies get DEF disciplnes I knwo they get some great spells but with only 4 disciplnes it can be annoying not being able to hunt in certain zones without a Time+ geared sk,pal or a war.
# Jan 06 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
my suggestion is make the tasks process more usefull and more possible to complete as solo's. I have done some and enjoyed them, but my pal has to be at the top of the range for a task to be able to complete them solo. normally has to be in a group to complete the task. Give us more solo options. people will return to EQ if things don't get stuffed up.
# Jan 06 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
my suggestion is make the tasks process more usefull and more possible to complete as solo's. I have done some and enjoyed them, but my pal has to be at the top of the range for a task to be able to complete them solo. normally has to be in a group to complete the task. Give us more solo options. people will return to EQ if things don't get stuffed up.
my guess
# Jan 06 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
I am guessing they make all the classes a little more generic and you can customize yourself with AA or Group or Raid Points.
Endurance regen
# Jan 06 2005 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good
192 posts
As a hybrid class (lvl 63 beastlord) I have both mana regen items/spells and hitpoint regen items/spells... but I would like to see Endurance regen items/spells added to the game to help out the pure melee/hybrids. When the concept of endurance was modified to act as a sort of "mana" to melee (we burn endurance to use our disciplines as a caster burns mana) there was the lack of addition/modification of items/spells that effected it. For those that remember, the little yellow bar Used to be a Stamina bar and there were (and still are) spells in game that were designed to directally "heal" Sta (Invigor) or to add Sta "regen" (Acumen). Since the change to Endurance there has been really no way to get back that evil yellow bar other than sitting/not using your disciplines since the old spells no longer effect it.
I think the addition of Enducance regen items/spells would help all melee (hybrid or pure) so we can actually Use our disciplines more often (one after the other) and/or in partnership with aa ablities.
In days gone by, I remember the flowers and the sky
RE: Endurance regen
# Jan 07 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
642 posts

I think that's a terrific idea. I'm not of a level to scribe Acumen, but I did buy Invigor and scribe it just because I hate seeing blank slots in my spell book. =)

Since the advent of the Endurance bar, the spell(s) do nothing useful as you rightly point out. If SOE would switch the spells from STA to END it'd be a good thing.
watch out soloers
# Jan 06 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
Notice that they didn't say anything about taking a look at soloing abilities. Group roles first, then raid. Period. Don't get your hopes up that anyone's going to come out of this able to solo better. My guess is that they'll tend to specialize more, so that fewer classes can solo. Remember, if you like to solo, you're bad and nobody likes you.
RE: watch out soloers
# Jan 07 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
If you like to solo noone likes you?? WTF? I love to solo and have gotten darn good at it as of late. Classes are made to be soloers and groupers..I'm a necro and I still sit for hours with LFG on before I head out to farm AA's in PoS. And i solo with LFG on. Its noones fault soloers are so good at soloing its what the classes are made for..of course a war cant solo up aa's like me but its harder for me to find a grp were I can just be a necro instead of the puller/mezzer/charmer/manabattery/offheal/maindps and all the other stuff we can do in a grp. And try dealing DPS in a seriuos grp and accidentally pull aggro off the War we never hear the end of it and usually end up dead or FD with only 6% hp left...I love my solo abilities and its the solo aspect that keeps me paying for the privalige to play..if anyone needs any fixing please help the warriors and their aggro sustainment and leave the soloers to solo if they want.
RE: watch out soloers
# Jan 07 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think the person posting this was meaning no one in the game likes soloers, the developers and designers of the game may not. Let's follow their reasoning a second here, "EQ is a role playing game, how can you role play if you're alone so make the players group."

I personally love to group with necro's or any classes other then bards, nothing against bards as a class just the individuals I've had the misfortune to group with that didn't know their class or were plain and simply idiots and were unfortunately bards.

I have no tolerance for someone who loots the best drop in the group conveniently goes LD and when they come back don't honor the roll on the loot and takes off running, likewise for someone who doesn't know their class and tries to tell everyone else how pitiful they are and they better do it their way or get booted. I'd rather solo or go on my trader then group with those type of player no matter what class they play.
RE: watch out soloers
# Jan 07 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
If you like to solo noone likes you?? WTF? I love to solo and have gotten darn good at it as of late. Classes are made to be soloers and groupers..I'm a necro and I still sit for hours with LFG on before I head out to farm AA's in PoS. And i solo with LFG on. Its noones fault soloers are so good at soloing its what the classes are made for..of course a war cant solo up aa's like me but its harder for me to find a grp were I can just be a necro instead of the puller/mezzer/charmer/manabattery/offheal/maindps and all the other stuff we can do in a grp. And try dealing DPS in a seriuos grp and accidentally pull aggro off the War we never hear the end of it and usually end up dead or FD with only 6% hp left...I love my solo abilities and its the solo aspect that keeps me paying for the privalige to play..if anyone needs any fixing please help the warriors and their aggro sustainment and leave the soloers to solo if they want.
RE: watch out soloers
# Jan 07 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Fri Jan 7 12:23:09 2005
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 07 2005 at 4:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Bah.. As a Warr. I'm sickened by Necros and Beasties that can solo and Farm AA's before I can even find a group. Don't get me wrong I don't hate the player, I hate the game. If anything needs to be addressed as far as Soloing classes goes it should be something that makes them go LFG for hours like the rest of us. Maybee then the groups will fill up faster and the "Group Roles" will be of mutual respect and need.
RE: watch out soloers
# Jan 07 2005 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
They didn't say anything about solo . Pershaps because soloing classes can do task a lot better than others classes .
I just take one example :
I play a Paladin , level 70 , time geared .
I have a friend playing a level 63 Necromencer .

In the same zone ( Noble's Causeway ) , when I kill 1 mob in solo , he can kill 3 . He burns 15 to 20% mana per mob , I burn like 40 r 50 % .

Now see a raid . What can a Paladin do in a raid ? "Offtank" adds , that is all I see .Our heal is like 1500 , ( 1 hit of a raid named ...witch quad!).

Remember , hybrid tanks ( Pal and SK ) are :
_ 50 % tank
_ 50 % healer ( or necromencer )
0% efficiency

RE: watch out soloers
# Jan 10 2005 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
wow you kill 1/3 of a necro and stil have 1/2 your mana and you complaining ... about efficiency personly i like not haveng to tank in raids couse thats all i ever do is tank maybe once ever 2 weeks i'm not the tank in a grp (got to be a 11k+ tank in the grp for that to happen)
yes we are not disirable in most raids for heal/tank and unfortunitly people seem to have the idea in there head that we are kiter's on raids ( i mean really now of ALL the classes you want tanks to kite when i know 5 classes off the top of my head that are 5x better at kiteing)
# Jan 06 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I play a lvl 65 monk and i have decent gear and over 4600hp unbuffed so nothing should be done about our hp. With our pulling capabilities i think they need some help, I constantly get WOS groups where i am not the main puller most of the time its because i have no sow or soe. the bard, tank, or even a chanter with a horse does the pulling most of the time over me and i feel useless just sitting there whacking on the mobs. the 12-15 second speed burst with planeswalk discipline sucks due to the 30 min reuse time and the phantom call discipline only works up to lvl 65 mobs so anything i have to pull above me i have to FD split which again takes forever with all the messed up pathings, and i dont get another discipline like it until level 69, WTF? plus FD doesnt even get rid of aggro for about 15 minutes, so im just laying there while the tank has tagged one of the mobs I have split so that i dont train the group with an extra mob. plus i constantly take aggro from warriors that are even a few levels higher than me, i can FD but they just hit me again after i stand back up due to no loss of aggro. i only have 83 AAs increasing my mitigation and dmg i do like ambidexterity and up to physical enahancement and even double riposte and return kick, planning on lvling up for real now. so really i believe that our pulling capabilities need increasing and our ability to lose aggro better than anyone like in the old days should be increase because a lot of people lose aggro faster than i do EVEN THE WARRIORS! my 2c

Edited, Thu Jan 6 13:25:34 2005
RE: monks
# Jan 06 2005 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
497 posts
Disclaimer: None of this is meant as a flame vs other classes. I know no class is being favoured over others to any large degree, and we all have issues that need fixing. Don't counterflame me with unrelated things. I'm merely pointing out the issues monks are facing today, and drawing comparisons to other classes to prove the point.

FD memblur takes approximately 2-3 minutes, not 15. And it's meant to be a fallback thing, not a quick painless way to pull.

I agree that our class does have some issues, but running faster is a minor one. What about our mitigation? It was nerfed ages ago because of itemization issues in Velious and Luclin, but now it's been found our AC does jack all above 1200 or so, and the nerf is long due to be lightened.

And the FD getting rid of aggro thing. I don't mean to patronize, don't take it that way, but you are turning off attack right? Any time I get aggro in an exp group and FD, I lose aggro almost instantly.

Another odd thing I've noticed is if you have a stunner in your group stunning the mob, if you FD and stand while the mob is stunned, it won't do a thing. I FD and wait for the HoTT to turn to the tank before standing to be sure.

By the way, Return Kick and Double Riposte are broken. I forget which, but one of them overwrites the other, essentially. (ie: You will only Return Kick, never Double Riposte, if you buy both.) Been that way since Luclin.

As far as aggro goes, I tank now and then if the need arises (chanter dies and I have to offtank a mezzed mob, tank dies, no tanks lfg, etc.) It'd be nice to see some more pro-tank movement for monks. Be it improved damage mitigation, or better aggro holding, or some lesser form of warrior /shield.

Monks seem to be the pure class that have nothing they do best, so why not give us back what we had, and let us be a minor tank again?

A monk pulling in Time is almost a waste of time compared to a Necro/SK/Bard team. I know it can be done, but it's much slower because all we have to rely on is FD.

If Sony puts us back in the lead as pullers, the Necros SKs and Bards are likely to pitch a fit about being nerfed. And I'm not going to rant about how each of them has so many other things they do well.

If they put our DPS up some, we'll hear it, too. Take a look at Beastlords. They're meant to be a hybrid of us and a Shaman, yet they do more DPS, tank better (both in terms of getting aggro and taking damage,) and can slow, heal, buff, invis, etc. I have 6.3k hp unbuffed, and have a tough time soloing PoI without ample downtime, yet a 55 BST in low-end gear can solo twice as fast as me, a similar-leveled BST with lower gear can easily out-taunt me (slow, cripple, pet procs,) and a similar-geared BST can take dmg better than I do. Or at least it seems that way to me.

Anyway. My point is, Sony needs to decide first of all what the heck Monks are supposed to be, because they've bounced all over. We went from pullers to tanks to dps to pullers again, but never were we particularly good at any one, despite being one of the "pure" classes.
Get ready for Xmas
# Jan 06 2005 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
My opinion?

They're going to "make the classes fun to play" by addition not subtraction. No one is going to get nerfed. They are going to empowered. To what? To solo, duo and group.

I would think that Sony is aware that for every nerf to a class, they will lose a percent of their subscription base.
Flyhalfer Wingfoot
Melee Druid of Karana
RE: Get ready for Xmas
# Jan 07 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
LOL! Never.

Sony: Destroyer of Online Worlds
# Jan 06 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think allowing more toons into a group is necessarily a good idea...just gives the ability of people to either put more tanks/healers in a group for a higher mob, or (nothing against multi boxing) but is just going to enable one or two people to multi box even more and the grouping problems is not solved. I am really not sure what the answer could be...
RE: Grouping
# Jan 06 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
I actually like the idea of "No doubling up of classes in a group". IE you can't have two Clerics, two tanks, etc.etc., you may have only one. This would give the other classes a chance to group. I have a 44 Shaman that has no problem ever getting a group, a 27 Cleric that has no problem, but my 59 Ranger? nearly impossible.
RE: Grouping
# Jan 06 2005 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I like the idea of no doubling up of classes in a group as well. (At the same time I have seen a party of beastlords run a LDoN and tear it apart.) The statment of increasing a groups membership was geared more to what I have been seeing in the last six months. A lot two boxers/bots out there which allows a group to do well. So in effect instead of only six players you have 7 or 8. Just make it "legal" and give people the chance to bring in an extra member. Can not tell you how many times its been nice to have a shammy/druid on the side when the clr makes a "ranger" gate(dies). Having 7 or 8 slots would open up IMO the addition of Rangers, Monks , etc.
RE: Grouping
# Jan 07 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
Nice idea of having only one class in each group, but i think some alterations need to be made. For single groups yes but for raids i would not like that limitation too much. If a raid is over let's say 15 ppl that should not be applicable.

Furthermore i would like to see an increase in group number limits. I would suggest something like a dynamic range of members. Lets say they increase it to 9 For every double class in that group the group looses 3 and 2 places. So if you include 2 wars the max persons in the group allowed decreases to 6 and for another double or third war the group drops to 4, so that there is a substantial penalty. To encourage grouping even more, the groupbonus also needs some work.

# Jan 06 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
40 posts
I agree that all classes need changes. But based on past experience with SOE this is a dangerous road to go down. SOE does not have a record of changing the game in the manner players would like for changes to be made. Remember pre-Omens? Since SOE will probably make changes anyway.... I currently have a 65 shammy, had a 65 cleric who I retired and a 69 beastlord. If SOE wants to fix something fix the high level spell turn-in. What good is it being 69 and not being able to get your new spells? At 8% away from 70 I will probably make level 70 and still only have 1 69 level spell to play on.

Other changes required? : imo; Yes more solo capability and content for all toons at all levels. Tasks were a step but a broken step. You were almost required to have a group to to finish several tasks which defeated the whole concept. Increase group size: make a group up to 8 characters! You want to see increase in demand for those un-loved toons? increase group size where you are now able to add an extra paladin/warrior/shammy etc.

Beastlords are not light tanks! Sure we can deal out DPS but if SOE is going to give BST spells and weapons which draw agro then BST need capabilities to drop agro. Why can BST not FD? play possum if you will? Why are BST so limited in armour. SOE needs to go back and read the descripition of a Beastlord. We are suppose to be in the middle of the melee but we do not have the AC, HP, or weapons (not counting time/elemental/epic weapons which not everyone will have) to sit and melee and go toe to toe with a mob if the tank goes down. Beastlords should be able to wear at least chain mail or if SOE wants to keep the leather only rule then we need more capablities that a monk has.
While I have not been playing EQ for 5 years I have been playing for a while now. And I have been playing D&D/AD&D/Runequest/etc for 30+ years. I would rather not see EQ go. If SOE wants the game to make it SOE needs to listen to the people who play and the people who pay. That is to each and everyone one of us who are willing to take the time to talk to SOE. my 2c.

Zanriz-69BST Cazic Thule
RE: Beastlords
# Jan 06 2005 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I have to agree here we're not light tanks, yet repeatedly we get the agro from the tanks in some cases more then i get when i'm playing my 'chanter and nuking. Yes we get a nice slow at 65 and yet if we cast before the tank has agro guess who's in for a beating. I'm not sure how FD would work for us having not played a necro or my monk high enough for it to really work yet, but if you're going to make us or keep us as semi tanks then how about giving us the weapons and armor to match that.

The whole upper level spells needs to be redone IMO, unless we can get groups in BoT the level 65 spells alone are over 25-35k in bazaar on our server. Runes have been slowly dropping in price but are still around 20k each, don't even get me started on the price of ornate or high end weapons. I know a White Dragon Helm is hard to get and the stats on it are fantastic but 250k fantastic?
Class balance
# Jan 06 2005 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
Between my husband and I, we have played or experienced every class available. Most classes are well balanced now and need to real help to function in a group/raid situation.
The only classes I would suggest giving a REAL look at are:

Bezerkers: At low levels they kinda suck, limitations on good weapons make it hard to do the dmg they can be capable of. Gear-wise, there isn't alot of good lowbie gear that give the amount of stats/hps needed to make them last long in a group situation.

Warriors: I've played a warrior till about 57th lvl. I liked it at first, only because some really nice druid gave me some gear when I was a lowbie. Dmg-wise, they can't hold agro, taunt rarely works (even if it is maxed out). Why have taunt if when you hit the button, you still see the mobs backside? Warriors are not rogues and when i get hollered at by the rogue in the group for taking his/her place, I get discouraged. Warriors are suppose to take the hits for the group, and so when a group can't rely on the warrior, it makes them a class NO ONE Wants!!! Make some changes other than the added would really help. :)

Rangers:I have a 42lvl ranger, while i can use a crappy DOT to help the mob die a bit faster, it serves no purpose other than raising skill. If rangers are the only other tank in a group, their DPS needs a raise - seriously. At low levels, the bow serves no purpose other than raising your skill, but come on, when the max dmg I can shoot with a bow not being over 60...there's something wrong(i don't have an uber bow, but that's not the point). Rangers are the masters of the bow, lets see it at low levels to make us excited about the higher lvls.

Wizards: I have to agree with previous posts. Wizards need a balance. I have only played a wizard till lvl 20, but their group capabilities could be better. Their nukes are awesome, but when they gain agro, they don't last but a few hits. I wish to see them participating more with nuking in a group and not getting agro (here's where the warrior agro would come in handy) :)~

RE: Class balance
# Jan 07 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
Aggro really isn't an issue for well-played Wizzie, even without Concussion. You simply have to resign yourself to spending nearly half of every fight sitting on your butt doing nothing, only to stand up once or twice & toss a nuke.

& of course, if you have Concussion, you can then toss a few more nukes.
RE: Class balance
# Jan 06 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
497 posts
I played a wizard most of my EQ life, on into the Elementals. Wizards really don't need much attention. Have problems with aggro? Go do the Concussion quest and cast it now and then, or avoid the "omg I wanna crit 10k" nukes. They're not meant to be the main fare of a wizard's repetoire. Chain draughts with a concussion, or even the medium-sized nukes, and aggro's not an issue.
# Jan 06 2005 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I think they are to balanced unless I am misunderstanding the word balance. I think all the classes should be specialized. heck you used to absolutely need a rogue to get into some place. or out of them but now just about anyone can open a locked door one way or another. and that is just an example whatever class you play think of what special ability you used to have that is now done by another class. I have played most classes one time or another currently a 56 necro on brell. The only complaint I might have is that high lvl spells are getting very rare considering noone grps or raids outside of the planes anymore so the economy is all twisted up 7k for a pet spell?? I think the world is to big now instead of another 20 zone expansion they could have gone back and revamped the old world and fixed all the broken quests.....
# Jan 06 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
I would like to ask the question, Why arent Warriors the Best Tanks? When you look at specific roles the Warrior is supposed to be the best at Mitigation and Agro control.

A Pally with Stuns can Hold agro just as well or better, heal, and rez if something does go wrong.

Warriors are so Equipment reliant that if you are not time geared your pretty much not wanted in groups anymore.

Just make Warriors the tanks they are supposed to be.
RE: Warrior?
# Jan 06 2005 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I think some folks get the impression that "tank" is a synonym for warrior and the others should just be gimp-tanks. In fact, there's no reason one tank classes should have an advantage over another for TANKING. Don't classify yourself according to this one ability, but look at your entire set of skills.

Paladins - Sacrifice about 40% of their melee damage for stuns and healing spells they mostly can't use in battle. Oh, and one buff that stacks with clerics. Paladins best spells are stuns, which cannot be used unless the paladin is tanking and get more nerfed with every expansion.

Shadowknights - Sacrifice about 40% of their melee damage for snare, dots, debuffs and a nearly worthless pet. Most of these are high agro, so an SK has to tank to use them.

Warriors - One of the better DPS classes. The most flexibility of weapon choices. Compare to a rogue who has better DPS but cannot tank at all.

Each is different, but on the role of tank, they can all share the title for BEST. The funny thing is, it often doesn't matter because the usefulness of another tank is minimal. When putting together a group or a raid, you need a certain number of tanks, often just one. More tanks don't help.

Once you have the quota of tank(s) and utility classes, warriors have a huge advantage over the other tank classes. To push up the DPS warriors are almost always more effective than paladins and shadowknights. I rarely ever invite a paladin or SK on an LDoN unless they're tanking, but include warrior on the list with ranger, rogue, wizard, and monk.

Neebat, a stunning high-elf paladin
Spigot, a jumjum warrior
RE: Warrior?
# Jan 07 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
While I agree with most of what you are saying about warriors, I do think warriors have horrible taunt/aggro issues. I have a 67 warrior that has some VT gear and mostly OoW gear with a BoC and Cordhilted spike driver for weapons. Taunt for a warrior is almost completly useless, discipline taunt is on a timer and with 3/5 in WA I still cannot get procs off fast enough to keep a solid aggro...most of the time. As far as DPS unless you have the ability to get into time/GoD/OoW to get kickass weapons...DPS for a warrior isn't that great but with monks, beastlords, rogues dps rocks. Paladins have tanked for goups I have been in more than one time due to awesome snap aggro and at the highend game they have very nice ac/hp. Now I am sure that GoD/OoW/Time warriors in the big guilds with max stats and 12k+ unbuffed hp and 2500+ ac unbuffed with maxed out aa's have no problems holding aggro and tanking...but then again I couldn't tell you cause I haven't even gotten close to that caliber.

The biggest problem I see in the game now is you have a core class of char that people group with all the time (1 they know it works, (2 those classes compliment each other. Ever since OoW came out I see more bards wanted for pullers than monks for their ability to run faster than the mobs and Fade....I hardly ever see a monk for a puller anymore. SK's I think are left in the dust somewhere to fend for themselves and the only way Pally's get a group is if they are uber beyond words. Druids forget it. Rangers for dps after aa's and nice gear. Its most of your hybrids who suffer the most. The next biggest problem is people don't know how to play their toons or don't go and research on boards or talk in game with fellow classes. I for one don't get a good feeling when SOE desides to nerf or balance classes....never works out well /babbling off

Sorry for the BS all just thought I would throw out my "IMO" babble.
RE: Warrior?
# Jan 07 2005 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
I have a 59 war on Vazzelle and I agree with a couple of things. A: Holding aggro is an issue. A War. hps and AC are completely wasted when we are chasing the mob who is chasing the Neacro that just landed a DoT. Unless the mob is rooted and you are the only one standing next to it it is too easy for almost any other class to yank it away from you. B: I would like to see some improvement in our ability to solo. I lfg for hours and end up running over to LOIO to beat up on the Sarnaks just for the hell of it. Going after one Blue con mob and then spending 5-10 min sitting kinda sux, especially when you consider how easily some of the other classes can solo mob after mob no problem. C: Our total dependance on gear.. I have 3 other high level toons that are completely naked so I could properly equip my War. I would like to see better disciplines or improved AA's. How about spending AA's to do a %improvement in the stated stats for your equiped gear? That way we could improve ourselves without completely blowing the bank.... Just a thought from a completely broke (4) toons
Nerfs are abound again *sigh
# Jan 06 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
Well Im not going to complain I'm just wondering which of my spells will be capped at 55 now...Thx for that nerf on the Screaming terror spell *sigh, was a real surprise to me while I was running from a mob I usually would have killed because I couldnt mezz it. This is just another empty promise from a company with a sudden real threat to its business. When WoW came out the servers emptied..places were there used to hundreds of peeps are now occupied by a scant hundred..this is has nothing to do with classes being out of balance..its due to a lack of players commited to cant get a group not because of class but due to a lack of people plain and simple.

60th Lvl Necromancer
Necros dont need groups but its boring talking to our pets sometimes......

Edited, Thu Jan 6 11:20:30 2005
# Jan 06 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
I have a 56 Rog on Nameless and their is only one area they need improving and I will explain why.
Damage Mitigation.
Rogs tend to get aggro often and evadeing rarely works, so unless you have a MASSIVE tank you have agro for a bit, sometimes an entire fight.
How do I know that their dmg mit sux. My wife has a 56 shammy, we both go in fully raid buffed, our melee skills are maxed for our class/level, I have far higher AC, Atk and HP. We duo and fight a mob and it hits me for say an average of 200 to 400 dmg then same mob turns to her and hits for an avg of 100 to 200. yeah I got GREAT DPS as a rog but Shammies, Druids and Clerics can take a hit better than me and I am a melee class. I am willing to lose some dps to get better damage mitigation.
Just my opnion
RE: Rogues
# Jan 07 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
A Cleric is a plate class and on a different mitigation table and should take a hit better than you. I play both a druid and rogue and druid's do NOT take a hit better than a rogue.
RE: Rogues
# Jan 07 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
I have a 66 epiced rog with decent gear, (6k hp 1200 ac with virtue and 1340 unbuffed attack)on the namless, and I usually have no problem dropping aggro, and rarely have to evade. What I do is I wait a few seconds before attacking and usually only get hit when the the tank moves around or a pet pushes the mob behind me(Beastlord pets are the worst for pushing mobs I find, drives me nuts sometimes, maybe they should fix that) I duo with a 62 pally friend all the time and the only time I take aggro off him is when he stops attacking to heal himself, than 1 stun and he's got it back.

What I would like to see them do for rogues is make an endurance buff or heal , unlink some disciplines and lower the reuse timers, 40 min for counter attack is way too long.Other than that dont' change us at all I love playing a rog.

Spikeo 66 rogue - nameless

Edited, Fri Jan 7 16:47:32 2005
RE: Rogues
# Jan 06 2005 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
As another rogue I can tell you:

Avoiding melee combat is piece of cake for a sensible rogue with a good group. The only time a rogue cant avoid aggro is if the groups tank or pretty much anyone else isnt doing anything to aggro at all.

I can duo with a druid and ensure that the druid has aggro full time without I ever stop hitting.

My bet: you time your evade skill to be used right before you backstab, so that the backstab returns the aggro to you. Try it reversed, and evade right after your backstab - with a sensible tank you will never get aggro, latest example being today where a 49 paladin were able to keep aggro just fine from me (67 rog), simply by using his aggro skills and spells, and me evading at the right times.
RE: Rogues
# Jan 06 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
I agree with Carnos and unlike the original poster I would never trade any of my rogue's dps for increased damage mitigation. I would even go the other way, I would gladily trade in being a chain class to being a leather if we got even more dps and especialy something nice like a chance of assissination working on all mobs when BSing not just the ones 30 levels below me.
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