Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    Agree with lowre person
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
    They need to stop nerfin.. why the **** nerf something .. why not make it with out the effeect instead of havin people spend 25k on somthing then have it nerfed when they get up in the mornig after havin coffee get on and say.. THE ****? My epic used to have a effect HAHH BS .. jsu bs
    My thoughts on this
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
    16 posts
    I've looked over the information, and I must say I like what I see. Looks like EQ2 will kick ***. It is unfortunate that I will be unable to play.

    As far as I'm concerned, the system requirements for this game are absurd. Mid-level or high level P3, 512 MB of RAM, Top of the line video cards...just too much. I appreciate Verant's willingness to take on such an ambitious endeavour. However, making EQ2 only playable to those wealthy enough to possess such a high-level copmuting system will ultimately doom the game.

    I wish Verant the best of luck. They're going to need it.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) **** you lil *****, EQ2 looks ****** up the ***, now shut up **** sucking ***!
    This better be a joke
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
    HAHAH I just thought of one last thing.. i bet this game is a ******* april fools joke .. cuz if its real? then ill be sooo pist at Verant.. haha i might quit this game tonight if they aint ****** jokin HAHAHA APril Fools.. HAHAHA
    RE: This better be a joke
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
    No joke bro, it's ****** up i know :-/ **** Verant, i find a new game. 57 monk
    FUck Eq 2 (cont.)
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
    RE: FUck Eq 2 (cont.)
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
    I agrre bro **** EQ2.
    57 monk of Fennin Ro
    The Fuck... Eq2 can suck my @$&$
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    RE: The Fuck... Eq2 can suck my @$&$
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    We won't miss you

    /bye ManaStorm
    RE: The Fuck... Eq2 can suck my @$&$
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
    Nah, worse than Diablo II. Hell, if they get rid of EQ1 for EQ2, i'll prolly just go back to D2, got a un-hacked 96 necro already. There's zones in D2, so you can still save your *** lol. No rediculous requirements either.
    Calm down
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
    Hey, from what the preliminary info reads like, it sounds like a much improved version of the game. Way to go Verant... if at first you don't succeed, make a bunch of expansions then start over ;D

    As for the lvl 57 monk... this thing is at least over a year and a half away, you think you can get your 3 levels before that? I wouldn't worry about "the players", at what point did EQ stop being a game that you strive for and rather just a pretty looking chat room for you? The players need to have things stirred up and sometimes absolutely changed/erased/upgrade/started over, otherwise they(the players) turn into mushrooms. Change is good. Will it be the same? No. Nothing ever can be the same twice. So relax and enjoy yourself now and don't worry about the distant future.
    RE: Calm down
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
    Shut the **** up you stupid *** *******, think about EQ2 a min then pull your out out yer ***! ****! 57 monk
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 7:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You do not have to agree with me then. But get used to it. All your stuff will be gone some day. This game will not last FOREVER. So just kick and cry about it now, No better yet get a real life instead of showing crap off on a video game. Go work out instead of lifting that fifth candy bar of the evening. Showing stuff off..jeeze.. Thats about the sickest thing I have yet to here. " Be proud of me because I used a computer generated nothing to kill a computer generated nothing and I got this computer generated nothing for it" All you lewts belong to Sony. Get a life
    RE: Whodu
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
    57 monk again, why don't you shut the **** up? I am not a ****** like you prolly are dumb *************! I just think Verant is ****** up the *** and so is EQ2!
    RE: Whodu
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
    Amen! The only thing I do besides this game and basketball is my Girlfriend, and if I were the ****** you (the first guy, not the 57monk) prolly are, I sure wouldn't have her. EQ isn't my life, just an integrul part of it... and I happen to like (understatement) it the way it is.
    Realism = Better Game
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
    Well as you have guessed people dont like the Idea of EQ2 but i think that they should be happy just bcuz its more realistic. The only problem I have with the whole thing is the creatures zoneing... its going to make the game a whole lot tougher... LOL I think people are going to make ALOT of necro's,SK's,and enchanters for feighn death and mezzing just so they dont die so much.
    Although I do not agree with whodu just bcuz NWN is definitly NOT the same thing as EQ which I GUESS he hasnt gotten through his head bcuz most of EQ hours are spent getting items and showing them off.

    60 necro of Povar
    RE: Realism = Better Game
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
    yes, this is ****** tho, cuz FD doesn't comepletely clear all aggro. + they run through zones??!! wtf is that about? EQ2 sounds ******* GAY! Can you please explain this item breaking situation to me please? then maybe I won't hate the idea as bad.
    RE: Realism = Better Game
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
    yes, this is ****** tho, cuz FD doesn't comepletely clear all aggro.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
    Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
    Wow, Imagine a company taking the revolutionary stance that they want to make as much money as possible. Grow up you moron. They are following the market. This is how the new games are, and EQ is loosing customers to them. If enough people want the original EQ to stay, then it will stay until it is no longer profitable. Message boards are (for the most part free); subscriptions to premium games cost money. Which do you think they will pay more attention too?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
    I agree bro, I understand what you going through :-/ I am too, just not gonna flip like you lol. please people, we need to stop this ****. We needa go on strike about this stupid ****. I hate these new rules :-/ about weps and crap breaking!?? what if you in full ToV like me and have apix and **** huh? telling me your epix gonna break? I totally agree with this post. And I think we DO need to do something about it. This is GAY! And verant are so messed up, it's not funny, I also agrre about the nerfing deal. We need to stop this ****. It's not fair at all :-/. One person won't make a difference at all so, whoever is with me and the guy I am replying to, please lets us know. We will need a lot of EQ players to do this. And I know we can, please help us out all you concerned EQ players. 60 warrion of karana
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
    I'm with ya, untill this ******** bout EQ2, the ONE noteworthy complaint I had about VI was the nerfing of items, all the stuff bout slow customer service and such that players ***** about doesnt get to me... Then this comes along, and I frankly can't stand it. The game was great (damn close to perfect), why change it for the worse?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
    60 warrior** haha
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 7:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) From the few posts I read, it seems as though people just don't get it. Maybe they did get the idea of stuff breaking/wearing out from daoc, but hey guess what that's real life. Do you go buy a car and never drive it for fear of it breaking? And getting mad cause they make mobs that can now chase you. Guess what, that is realism which makes for a better game. Can you imagine the population of the earth if every time a human was in danger they could just "zone" and get away from it? And yes I realize it's just a fantasy game, obviously some people don't. Not everything is gonna please everyone, so if they put out a new game and you don't like it, don't buy it. Go outside, try other games, do whatever.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 7:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Everyone should stop whinning. If you don't like it then don't play. One thing you should all remember is this. YOU OWN NOTHING, NOT YOUR CHARACTER, NOT YOUR ITEMS, NOTHING..... As soon as you get that into your head you will be better off. This is a GAME. You pay Sony for the time you play the game. Not for the crap you earn or the levels you make. I am sure that I am not the only person who learned this the hard way. I used to play a great online game called Never Winter Nights. You could only play if you had AOL. In that game you worked long and hard building your character ( Not as long as in EQ granted) But to get the very UBER items you needed special money called pearls. The only way you got pearls was through GM type events. And these were very rare. Some people who played all the time never even had a chance to win a single pearl, and some items cost as much as 15-20 of them. Everything was going great, We had a guild and used to have a blast and the one day we log on to this message. " Thanks for all the support but NWN will be closing down in 10 days " and in 10 days the game was gone. Along with the 1,000's of hours invested. Get used to the idea. NWN was around for 7 years. EQ will not last forever. So if you cannot live in your shallow world without your level 60 High Priest then I suggest you get some help now because the day will come. As we all die so will EQ.
    RE: Whodu
    # Apr 24 2002 at 8:32 PM Rating: Default
    NWN was a free service, I was bummed too when it left, but the only reason was because AOL was not making money on it. EQ has been lining Verants pockets for years now with no end in sight. Don't worry guys, I highly doubt we are going to see EQ1 ending any time soon.
    EQ 2
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
    THe one that is coming out for PS2 is gonna be 500 years before our current eq world.
    Wanna Play DAOC?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
    If i wanted everquest to be just like DAOC i would have bought DAOC and not EQ. I truely hope they keep eq1 just the way it is. Not only do i not like a lot of the new features i refuse to be forced into upgrading my machines just to play a knock off of DAOC
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 7:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) After reading some of the posts its obvious why they call it evercrack. People complaining what will happen if they do away with EQ1. As if EQ1 shutting down would be the end of the world. People, its a game. If you had fun playing it, then it was worth the money. If this vicarous life is the grand acheivement of your real life, then I really feel sorry for you. As for EQ2, bring it on. I had fun playing EQ, but its getting stale and old. By all means keep EQ1 going at the same time as EQ2. I doubt seriously that either will suffer a great deal. The people who don't like EQ have moved on to other games, and maybe EQ2 will bring some of them back.
    wow thanks verant
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
    Wow thats just great now noone can twink...
    Yes of course they give us new grafix and such and make the game much more realistic but whats with not twinking... It puts more fun in the game.I seriously think verant should THINK this over before alot of people start quiting...

    60 necro of druzzil
    Kunark and Velious
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
    I heard only 3 continents what happened to Velious and Kunark and Caster realm also said iksar still there if no kunark where do they live?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
    There are combining AC2, AC, DAC, UO and EQ together. Hmm the best from all worlds. The bad thing is they are develping this games on such highend systems they forget about us. Crap I have enough laggy issues with Luclin. I guess we will all have to have quad 1Gz p4s, 5 gb of ram,128mb graphics cards, and fiber opic internet connection just to walk around in the land.
    Screw this
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
    Nice of you to say you just saw the pictures. **** you.
    Cant ya at least tell us where you saw them so we can all enjoy them?
    EQ Time setting thingy
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
    I just read an older Casters Realm interview with the Executive Producer of EQ2 or EOA that says the world will take place 500 years BEFORE our current world... Now it says it is like 5000 years after... im confused and it kinda seems like they are as well since the interview i read was only about a month old. it would make sense for it being older with continents missing and races not yet being discovered... I dunno i guess we shall see :)
    RE: EQ Time setting thingy
    # Apr 24 2002 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
    The interview you read was regarding Everquest Online Adventures which is a PS2 game and is completely different from EQ2.
    #REDACTED, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 6:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) YEAH, AND i just saw the pictures, with graphics that good they expect us all to get T1 modems now, right? Yeah, SURRREEEE, Verant is just giving out a LOT of BS
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
    I cant believe with all these posts that NO ONE will post where they are getting this info regarding EQ2!!! Please post where you got this info or at least paste it here.
    I think this is really bad
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
    Personally I think that this new expansion they are coming out with is really stupid. For one, most people wont be able to reach those requirements, and even if they can they most likely will never see or meet the people they have once known. Another thing, WTF are they thinking? making mobs zone? Thats just ridiculous. Just wait and see, in the first few months people will be complaining how someone trained Dvinn or some high-to-newbs guy into the newbie zone or something. Then nobody can kill it. So that is just BS, and also means if you die, yo die, nothing you can do to avoid it. Another thing is, How in the world are they going to come up with a zone that big for around 2k houses? That is just the stupidest idea I ever heard. And then you have to hire pc mercenaries to guard your stuff? gimme a break, the mobs better drop like 50pp each or something. AND your armor can break. Its just like getting lucky and getting your epic early, only to find out that on the first couple of strikes, by "bad luck" it breaks and snaps or gets destroyed in your arms, and you are wearing a pile of crap rubble. And come to think of it, most people arent that trustworthy to guard your stuff. And this is BS, if everyone has to buy a boat how many docks can there be on FP or BB docks? Certainly they cannot fit 2k boats each. Not to mention there certainly WONT be 2k boats. LOL, come to think about it, with all this new stuff the game itself will cost like 100 bucks and each monthly payment will be like 50-100 dollars. If the Legends Server can cost so much then this certainly can. And Griffons as specks in the sky....... Now that is the stupidest thing. As usual, there is going to be the z axis glitch, which makes griffons attack you from 1k ft up in the air. AND now there is going to be fixed stats? this is BS, and overall retarded. Why would they do that? How is a newbie supposed to survive in this stupid world? How is anyone gonna get groups at high levels cause nobodies gonna play? who is going to abandon all their equip that took them years to get? Who is going to see everything they worked for lost? Who is going tospend so much money on a piece of crap and junk? Not me, I am sticking with normal EQ until they pull the plug. For EQ2, I will certainly be surprised that it will stay afloat for more than a year, and I assure you, many will NOT be willing to switch. If Verant does something stupid like cancel EQ1, their company is going bam, like that. personally i usualy dont harbor strong feelings about a lot of things, but lets just say that they make a zone large enough for that many houses, farms, boats, caravans, etc, HOW IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TO GET ACCROSS THE ZONE??????? It would be like 100k loc in every direction, and even with a sow would take like 15 minutes to get accross, and then you get the message, Griffon swoops down from 3k feet and rakes at your head! YOU have taken 100 damage! YOU have been killed by griffon! Loading, Please wait....
    AND, even if you do run the griffon will chase you. Plus I really dont think they should change from EQ1 to EQ2, just too much BS, too many promises they will not fulfull, too many bugs, too many things they can never do. So why not just improve a lot on the Normal EQ? You will have a lot more income and success with sticking with EQ1
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
    What if your great warrior grandfather gave you his armor on his death bed and told you to use it proudly. This is all that twinking is and removing it will remove the realism of the game
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
    The new rules sound great to me.

    One of my absolute biggest complaints about the "game" now is twinking and the fact that a groveling L1 dork can use/wear the same items as a L60 ubermensch. A lot of folks like this aspect but it totally blows the realism for me.

    Which comes back to the fact that EQ is more of a game+chatroom than an RPG or a sim.

    At first i was worried about what would happen to EQ if EQ2 comes out, (i have invested a lot of time in my chars these past 2+ years). But now i am thinkgin that if the two games are sufficiently different in rules, then perhaps they can both sustain an audience.

    and have you looked at the screenshots? wowza
    RE: Woot!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, if youve played EQ for 2+ years and have more than one toon i think you have prolly done some twinking yourself... or did you start that alt Warrior totally naked and used a splintering club until he was level 5? lol

    As far as "taking away the realisim" twinking is the most natural human thing in the world - what do you think pple are doing when they send thier kids to the best schools, buy them a nice car, etc? They are TWINKING thier kids (alts) hehe

    Is it FAIR that an orphaned child may not get access to the same priviliges as a wealthy one? No.

    Is it a Reward to those that have worked hard to ba able to share that success? Sure.

    Verant dont make the game FAIR, make it FUN

    I want MORE items like the fungi tunic, not less, they provide incentive and many fun hours.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
    I was one of the first people to post on this thread and over the last 2 days it has expanded into 12 pages of posts.

    I for one do not like the aspect of them coming out with a new game and I will continue to stand behind that statement until I stop playing forever.

    maybe someone with a lot of money or clout can get a website going for people to post reasons why eq2 is a very bad idea. you could have charts and graphs and polls and stuff just to show to verant what there doing to the people that live and breathe there "game".

    Ok worse case scenario...
    EQ servers shut down on eq2 launch day and all your characters/plat/exp/time/money is gone...never to be returned.

    soso scenario...
    they continue to leave the EQ1 servers running for the die hards that will not throw away there characters/plat/exp/time just to play a new game.

    the best scenario of all...
    this is a hoax and there's never gonna be a new eq but there finally gonna do everything riht to the existing game such as the morphs into the bear, zones for houses etc.

    the mobs zoning with you, bank, character picking, armor/weapons breaking things are all stupid ideas and i for one will never play any game with those features let alone something with the everquest name on it.
    oh look I got this uber sword its like 20/30 1hs but im afraid to use it because i might break it...ill use this rusty weapon instead...or I'm so encumbered because i have to carry around 4 bags of spare weapons and armor in case my stuff breaks.

    these are the single most idiotic ideas ive ever heard and i think everyone that has posted in favor of them needs to go play another game and stop polluting this game.

    thanks for your time feel free to flame...
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