Your Characters (WoW)  

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List of Characters

If you have WoWReader installed on your computer, any character that you play will show up here. If you click on any of them, you can set different options for each one such as what details will be displayed on your WoWsig (premium only,) if your inventory is viewable by others, or if other people can view your character at all.

Character Options

Clicking on any of the names will bring up many options for that character. The first, untitled section, shows which character you are viewing. Next to that is an option to change the icon that is displayed next to that character. Finally, there is a toggle to allow others to see your inventory.

Tools Section

The Item Upgrader link will take you to another page where you can see what kinds of upgrades you can get for that character.

The Quest ToDo List shows you all of your current quests, their general level requirement to complete, and a brief description of what is needed to complete the quest.

Background Color Section

Sub-Profiles Section

This area allows you to show gear or talent specs for other roles you play. If you have a set of healing gear and a set of DPS gear, for example. You can add a new sub-profile that will allow you to save a different gearing, or talent spec. You can also rename the sub-profile by clicking on it's name.

Image Signature Section

This area shows a preview image of your WoWsig.

Your Characters
This article describes one of the site tools.
  • WoWreader must be installed to use.

This page last modified 2008-01-30 10:44:28.