WoW Basic Search  

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Search Engine

Basic Search Engine

Basic sidemenu search
Basic sidemenu search
Search results page
Search results page
This is the basic search engine. Simply type in a word or words, and it will seach the database, but limit it to everything pertaining to World of Warcraft. Once in the search results page, the search engine has some other options to clarify your search, such as limiting search results to items in the full game, or on the test server. You can also choose to have results displayed from different language versions of World of Warcraft. On the search results page there is also a link to download and install the FireFox or IE7 plugin to aid you in searching the World of Warcraft database.

Search Results Pages

Searching for a very common term, such as "Wolf" as shown in the following examples, may lead to search results from different areas of the WoW database. Simply click on any of the tabs shown to display the results from that area.

Mob Tab

This tab is very straightforward. It displays a list of monsters with your search criteria in its name. What level, or level range, the monster falls in. The final column displays links to places the monster can be found, if there are more than one.

Item Tab

This search tab displays a lot of information. From left to right, the icon for the item, its name, level requirement, a general auction house price, and other details. The Details column can display relevant information such as who sells the item, what monsters drop it, or a quest that yields the item as a reward.

Quest Tab

Quest tab search results are very simple, but convey a lot of information. The first column shows what the level requirement of the quest is, followed by the quests name. The team column shows if there is a faction requirement, H is for Horde, A is for Alliance. The final two columns are for the quest's category, and who the quest giver is.

Object Tab

The object tab displays things that are found in different areas of the World of Warcraft game world. They may be things used in quests, but are not monsters or inventory items.

Addon Tab

If there are any addons that have your search criteria in their title, they will be displayed here. The other information about the addon can be found here, like its author, rating, total times it has been downloaded, and a short description about the addon.

Spell Tab

The spell tab shows basic information for any spells found to contain your search criteria. The columns show the spell's icon, name, category, level requirement, class requirement, and a brief description. In the name category, you can also see different ranks of each spell.

Guide Tab

Links to various user written guides are shown here. Along with their category, author, overall rating, and relevance to your search criteria.

Search Engine
This article describes one of the site search tools.

This page last modified 2008-01-30 10:41:08.