Preacher (TSW DECK ACH)  

The Secret World
The Preacher spreads the word of power through blood magic and by the blade. This deck is heavy on damage over time abilities, and encourages having as many of them running as possible. Supporting abilities give the Preacher additional methods of applying and empowering damage over time effects.

The Preacher's two ranged stun abilities are useful both for defense and sustenance, as a passive ability recovers health when damage over time is applied to impaired targets.

Requires the following abilities:

Active Passive
Boiling Blood Corrupted Blood
Destiny Blood Bank
Exsanguinate Destiny Fulfilled
Anaesthesia Fortunate Strike
Liquidation Unholy Knowledge
Trial by Swords Circulation
Plague Gross Anatomy
Reward: Preacher

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-09-14 03:01:24.