
Pandawas are carrying Warriors who knows what they can get out of their bodies! And out of that of the others... Indeed, Pandawas don't hesitate to lift their allies off their feet to protect them or their enemies to hurt them!

The Pandawa disciple can easily defy the laws of gravity. Indeed, the Pandawa is very talented to lift his enemies off their feet and throw them into the air. His attack power is high but his range is quite low. He's quite appreciated in groups for this very specific quality.

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Icon Name Level Element Short description
White-Hot Vulnerability 1 Reduces targets resistance to Fire
Boozer 1 Needed to cast elemental spells.
Blazing Fist 1
Fire Based short ranged spell. Must be drunk to use.
Terror 3 Takes away critical hits from the target.
Alcoholic Breath 5
Medium ranged Air based spell. Must be drunk to use.
Aqueous Vulnerability 9 Reduces enemies resistance to Water.
Hangover 13
Earth Based short ranged spell. Must be drunk to use.
Karcham 17 Carry an ally or enemy.
Wind Vulnerability 21 Reduces enemies resistance to Air.
Stabilization 26 Makes target immune to knockback for a time
Chamrak 31 Throws a carried player
Earth Vulnerability 36 Reduces enemy's earth resistance
Stain 42 Casts a random effect to make the enemy lose his concentration. ( One of: Decrease damage, increase critical failures, dispel magic effects or AP loss )
Bamboo Milk 48 Dispells magic effects on caster and removes drunk status
Melancholy 54
Inflicts water damage to the enemy. First Damage spell which does not require the user to be Drunk
Wrath of Zatoishwan 60 Changes self to drunk status while boosting damage and critical hits.
Explosive Flask 70
Inflicts Fire damage in area of effect.
Pandatak 80
Strong ranged, linear Earth attack
Pandiniuras 90 Gives MP to the caster or an ally. Must be drunk to use.
Spirit Bond 100 Summons an Ancient Panda. Must be drunk to use.

Like Sacriers, Pandawas can be built to each of the four elements, depending on the player's preference.

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This page last modified 2009-08-27 04:34:33.