Screenshot Competition Winners Announced: Action

The winners for the Best Action Screenshot were announced on December 24, 2001 on Anarchy Welcome to the first in the series of screenshot competition winner announcements. We will be going through the winners of each category before the New Year. First of all we would like to thank you all for all the many submissions we received. Most of the entries came in the "low resolution" category however, so we had to redefine some of the categories. We included the low resolution ones in the other categories. We also realised it was near impossible to differentiate "action" and "battle" shots hence we merged that category. For all of you who see your shots presented during the next few days: Congratulations, and expect to see your prize early in the new year. Some of you might also see your screenshots in our regular screenshot section. These were the ones that almost made it into the prizes. Better luck next time! Over to the winners, and we start with best action-shot. As mentioned we included entries from battle shots in this category as they were hard to differentiate. And the winners are: 1st: Frank Mascaro 2nd: synj 3rd: Kim Arild Foss


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