This is War! And ArenaNet is Winning

ArenaNet talks about their success in the war against Bots.

Mike Lewis, Security Coordinator for Guild Wars 2, wrote a blog post updating players on the current war against bots in the game. In the post Lewis goes a little into how ArenaNet is combating bots, but the most amazing information is the hard stats.

In just the month of November ArenaNet terminated over 34,000 accounts for botting. That is a lot of dead bots, but is all of that making a difference in the war? I would say most definitely yes! The number of bots reported in October was over 2,000 each hour. Today there is around 20 bots reported an hour. Down to 1% of what it was just 2 months ago!

Lewis said this was possible due to all the data that ArenaNet collects and analyzes. They look at the data for both normal players and automated bot players to quickly find and hunt down bots, a process that ArenaNet focused on making automated to expedite those dastardly bots' defeat.

The bot fighting process isn't entirely automated however. GMs still roam the world and are able to monitor and detect bots directly from within the game. ArenaNet also continues to use player bot reports as well, which with the GM tools and data analysis tools allow for a quick action when necessary. So while the war is going extremely well, players are still able to help keep the enemy at bay.

Matt "Mattsta" Adams


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