Guild Wars 2: "Endgame Reimagined"

Not just endgame for fighters, either.

Guild Wars 2 has been flying off the shelves, and people have already been gouging apart the game, finding every cranny of the world available. But the obvious question pops up - what happens when you've reached the maximum level?

Well, today they've answered that question

There's little in the way of specifics, but it gives you a basic idea of how Arenanet has come to view endgame content. There's the obvious stuff, like bigger bosses and more gloves-off encounters, but it's not just limited to that. Crafting gets the same treatment, like legendary weapons with ultra-rare components and unique visual appearance. And, further, if you just want to explore, each map has the level-adjustment system, so there's never a sense of absolute safety in a zone with lower level creatures. 

Every time Arenanet blogs about their game it makes me happier and happier that they're running Guild Wars 2. 

Julian "Mirai" Williams


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