WildStar Source: A Beginner's Guide to Bartle

What do personality tests and MMORPGs like WildStar have in common? Well... The Bartle Personality Test, of course!

Have you ever wondered why you're always attracted to the same class or play style in an MMORPG? Well, a number of years back, the Bartle Personality Test was released to examine what sort of things are most likely to interest a player depending on the questions he or she answers. From there, the Bartle test would spit out some percentages in four categories: the Killer, the Socialiser, the Achiever, and the Explorer. Dpending on how high (or low) you ranked on those percentages indicates what sort of class you'll be more likely to play, and how you'll approach your MMORPG.

Anyway, WildStar Source has an article up that talks about Bartle and how it relates to WildStar's many paths! You should take a look, if just to get your Bartle Personality! It says that I'm a "Social Killer," which I hope is... good news...

Tags: News, Wildstar


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