Cryptic answers community questions regarding PvP

Cryptic notes that they are focusing on Instanced PvP games, balance and more PvP reward variety

While a lot of the forthcoming answers seem to be some varient of "we are working on it," it's always nice to hear that a company is well aware of what their community wants, and is willing to discuss their future development plans honestly. In the 21st installment of "Ask Cryptic," the STO team fielded some questions about PvP in Star Trek Online.

Unfortunately, for fans who were hoping for something like Auto Grouping in PvP matches, 1v1 Dueling, Open World PvP or mixed faction teams, you've probably got a long period of waiting ahead of you, as the STO team notes that their current priority is to "focus on new instanced games," and creating a "better matchmaking experience." In other words, the team wants to ensure that the PvP games that they do have are running smoothly, before they turn to larger projects like Open World PvP. Hopefully some of these changes come sooner than later, as there are a number of annoyances at stake here, but at least we know that Cryptic is aware!


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