AO Rolls Back Character Database

Because of an exploit inadvertantly introduced in yesterday's patch, Funcom has decided to roll back the character database a day. Here is their report on it: Today’s update will encompass the problems we experienced with our latest patch, yesterday. The patch we released 19.20 GMT yesterday had one very serious exploit that made it possible to get an almost unlimited amount of ip-points. 22.20 GMT we decided to take down the server as the exploit was too serious to keep the game running. The team was called in to find a solution, they worked to fix the problem, and brought up Rubi-Ka 2 05.40 GMT and Rubi-Ka 1 06.55 GMT. The players were updated on the situation every 30 minutes in the launcher. The IP-exploit was very serious and would have lead to great imbalances within the game. We decided it would be unfair not to react, and that is why we decided to roll back the database and recall all the characters to the state they were in before the patch. We are very sorry for the roll back of the database. We know how bad it feels losing only 5 minutes of play, and a lot of players lost several hours. We deeply regret the loss of xp, items and credits that some of you experienced. The team is evaluating and changing the procedures to be sure that we catch serious exploits while they still are on the test-server in the future.


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# Aug 27 2001 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
So at what point do the characters revert to? I don't know when the patch was introduced.
This is crazy!
# Aug 26 2001 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
This sux so much I bought ao and cancelled my account 2 dayds later its too buggy and with funcom doin crap like this its suprising anyones playing...)having said that ill sell my game to whoever wants it with a strategy guide for low my emial is
Another sign...
# Aug 25 2001 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
This is another sign that shows how develepors and lead sales reps prematurely wanted to meet that deadline and how they dropped the ball once again. Apart from being a major spinoff of a popular game, AO offers unique gameplay in that it's core design will remain buggy for the longhaul. With a lifespan of 4 years, Funcom is hoping to meet a netgain of quadruple or more of thier initial investment. One question to the people who play the game: "Will Funcom invest as much interest into the game on your behalf as you invest as much into their pockets?" Consider other flops and successes of multi-player on-line games. Apart from specific elements of an individual game -which is only a sales ruse or a "pitch"-, one would have to consider the gaming industry as a whole and decide who will be supported.

A profit making company does not regret a fallback which concerns a player's interest in-game. It will, however, be aware that these fallbacks may lead to cancellation of accounts. If a company -which plays the spinoff game- has not yet figured out and devised a system in which to fully contain an exploit, then it shouldn't have been marketted in the first place. I personally do not see this "fix" of a "widespread" rollback a step forward in the ongoing development of what some say will be a successful game unless we take ourselves away from the gameplay and look only at the revenue the game is creating. This rollback clearly shows the lack of consideration from AO's lead teams.

Is this rollback to be expected again? Is there no way to weed out the users who have used the exploit? What types of actions will be taken in the future if there was an exploit of a different nature found? Will this action still preserve the balance and playability of the game?
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