AO Review at PC.IGN

PC.IGN has released a review of Anarchy Online. Here's the conclusion: As much as I want to like it, right now, I can't recommend Anarchy Online with a good conscious, especially if the problems aren't corrected by the time the game goes to a fee of $12.95 per month on August 9, 2001. While I think Anarchy Online does have the potential to be the best and most fulfilling MMORPG to date, it still has way too may problems right now that make it more of an exercise in extreme frustration than a rewarding gaming experience. As it stands now, it's extremely sadistic, because I know it's going to be good once it works correctly, but it's so damn maddening and annoying now that I can't play for more than a few hours without giving up in disgust. You'd do better to save your money until they get the kinks worked out. Look for our full review of Anarchy Online in a few weeks, and hopefully by then Funcom will have the game working better than it is now. You can read the entire review at this link.


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