STO: Lawyers, IP's, Cryptic (Studios?) Messages!

Everybody loves a good lawyer joke, and our own Allakhazam not withstanding, I enjoy laughing at the profession!  So I found it highly amusing that a lawyer's letter to Star-Trek Games could be the key we were looking for in linking Cryptic Studios to the transferred Star Trek Online MMO license.
Recently, certain key assets associated with the Star Trek Online game have been transferred to a new game developer. Our firm represents that new game developer in its legal matters.

We understand from various website postings that are attributed to you that you may be in possession of certain documentation relating to the Star Trek Online game that contains intellectual property, the rights to which belong to our client and its licensors. We understand that you may have been considering posting these on the web, but that you refrained from doing so to give the rightful owner of such material an opportunity to object.

You will be happy to learn that the game is not "dead" but is in active development with a new developer.
More digging on the parts of interested parties found that this "lawyer" who sent an email (not a certified letter) from a yahoo account (and not a business domain seems to have ties to the company that guessed it!  Cryptic Studios.  No one is expecting Cryptic to say anything about it, but let the speculation begin!

Can an MMO that's been developed for well on 3 years, and sold due to bankruptcy really be brought back from the edge?!


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