Campaign Experience Points Calculations  

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Adventurers are rewarded with experience points or limit points for participating in campaign battles. The amount of experience a player receives from a battle depends on the actions he or she performs while wearing campaign tags during the course of the battle.

Action Caps

Most actions in campaign can only be repeated a certain number of times before they stop yielding experience points; that's because each action has an experience points cap. Once an adventurer in campaign reaches the cap of a certain action, no more experience can be gained for performing that action until the adventurer gets new campaign tags.

Maximize Experience Rewards

The best way to maximize experience rewards in campaign is to perform a wide range of actions. Many high-level melee players sub dancer or white mage so they can heal while dealing damage. Likewise, mages often sub a melee job and join the fray while casting spells. Multifaceted jobs such as red mage, blue mage and paladin thrive in the hybrid nature of campaign.

Experience Points Table

Below is a table showing the experience points awarded for each action in campaign, as well as the caps on repeating the various actions. Remember this is just a guide. The method of awarding points in campaign battles has been modified in past updates of FFXI.

Action Exp per Action Experience Cap Repetitions to hit cap Notes
Auto Attack5 exp200 exp40Dual-wield and H2H attack rounds count for just one attack round (but two attacks); misses do not produce points.
Physical Damage10 percent of damageUnknown7,500 total damageAll damage from auto-attack, ranged attack, weapon skills and JAs.
Curing10 percent of curing total500 expvariesRemoving status effects grants 15 exp.
Magical Damage10 percent of damage inflictedunknownvariesCovers damage visible in chat logs from nukes, DoT spells, skillchains, spike spells and enspells.
Damage received10 percent of HP lost400 expvariesAll damage incurred against you, including overkill damage.
Enhancing Magic (self)1 expunknownunknownIncludes most enhancing magic spells and job abilities of all types, including pet abilities.
Enhancing Magic (others & NPCs)5 exp per player and NPC affected30060 players and NPCs

Enhancing songs and rolls1 expunknownunknown

Enfeebling Magic15 exp600 exp40Resists grant exp, "no effect" results do not.
Enfeebling Songs15 exp620 exp42

Charm15 expunknownunknownCharm-bind resists do not grant exp.
Critical Hits10 exp100 exp10Includes critical hits from SA
Skillchain (closing)20 exp300 exp15

Physical Damage on forts10 percent of damage750 expvaries

Magical Damage on forts10 percent of damage750varies

Attack rounds on forts20 exp200 exp10

Landing a killing blow100 expunknown

Getting KO'd-30 expunknown

Casting Raise100 expunknown

Experience Caps per medal and level

The amount of experience points that can be gained in campaign is capped on a per-minute basis. The amount of experience allowed under the cap varies according to a player's level and campaign rank.

Table: Campaign Rank Level Caps

Medal Exp/Minute 15 mins 30 mins 60 mins
Bronze Ribbon of Service6090018003600
Brass Ribbon of Service6293018603720
Allied Ribbon of Bravery6496019203840
Allied Ribbon of Glory6699019803960
Bronze Star68102020404080
Sterling Star70105021004200
Mythril Star72108021604320
Golden Star74111022204440
Copper Emblem of Service76114022804560
Iron Emblem of Service78117023404680
Steelknight Emblem80120024004800
Holyknight Emblem82123024604920
Brass Wings of Service84126025205040
Mythril Wings of Service86129025805160
Wings of Integrity88132026405280
Wings of Honor90135027005400

Campaign Level-based Experience Caps

Adventurers must be level 61 or higher to reach the full experience/minute cap from campaign ranks. Those who are of lower levels will only receive a percentage of the campaign rank level caps. The following table shows the percentage of experience points players receive at various levels.

Level Cap
1-1520 percent
16-3040 percent

31-4560 percent

46-6080 percent of medal rank camp

61-75100 percent

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-03-23 20:55:34.