Introducing the new Community Manager

Greetings Friends!

Pleased to make your acquaintance!  My name is Joe Pishgar, but most folks online call me by my nickname, GreyPawn.

I worked for many years running live events in Ultima Online as a Seer and later as Event Moderator for OSI/EA, and soon jumped into the online gaming industry as the Community Manager for Big Huge Games.  It is my hope that my knowledge and experience as a player and a developer in a wide variety of online games will help me to best represent you and your concerns to the development team.

I am thrilled and excited to be back in the heart of an MMO community again, especially Star Wars Galaxies!  I've never really had the chance to explore the world of SWG until now, and I'm already having wonderful fun with my level 8 Jedi.  Although a SWG newbie, I can't wait to see what adventures lay ahead for my character.  I've personally been an avid Star Wars fanatic as long as I can remember (cardboard tube light saber fight anyone?), and I'm really looking forward to getting things movin' in the SWG community.

We'll be talking again over the next few days as I get settled in, and I am really looking forward to hearing all that you have to tell me.

Joe "GreyPawn" Pishgar
Community Manager, Star Wars Galaxies
Sony Online Entertainment


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