All Worlds Scheduled Maintenance (May. 11)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable. Applications to the Return Home to Vana'diel campaign will also be unavailable during this period. *The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen. Thank you for your patience. [Affected Period] May. 11, 2005 from 10:00 to 17:00 (PDT) *Maintenance completion time may be subject to change. [Affected Services] FINAL FANTASY XI


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Maint begun
# May 11 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Happy Birthday Enixsoft and Uberfuzzy !!!
this updates for you !!
Well, the update has officially started.. so in a few hours.. the mad rush to begin the download will begin.. gentleman and ladies, start your modems!!
I have a 2.7+ mb/sec transfer rate.. try to beat me.. heheh
( though last time it took me two days to get it done.. >< )
I seriously think they should start a queuing system for downloading. . put me in a line rather than have me camping that retry button... (everyone post the suggestion to playonline and maybe we'll see it)

Wouldn't it be nice if they did this during the Japanese peak time instead of NA or EU peak time?.. what, we're not important ?!!
6.5 hrs til maintence is complete and the mad rush begins... I get off work in 4.5 ... I know what I'll be doing..

Edited, Wed May 11 14:50:52 2005
RE: Maint begun
# May 12 2005 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
Hahah bro
/em has 10mbit cable (australia)
I win :)
# May 11 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
7 hours?! What the crap are they doing to the game that takes SEVEN hours?? That's long enough to add 6 new races and a continent.

When I get back in, if I don't see Trolls, Dwarves, and the lost island of Girl-lantis I'm gonna be ticked.

update time
# May 11 2005 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
This update starts in 1minute by my PC clock. (@_@;)
# May 11 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone have any idea what this update entails or what the new expansion in the fall will be like?
RE: maintenence
# May 11 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
new expansion?? I barely had room for CoP >_< actually if I remember right I DIDN'T have room I had to make by uninstalling a bunch of other games and what not lol guess I'll have to do some more house cleaning in the near future.

now I'm gonna say my piece to the slew of people complaining its not related to this post but I don't wanna post twice lol.

I too was hoping to be at work until well into the maintencance period sadly my job has alot of random hours depending on how busy we are...and I'm already home so I gotta find soemthing to do for the next 5 hours or so.

As I was saying this games player base is pretty world wide and as the saying goes "You can please some of the people some of the time....But you can't please all of the people all of the time". In order to accomdate us fiending US players all it would do is **** off either the EU or JP player bases. Now of course some might wanna say "They SHOULD do that cuz they deserve to know how it feels!" but really we in the US aren't the center of the universe and the game is based out of japan. I'm fairly certain the JP playerbase still out numbers us (guess we'll know for certain next week after they take the next census) and despite what alot of people seem to think I'm sure they don't schedule their down times just to spite us they schedule it on JP time because they are in japan :)

The only way I see them being able to appease every single player paying the monthly fees would be to move each country into new servers based in their respective area of the world. This would be highly impractical and expensive in the eyes of the S-E bean counters and would be highly unlikely. Since they'd have to buy new equipment and new space to house said equipment and then hire more people to keep them in working order and lastly create a patch to modifiy the US and EU POL and FFXI so it would only connect to the new server clusters.

Honestly people come here and whine and complain EVERY TIME they update yea its a ***** that they only update during peak US hours but seriously if you really can't deal with the way they run the game QUIT!

There are plenty of other MMO games out that are more accommodating to the US peak hours.
RE: maintenence
# May 11 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
there is a new expansion coming out this fall? damn.....gotta start working on those zilart and CoP missions then, or else i'm gonna be falling way behind
# May 11 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
How many updates and server maintenance has there been in the last 2 months ? Um... I've lost to be honest, just another pain in the ***.
I hate this!
# May 11 2005 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
445 posts
With 7 ending time, the always complete impossiblity to get the new files until hours after its finished...

We loose our run at Prom-Holla tonight ;.;

Why on earth did they pick these times to do it?!
first time
# May 10 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
842 posts
first time i've had to request to work on a specific day,
it sucks cuz its my birthday,
but i'd rather be at work making shineys then sitting at home camping the login button.
# May 10 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
Make sure all you gardeners check your damn plants...who knows, this might end up like b4, having a ton if log problems for days......heh
what date
# May 10 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
i believe the update was for the 10th right??? am i wrong b/c i cant log in right now? whats really going on?
# May 10 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
What time is this in PST?

yay more maint
# May 10 2005 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
are you kidding me 7hr maint? i am just now able to get on after the last mess!!! well i guess another week or two of not lvling wont kill me >< any ideas on what they are ******** up this time??
# May 10 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
235 posts
Wow. An update in the prime time of us Euro peoples. 5pm - Midnight. Humbug.

Oh well, a good opportunity to start Resident Evil 4 methinks.
# May 10 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
i think ill slam the ham for a few hours untill the update is done
# May 10 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
This works great for me

Get to go golfing and be back 30 min b4 the update is done YAY
# May 10 2005 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
Hiya all
Evry time they post a maintnence i get confused.
I mean i have no idea which is my timezone and when the maintnecen starts.When i ask around ppl just say that im a n00b in timezones but they never give me an aswer.
Like ppl that don´t know the answer should just say "i don´t know" and then shut up instead of going "N00000000b!!".
But now i found a great site where they Converte the timezones.
If u have the same problem as i check this out

have a good one all

Edited, Tue May 10 12:14:08 2005
RE: TimeZoneConfused
# May 10 2005 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
thank you for this link. i always get confuzed too.
If you were wondering..
# May 10 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
421 posts
If you are in the EST, it's going to be from 12pm to about 7pm. No sweat off my back tho..I can finally beat god of war...
RE: If you were wondering..
# May 11 2005 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
EST is 1-8 pm..... smart guy 3+10 is 1

I think I just confused alot of ppl
# May 10 2005 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
why oh why does there have to main. on my b-day?!?!? /cry
RE: Noooo!
# May 11 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
90 posts

Happy Birthday
RE: Noooo!
# May 10 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
496 posts
Happy Birthday ; ;
clogged up again >.<
# May 10 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
heh dont forget about the server bottle necking that will accompany this maint.. its gonna be sweet.
you serious?
# May 09 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
serious? work on the servers during time when japanese want to play? are you on crack? why would the make the servers go down during an off peak hour? thats just crazy talk.
# May 09 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
I'm gonna go soaping... :-/
hmm, no big deal for me!
# May 09 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
i'll just go skate! its fun, im decent, and its sunny. i just better hope that its not windy @_@
7 hrs ><
# May 09 2005 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
{/sigh} guess ill just watch anime while the server is down, it has to be on my day off too >.<
The freakin Maint!!
# May 09 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Ugh!! This ends @ My 7:00 PM... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... Ill just have to start the update and leave the house... I think I'll go to the movies and see XXX 2
With Ice Cube... Hes cool... What is everyone else doing?
RE: The freakin Maint!!
# May 10 2005 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I'll be trying to connect about 1 hour before scheduled finish... you know, if it's done early. If the supposed rumors about NMs spawning 30 mins after maintenance are true, I wanna get out my THF and take down LL and Stray Mary =D I need the Boots for my RNG and the horn... well that's just profit to FUND rng ^_^'

Edited, Tue May 10 08:57:20 2005
RE: The freakin Maint!!
# May 09 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
At least they didn't do like they usually do and say 10:00 - 12:00 and keep extending it out.Maybe they will actulally get done early and then everyone will /cheer
RE: The freakin Maint!!
# May 09 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Dangit I mean It starts at 7:00 PM my time so, Ill just start the Udpate the on Thursday before school and let it go all day... Gah My room is going to be sooooo hot...
time zones
# May 09 2005 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
pst is pacific standard time which would be west coast in North America.

so GMT is greater mountain time which is 1 hour ahead on pst....
RE: time zones
# May 09 2005 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,433 posts
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time

"A 24-hour time keeping system whose hours, minutes, and seconds represent the time-of-day at the Earth's prime meridian (0° longitude) located near Greenwich, England. Technically speaking, GMT no longer exists, since it was replaced by other astronomical time scales many years ago, and those astronomical times scales were subsequently replaced by the atomic time scale UTC. However, the term GMT is still incorrectly used by the general public. When heard today, it should be considered as a synonym for UTC."

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