Siege Results

Siege results in short: Lots of castles changing hands this week! On Sieghardt NonFactorsBC became a factor and took Innadril and SharpEdge took control of Dion. On Lionna TheWhiteOrder took control of Oren. On Gustin SiliconKnights captured Innadril, WyldSpirit took Gludio, Hades took Dion and Eterna1Avatar captured Giran. On Hindemith AKATSUKI gained control of Innadril, GuardsOfHonor got Dion and Interpol took Giran. Full results follows: Sieghardt * MastersOfTime remained in power at Gludio. * Tempest retained ownership of Giran. * NonFactorsBC seized Innadril. Lionna * LittlePig remained in control of Gludio. Gustin * FengrushInc successfully defended Oren. * SiliconKnights took control of Innadril. Hindemith * RedCircle successfully defended Oren. * AKATSUKI gained control of Innadril. Sunday, 1/30 Sieghardt * Sharpedge successfully gained control of Dion. * Mecha1 held power in Oren. Lionna * RICE remained in control of Dion. * EternalRage retained ownership of Giran. * TheWhiteOrder captured Oren. Gustin * WyldSpirit took control of Gludio. * Hades captured Dion. * Eterna1Avatar gained power over Giran. Hindemith * VALORIAN remained in power at Gludio. * GuardsofHonor took control of Dion. * Interpol took control of Giran.


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