Seige Results and a New Record Set!

Wow, EIGHTY (80) clans registered to siege Aden! Of those eighty, who succeeded? None other than the King of Aden. The glorious King stands tall and secure in his castle and can rest easy knowing his forces have defeated our best. That is -- until next week... Here's the sum total of this weekend's sieging: Saturday, 10/16 Bartz * BlueDragonsIII maintained Gludio. * Forbidden captured Giran. Kain * WDBeta maintained Gludio. * Olympus2 remains in power at Dion. Erica * Legacy kept Dion. * Exodus held Oren. Devianne * Ultionis maintained Giran. Sunday, 10/17 Bartz * Dion remains under SoC. * Ginnunga held Oren. Kain * LegendOfKnights kept Giran. * DragonFire1 held Oren. Erica * MatrixDefenders captured Gludio. * Giran remains under pwn. Devianne * InstantKarma held Dion.


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