Customer Service Report

Here are some statistics and upcoming additions from the Customer Service Representitives... Customer Support Weekly Report: 11/30/01 - 12/07/01 Overview: We have not had a lot of change happening during this week. We have instead focused on firming up our support structure, hiring more people, and locating weak areas to improve in. The one exception to this is in our appeal interface in game, which we expanded on, and also in the improvements that we have made to the feedback message when you do an /Appeal. Both of these improvements allow us to better prioritize tickets, and give our customers more feedback on where they are in the queue and how long they can expect to wait. Here is the Good and the Not So Good: The Good: 1. Our ticket count for standard appeals is slowly getting under control. We still have a lot of work to do before it gets where we want it, but if it continues to improve in the manner, we will be under a 4 hour response time on standard appeals within 1 month. 2. We have separated out Naming, Violation, Stuck, Quest, and Bug tickets into separate queues, with separate escalation schemes. This enables us to put our focus where we need it, and shift that focus at a moments notice. 3. Our Technical and Billing support is doing VERY well. They respond to e-mail within 12 hours on average. Their phone hold times are extremely low, while their resolution rates are extremely high. 4. Our communication methods, and up-front attitude about support set us well above any other support organization in the industry. The Not So Good: 1. We are still taking far too long on average to respond to in-game appeals. We are improving, but need to keep pushing aggressively to get our response times under 4 hours. 2. Our Quest Queue is still very backed up. We have applied several new people to the quest team, and are slowly chipping away at the issues, but it will take us at least another month before we are caught up. 3. We are far behind on renaming anything that does not violate rule number one of the naming policy (rule #1 violators are taken care of immediately). The Numbers - 11/30/01 – 12/07/01: Total Tickets resolved: 15786 Total Tickets cancelled by customers: 3144 Total Active Appeal Tickets in the queue (Noon, 12/08/01): 961 Total Active Naming Tickets in the queue (Noon, 12/08/01): 5565 Total Active Quest Tickets in the queue (Noon, 12/08/01): 902 Average Response time (Appeals): 8 hours, 46 minutes. Average Resolution time (Appeals): 5 minutes, 57 seconds. Average Response time (Stucks): 10 minutes, 12 seconds. Average Resolution time (Stucks): 3 minutes, 36 seconds. Average Response time (Harassment): 14 minutes, 11 seconds. Average Resolution time (Harassment): 21 minutes, 45 seconds. Telephone Average Hold Time: 5 minutes. E-Mail Average Response Time: 12 hours. Top 4 issues (resolved): -Bug Issues: 3712 -Quest Issues: 1273 -Stuck Issues: 1199 -Violation Issues: 1161 Hot Spots: 1. Our hot spots remain in two places: Getting Quest related issues under control and resolved in a timely fashion, and getting our standard appeal process down to under 4 hours responses.


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