6/14 Community Notice

The most recent community notice deals with how clans were chosen for the castle siege testing. There was much controversy over how it was done, so Dhevrin posted some information on how the "top 20" clans were selected. A little hint -- level wasn't the most deciding factor. Full text of notice follows: Monday June 14 Clan selection process for Test server castle siege There has been some controversy over the selection of clans to the castle siege, thus allow me to clarify what happened. At the time that clans were being chosen to participate in the test castle siege, there were virtually no level 4 clans. Thus the GM team had to choose from the pool of level 3 clans, which is fairly sizeable. For our readers, clans can be leveled up similar to players by fulfilling certain requirements. In terms of selection criteria, average level of clan members was not the deciding factor. It played a part, but regardless of who was chosen, the test characters had to be buffed up beyond their current levels. It was a criteria that most players we chose have already completed their 2nd class change, but beyond that, sheer level was not a high priority. Much greater importance was given to reputation and GM feedback on their interaction with members of certain clans. After all, it is the GMs that will run the show, so they must be comfortable with the people participating. The problem came when I wrote in a prior community notice that the "top clans" will be chosen, and later removed that label because it caused confusion about what exactly "top" means. Final word on this: We chose the clans that we felt would be of greatest benefit in testing the castle siege. That is a mix of experience, knowledge, cooperation, patience and organization as viewed by the Lineage II staff.


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