6/3 Community Notice

Today's community notice addresses player concerns about the recent bannings related to item duping. In it, NCSoft states that players who succeeded in duping items/adena and kept it will stay banned. Players who succeeded in duping and deleted the items and players who attempted unsuccessfully to dupe will have their bans reviewed. The text of the update follows: Wednesday June 3 Review of recent bannings Recently the GMs dealt with a rash of players attempting to duplicate items. Some players succeeded and kept the items. Some players succeeded and deleted the items, and some players attempted but did not not succeed in duplicating items. Of the three groups, only the first group will get permanent bans. The following two groups' bans will be reviewed, and possibly be unbanned from the game. To certain members of the forums complaining about unfair bans, our records showed that you tried to duplicate an item that is not duplicatable. We banned those accounts that even attempted this. However, as I said, we will review the bannings within the team and make a decision on them. Good luck to you.


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