Guild Wars 2: World vs World Season 1

World vs World is getting more competitive with seven week long seasons.

Last week ArenaNet announced the introduction of World vs World (WvW) Seasons in Guild Wars 2. These seasons will last for seven weeks with Season 1 starting on October 4th and lasting through November 1st. During the season players will battle against other servers for prizes as well as a slate of new achievements, including a new meta-achievement.

At the end of the normally scheduled, weekly WvW matchup, the rankings for every world will be tallied to determine the starting order of servers. From this list the world will be divided into different leagues: 2 leagues of 12 servers for NA and 3 leagues of 9 for EU. This means that the top 12 servers for NA will be in the Gold League while the bottom 12 will be in the Silver League. EU will then have a Gold, Silver and Bronze League.

Once the season starts, servers will be locked into their respective leagues. Then over the course of the season, servers will play in a round robin of sorts where every server will be matched up with every other server at least once. At the end of every matchup, servers will be awarded 5 points for first place, 3 points for second or 1 point for third place. At the end of the seven week season, these points will be tallied up to determine the overall winner.

In addition to the achievements that players may earn, there will also be personal rewards. After every week, players will receive a WvW account bonus chest based on their servers results for the week. Be warned, however, that players must log in within the next week to redeem their WvW bonus chest otherwise it will be forfeit.

At the end of the season, players on the winning server for every league will receive a stack of finishers. First place in the Gold Leagues will net a gold dolyak finisher, first in the Silver Leagues will net a silver dolyak finisher and first in the Bronze League will give a bronze dolyak finisher. Additionally given at the end of the season, any player who finished that season's meta-achievement will receive prizes based on their servers rankings.

Once the season starts a few things will be set in stone. Players will be locked into their home server in terms of rewards. Players may still transfer to new servers, but their rewards will still be based off the server the were on at the start of the season. ArenaNet has also announced that no new content or changes, such as new WvW ability lines, will be added during the middle of the season (with the exception of bug fixes). At the start of the season however, ArenaNet will be resetting every player's ability points to be spent however the player wants.

While there will be no changes during the WvW Season, do note that the changes to the Borderlands will be added in the coming weeks and before the start of the season.

Matt "Mattsta" Adams

Follow me @MattstaNinja


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WvW...Nothing but a Glorified Team PVP Match
# Sep 10 2013 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
My problem with Guild Wars WvW is that I see the WvW is simply a 15 minute team pvp match stretched to one week. It's not a true WAR.It is mostly a 24/7 zergfeast,with capture points changing back and forth among the contestants about as fast as an NBA basketball team scoring baskets.At the end of a week.....the contest(it's certainly not a war) ends.The hard fought territory gains of the winner vaporize and players are expected to act like it never happened and do it over and over and over again 24/7 for another week.

This mind numbing repetition and zerg has solved one problem.The que for getting into WvW that used to last up to 5 hours on some gone.And the players who used to wait in line to play.(because the thought WvW was going to me trues warfare..have seen WvW for what it is and moved on to other games.
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