Make a Gift in Guild Wars 2

The function to gift items from the gem store goes live with Sky Pirates of Tyria


I've mentioned once or twice before that it's quite surprising how restrained ArenaNet has been with its implementation of the gem store.

As the game has no subscription, it must be very tempting to wave the Black Lion Trading Company's facility to buy currency and items in player's faces with alacrity. Instead, Guild Wars 2's item shop is comparatively reserved in how it strives to bring in revenue.


The new gifting facility should help bolster that income considerably, as players will be able to purchase in-game items--though not everything at the moment--and gift them to those they deem worthy.

To add to the selection of shiny gear that you can send to your friends, ArenaNet is adding some new pieces to the selection, including Aetherblade armors and new custom arena starter kits.

For those gamblers out there with more money than sense, Black Lion Chests now have a chance to drop Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw plush backpacks. I'd advise against blowing a ton of gems on keys for the rare chance to grab one of the cool furry adornments, but, let's face it, that won't stop some of you.

As outlined by Matt Adams, the Sky Pirates of Tyria update brings a lot of things to do and see, including the new story dungeon Aether Blade Retreat, a skill and trait balance update, new WvW abilities and much more.

With the new Sky Pirates of Tyria content going live, gifting and new gem store items, ArenaNet continues to bolster Guild Wars 2 with fervent regularity. No matter what your opinion of the game, it's hard to argue about its value for money.

Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief


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