Celebrate LOTRO's 5th Anniversary with ZAM!

To celebrate Lord of the Rings Online's 5th Anniversary, we're giving away PILES of prizes, including mounts, headsets, Turbine Points, a lifetime membership to LOTRO, and more!

Happy 5th Anniversary, Lord of the Rings Online! Turbine is celebrating LOTRO's anniversary today and, to celebrate, ZAM has joined in on the festivities! We've partnered up with Turbine to give away some fantastic prizes to all of our readers, so if winning free swag and celebrating Lord of the Rings Online is on your list of things you enjoy, then our big giveaway event will be right up your alley!

Enter our LOTRO Giveaway here!

First, be sure to enter in the ZAM giveaway by heading over to our contest page and entering your name. You'll be eligible to win 1000 Turbine Points, a Creative Labs HS-800 Headset, a lifetime membership for LOTRO, or even a SteelSeries Siberia V2 Headset. All you need to do is register for a free ZAM account, and then click "Enter Now!"

In addition to our giveaway, we will also be giving away a Lifetime Membership to LOTRO, a Mithril Edition of LOTROand 5000 Turbine Points. We'll be giving them away in a contest in the ZAM comments below! We're looking for two things from you (one sentence each):

Your first memory in LOTRO - A random draw will take place to award this winner 5000 Turbine points.

Your favorite memory in LOTRO - The top two entries will be awarded a Mithril Edition of LOTRO for the second place, with first place winning a Lifetime Membership to LOTRO.

The contest ends and prizes will be given out on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.

What's that? Feeling a little unlucky, or maybe suffering from LOTRO memory loss? Throughout today we'll also be giving away PAX EAST 2012 Perlino Horse Codes via Twitter. Just follow @ZAMOfficial or @Pwyff and fire us a tweet with the hashtag #zamlotro and we'll be randomly awarding out these Perlino Horse codes throughout the day! Good luck to everyone!


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Favorite Lotro memory
# Apr 24 2012 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
My favorite Lotro memory is the very first time I entered Rivendell, seeing all the beauty the game images had to offer.

First Lotro memory
# Apr 24 2012 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
Being able to make my first character, male elven hunter and making my way thru the intro area near Thorin's Gate then on to Celondim.

# Apr 24 2012 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
First Memory - My first Memory is doing Book 1 Chapter 11: Othrongroth. Almost getting killed by Sambrog and then getting rescued my Tom Bombadil.

Favorite Memory - The first time I went into Moria, It was just breathtaking. the music, the architecture just everything was awesome :D
Contest - memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory was when I started my sweet hobbit 4 years ago during free trial and was blown away with impressive graphic, music, but mostly with sweet sweet community which was by far the best in any MMORPG.
My favorite memory was when first real expansion came, and after unboxing my CE of it (and of course playing few hours) I reached the lake and entrance to the Moria itself. Very impressive.
Happy anniversary LotRO!!!
Contest Entry
# Apr 24 2012 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
First Memory - When I got to meet the rightful King of Gondor, in his Strider persona as a suspicious, unknown, travel-stained Ranger in the starter zone.

Favorite Memory - The first time I did the instance where we see the Fellowship of the Ring off on its journey from the Last Homely House, I had goosebumps on my skin and tears in my eyes; it was an amazing feeling to be a part of these epic events!
# Apr 24 2012 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
First memory- I remember heading into Bree and to the Prancing Pony, where outside there were three characters playing Bohemian Rhapsody on their musical instruments. I went immediately to go get a horn so I could join in (and failed miserably, of course).

Favorite memory- I had just upgraded to a DX10 video card and I had wandered up to Nen Harn in Northeast Bree and emerged from the canopy of trees out into this amazingly pretty lake, and at the time it looked just amazing and realistic, and it made me appreciate just how much care the developers put into the game.
My passion for LOTRO
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory was when I started playing out in a Man Captain who I made it look like Aragorn with the same hair, mouth, nose, hair colour, body-build. The race of man introduction was awesome! Get me in love with the game style of instances and that's the most part why I loved LOTRO!

My favorite memory is when I fighted alongside Legolas, my favorite Lord of the Rings character. All this epic histories and memories of when I was a young kid watching Lord of the Rings is just amazing! I just don't know how I will feel when I set foot on Gondor!
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory of LOTRO is how different it was compared to the Disney games I had played before.

My best memory is how my kin is always there for each other, willing to tackle difficult quests together or craft new gear for a smaller kinmate.
My passion for LOTRO
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1ST MEMORY: *Via voice chat to my friends after starting the intro quest* What the heck am I doing here! This is a lame game, who's is that girly dude (it was elrond), how do I open this sparkling bag?? (FYI: My friends talked so much about lotro that I agreed to stop playing my favorite FPS for one day to go try it and... I never went back to that FPS and haven't stopped playing lotro since that day) I am addicted to lotro.

FAVORITE MEMORY: The day I completed the quest in the foundations of stone on my first character with my friend Einglorion and was sent out of moria to lothlorien and I yelled: "WE'RE LEAVING THE *bleep* OUT OF MORIA!!!" (he was recording his session so I actually have this memory on video)

My name is JP and I am addicted to LOTRO!!!
Thank you Turbine for a great experience
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
1st memory, The in depth game play was amazing and then I watched the 1st in game movie and was thinking why have I not been playing this game.

Favorite memory I have several fond memories of the game but my favorite was the fall fest 2011. i had just started playing in May '11 and didn't think much of the fests until I witnessed members of my kin (Parents of Middle Earth) creating a concert outside the Prancing Pony. I then realized this was the MMO to rule them all
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
First memory in LOTRO - Getting awestruck by meeting a few important hobbits and a certain man right in the hobbit intro.

Favorite memory in LOTRO - Clumsy friend dying to every single fire weapon death explosion in Barad Guldur raid.
LotRO memories <3
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory: While I vaguely remember escaping a brigand prison, the first thing I vividly remember is trying to rescue a burning Archet - and how bad I felt when I couldn't.

My favorite memory: My first time running through the Haunted Burrow during last year's Harvest Festival, minding my own business while trying to find my way through the maze that it is, and suddenly leaping out of my chair as a goblin puppet popped out of a barrel right next to me.
I am addicted to this game!
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
1ST MEMORY: *Via voice chat to my friends after starting the intro quest* What the heck am I doing here! This is a lame game, who's is that girly dude (it was elrond), how do I open this sparkling bag?? (FYI: My friends talked so much about lotro that I agreed to stop playing my favorite FPS for one day to go try it and... I never went back to that FPS and haven't stopped playing lotro since that day) I am addicted to lotro.

FAVORITE MEMORY: The day I completed the quest in the foundations of stone on my first character with my friend Einglorion and was sent out of moria to lothlorien and I yelled: "WE'RE LEAVING THE *bleep* OUT OF MORIA!!!" (he was recording his session so I actually have this memory on video)

My name is JP and I am addicted to LOTRO!!!
LOTRO Memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
First Memory - Walking through the Shire, thinking that the place looked exactly what I have imagined when I read the Hobbit more than a decade ago. It was such a big map - or so I thought that time -

Favourite Memory - Joining my kin, and celebrating in the kin house. We had a blast drinking, eating and smoking, with a lot of fireworks flying around everywhere. Then, at the end, we drinked from a variety of kegs and got transported all around, with out pants. In insight, that part wasn't that fun.
lotro memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
It was the first day my roommate and I had started playing the game, still on the free trial. We walked into Bree, and ran into a couple dozen roleplayers (go Landroval!) and felt like we were really in Middle Earth. Some minstrels even taught me how to play instruments!

Favorite memory would probably be my first time walking over the hill into Rivendell. It was so pretty I turned up my graphics to take a few screen shots. Sadly, those were on my old computer so I don't have em anymore D:
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
1st memory - Encountering my first Mini-concert in Bree!

Favorite memory - fighting my way through Goblin Town a couple levels under, wanting to give up halfway through but not wanting to have to fight my way back in, and finally making it to Gollum's Cave, where I had a solemn moment.
Unforgettable Memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory is questing in Bree-Land. I specially remember Archet and Staddle. There was so little information about these areas in the books, and in the game they are full of life. Also the soundtrack of Archet is amazing, everytime I re-visit Archet and hear it I go back to my first LOTRO day

My favourite memory is finally completing the quest line of Narsil reforging. Witnessing the born of Andúril is something I will never forget. On the first place, the quest chain is very, very long and the fight against the turtle was very hard on level. On the second place, being there, with Aragorn and Gandalf, seeing a beacon of hope light in the dark really made an impression on me
LOTRO memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
My First Memory in Lotro was when I fought through the burning village of Archet with the help of Jon Brackenbrook on my first character. The thrill and excitement, followed by remorse at the fate of Captain Brackenbrook hooked me on Lotro forever.

My Favorite Memory in Lotro was when I finally completed Volume I with a very good friend of mine. He and I had been duoing the epic in Lotro ever since we both started playing, and finally completing the first book was a great joy! That, combined with all the drama and suspense from the actual story made me really feel immersed in Lotro. The tragic story of Narmelleth and her father Laerdan will always stick in my mind.
# Apr 24 2012 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
First memory: The cut-scene movie after the first introduction was completed. The sounds and the voice-over were epic.

Favorite memory: Walking down to Draigoch the first time. The light shining through the cave holes, the burning gold, the giant dragon head peering about. Awesome.
My memory
# Apr 24 2012 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory is running around Archet/Bree-Land on the launch day. It was one of the new servers, the starter zones were packed to the top and over and you were forced into another layer every 15 minutes. Never experienced that since.

My favorite memory would probably be the first time I killed Thaurlach the Balrog.It was among the first months on Riddermark, still a very new server then. Many people were already high-level and I was just over 60 myself, but we were very far from having the best gear and - most importantly - being new players we didn't have the raid mechanics down to repetition. So the 12 of us cleared way to the Balrog and started working on taking him down. We had web guides to help us, but we still didn't understand some of the things they mentioned, so we wiped over 5 times on him. People started leaving, but some of us were determined and decided to stay until the end, so we kept finding replacements. We would explain the new people the fight, attempt the Balrog and wipe, someone else would leave, we would find replacement, explain to the new guy the fight... In the end it took us 12 hours, we went over 40+ people attempting with us total and only 3 of us remained from original group, but we finally get it done. For some "Leet" L65 on Brandywine that would have been barely worth a shrug, but as new people on a new server without any of us ever trying it before, I really felt a sense of accomplishment.
First and favorite memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
First memory: meeting Gandalf during the dwarf intro! :)

Favorite memory: Finding the creature in the quest chain that begins with "The White Hart" in the Trollshaws (I can't say more without spoiling it).
# Apr 24 2012 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory is logging into the closed beta and not being able to even pick up a quest from the dwarves because the lag was so bad.

My favorite memory is finally completing the level 50 raid quest Master of Imlad Balchorth that had been in and out of my quest log for almost 4 years.
good old days..contest
# Apr 24 2012 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
my first memory is the lovely village of archet when i started on my man burglar..(i thought the burg was a rouge like in other games hehe ^^) and there doing the wolf master quest and getting excited about the storyline OH NO! CALDER COB IS A TRAITOR!!!! :D

my favourite memory is doing the ''walls of moria'' quessts for the first time on my warden, i was amazed with how amazing that zone is and with how many good items and loads of fun earned xp ;D
and i have another and i couldnt decide what 1 to put so ill put both hehe ^^. the other one is the first *EXCITED* moment when i first soloed bloodwing at lvl 40/41 on my warden i was really proud xD
# Apr 24 2012 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory had to be when I bought my first mount and then rode back to Bree with members of the kinship I had just joined. It was amazing to be in a group with half a dozen players just riding around.

My best memory had to be when I got my first draigoch kill. We had been working on it for a while and it was a coming of age moment when i realized that I could help lead and guide the group on it.
good old days...Contest :D
# Apr 24 2012 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
my first memory is the lovely village of archet when i started on my man burglar..(i thought the burg was a rouge like in other games hehe ^^) and there doing the wolf master quest and getting excited about the storyline OH NO! CALDER COB IS A TRAITOR!!!! :D

my favourite memory is doing the ''walls of moria'' quessts for the first time on my warden, i was amazed with how amazing that zone is and with how many good items and loads of fun earned xp ;D
and i have another and i couldnt decide what 1 to put so ill put both hehe ^^. the other one is the first *EXCITED* moment when i first soloed bloodwing at lvl 40/41 on my warden i was really proud xD
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