Celebrate LOTRO's 5th Anniversary with ZAM!

To celebrate Lord of the Rings Online's 5th Anniversary, we're giving away PILES of prizes, including mounts, headsets, Turbine Points, a lifetime membership to LOTRO, and more!

Happy 5th Anniversary, Lord of the Rings Online! Turbine is celebrating LOTRO's anniversary today and, to celebrate, ZAM has joined in on the festivities! We've partnered up with Turbine to give away some fantastic prizes to all of our readers, so if winning free swag and celebrating Lord of the Rings Online is on your list of things you enjoy, then our big giveaway event will be right up your alley!

Enter our LOTRO Giveaway here!

First, be sure to enter in the ZAM giveaway by heading over to our contest page and entering your name. You'll be eligible to win 1000 Turbine Points, a Creative Labs HS-800 Headset, a lifetime membership for LOTRO, or even a SteelSeries Siberia V2 Headset. All you need to do is register for a free ZAM account, and then click "Enter Now!"

In addition to our giveaway, we will also be giving away a Lifetime Membership to LOTRO, a Mithril Edition of LOTROand 5000 Turbine Points. We'll be giving them away in a contest in the ZAM comments below! We're looking for two things from you (one sentence each):

Your first memory in LOTRO - A random draw will take place to award this winner 5000 Turbine points.

Your favorite memory in LOTRO - The top two entries will be awarded a Mithril Edition of LOTRO for the second place, with first place winning a Lifetime Membership to LOTRO.

The contest ends and prizes will be given out on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.

What's that? Feeling a little unlucky, or maybe suffering from LOTRO memory loss? Throughout today we'll also be giving away PAX EAST 2012 Perlino Horse Codes via Twitter. Just follow @ZAMOfficial or @Pwyff and fire us a tweet with the hashtag #zamlotro and we'll be randomly awarding out these Perlino Horse codes throughout the day! Good luck to everyone!


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love it
# Apr 25 2012 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
First memory: having a hobbit go through the new starter areas and not even knowing how to attack!

Best: hanging out with my friends online while playing through the epic quest
First memory, favourite memory
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
First Memory:

Being wowed by the graphics right from the get-go, even though my PC was a dinosaur.

Favourite Memory:

Crying - genuinely - when I walked into the shire and it matched my imagination perfectly.
...in the moonlight...
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
My first memory in LOTRO is the wonderful sights and sounds of the Shire, which really seemed like a slice straight out of Tolkien for me to play in.

My favorite memory would be finally beating some terrifyingly difficult 6 man content with my kin, namely all of Carn Dum.

Edited, Apr 25th 2012 1:47pm by Tanliel
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
I decided make a hobbit guardian and was amazed how pretty the Shire looked when I managed to get there and how awfully hungry those hobbits were as I tried to deliver those pies!

My favorite memory in how awed I was when I reached Mines of Moria and how much relief I felt when I got out of the place as it felt so dark and gloomy like in the books. It was really well built place.
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
First Memory:
The first memory I have of LotRO is being level 2 and getting killed by a wolf in the Archet area. I had no idea what I was doing, obviously. Today, I find it hard to believe that anyone wouldn't survive to level 5, so CLEARLY THEY MADE THE GAME EASIER!!!!

Favorite Memory:
Back at the level 50 cap, I had a really good group of friends in the game. We would meet up regularly and go do various level 50 things together (Annuminas instances, landscape raid quests, chicken runs, getting hard-to-reach location deeds, you name it). So not a particular event, but just the general sense of camaraderie and fun that we had at the time is my favorite memory.
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
Your first memory in LOTRO - Entering Shire with my husband's guardian on my side and getting big "wow!" feeling because of how much Shire looked just like I have imagined.

Your favorite memory in LOTRO - Doing volume 1 book 1 chapter 11 very first time and having all that excitement when we were following Witch-king with my husband and his brother and had no clue what would happen next.
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
Your first memory in LOTRO - First memory of LOTRO is from the very start trying to get enough money for horse.

My best memory in LOTRO - First time completing the end game raid any wing t2 challange and all 12 ppl cheering.
# Apr 25 2012 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
Your first memory in LOTRO - celondims high hills made me exiceted and then i saw goblins i said to my self this game has some freaking nuts to see.. and jumping, swimming and backwardss swimming uww, LOTRO is definatly different than other MMOS.
Your favorite memory in LOTRO-When i opened the gates of Moria ...that was amasing...
LOTRO Memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory: Entering the Shire for the first time after finishing the starter quest, it was so amazing and I think that was when I fell in love with the game. When I got to the pie quests I was "OMG this game rules"!

My favorite memory: There are so many to choose from, but the one that sticks out is riding into Rivendell for the first time. As I came over the crest and could look down at Rivendell for the first time,it was breath taking and i think i sat there just gazing down for at least a good five minutes.
Happy 5th anniversary LOTRO!
# Apr 25 2012 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory is the ranger fending off the ring wraith in the Race of Man introductory quest.

My favorite memory is meeting the watcher for the first time, when those stupid dwarves were throwing pebbles into the water!
# Apr 25 2012 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
First Memory of LOTRO:
I started the game as an Elven Lore Master. So my first memory of actually playing the game was the elf intro area. Taking out some dourhand dwarves and working my way through the area, until that troll. xD I enjoyed seeing Elrond do him in before my very eyes.

Favorite Memory:
It would have to be Sambrog from the Epic Instance in the first few epic quests. Mostly because it was me and a friend of mine in there, LM and Hunter. We fought our way past more dourhand dwarves and onto wights. Reached the boss and we both saw, D: He has so much morale! Me: Ill try to keep you healed, you wittle him down.
And we did so. When he got back up for round 2 we were both surprised and knew we were in for it now. Same strategy, now we were both on low health but we were able to take him down a 2nd time. That takes care of that, we thought.
He rises again, taunting us... Despite our being in seperate houses I knew my friend had the same look of terror upon his face. Cue Tom Bombadil entering and singing.
Us: THAT silly little man, what's he doing here T.T

*Cue the lightning that strikes down Sambrog* Us: D; Don't hurt us!

Edited, Apr 25th 2012 1:08pm by Tothemoon
LOTRO Memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory of LOTRO is of joining the fight for Middle Earth after a few months of constant persuasion from my brother-in-law and my husband...and subsequently becoming quite irritated at them for having instilled this addiction into my life.

Favorite Memory- My favorite moment was when I got onto LOTRO on my birthday to a surprise party at the Kinship house. My husband, brother, sister-in-law, and a few other family members had gathered to throw a party, complete with dancing, Inn-League Keg distance competitions, and Superior Carrot Cake for dessert!
Happy Anniversary LotRO!
# Apr 25 2012 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
My First vivid LotRO Memory was exploring with my champion (first of many characters) after just having received my "The Wary" title. I was feeling particularly brave after defeating Frostmantle! I wanted to see as much of Thorin's Gate as I could and prior to the Dwarf housing area, you used to be able to climb up some snowy hills, near where the aurochs used to be on the western side, all the way up to the top of the gate that blocks us from following the river out to the southwest. It was at the top of that, where you could climb no further, that I found myself wondering, what a jump into water would do at this height. After all, it was water right? Not hard ground? I achieved no other titles on my champion related to not dying after that day. :D

My Favorite LotRO Memory was hands down the kinship event where I was promoted to successor of Guardians of Vilya and the days surrounding that event. Memories flood back of our leader's plans and vision for the event. The officer meeting about it, the rehearsals of the ceremony, where in particular, one of our officers could not manage to have his character walk a straight line to save his life. We were coordinating entrances and exits for the ceremony. During the ceremony, the cheers and congratulations both in game and on our voice chat server still ring clear. And the music....oh the music....was epic. Our kin leader relayed it over voice chat during the official promotion ceremony. The man has a gift. I was honored and touched by the participation of all my kin. I won't soon forget a minute of that day.
LOTRO memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory - the original Man intro instance! Saving some hobbits - watching a Nazgul show up. Was pretty cool.

My favorite memory - all the quests and dungeons me and my now soon to be wife have 2 manned together.
LOTRO Memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
My first memorable moment in LOTRO was being astounded at the size of the brood-matron Lebrennil when coming face-to-face with her in the Old Forest, followed by the shock and thrill of actually defeating her, then immediately being incapacited by one of her underlings before even having a chance to loot her remains.

My favorite memory remains the time my healing-traited Captain and a group of only three other adventurers sucessfully defeated Thadúr the Ravager on our first attempt, with me tanking for the first time and holding aggro mostly through my heals.
Happy Birthday LOTRO !
# Apr 25 2012 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Your first memory in LOTRO - Seeing through the gate Elrond defeat the Troll in the introduction.

Your favorite memory in LOTRO - avoiding overleveled beasts and reaching for the first time lake Evendim and its wonderful scenery.
# Apr 25 2012 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory in LOTRO was running through Bree-Land on foot thinking "This is going to take forever but the scenery is worth it!"

My favorite memory is pulling a Painted Skeleton Steed item at the Haunted Burrow with the only character that, based on theme and bio, would never use it. Just my luck! :^}
Happy Birthday LOTRO!!
# Apr 25 2012 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
First Memory: During Open Beta before the official launch of the game I recall running around Eriador on a Hunter and just being blown away by the detailed environment and how well Turbine and recreated Middle Earth, it literally gave me goosebumps on more than one occassion.

Favorite Memory: The first time I participated in a group. It was a quest out of Esteldin to head into a difficult orc camp in the south. Grouped up with a bunch of random folks on the same quests and just steamrolled the place! It was then that I became addicted!
LOTRO Memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
First Memory: Logging in and creating my Dwarf Guardian during the pre-order beta and being blown away that FINALLY there was a LotR MMO worthy of the lore!

Favorite Memory: Entering Moria for the first time!
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory was stepping into middle earth for the first to seeing the gorgeous Middle Earth, the amount of customization and that fun that is LOTRO!

My favorite memory: Seeing a community again that lacked in mmo's like WOW, being able to quest or just play instruments in Bree with Kinnies.
LotRO contest memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory is when my boyfriend and I made our first characters together and entered the world of Middle Earth, and we were so excited when we saw the Elves and the scenery that we could barely contain ourselves enough to get through the starter quests to explore the world.

My favorite memory....I think there are many, but I'd have to say that when I first discovered how helpful and friendly the community was to each other compared to other games, and that many of us were all true fans of the books and felt a natural kinship around our fandom. This also made it possible to truly have a strong roleplay community for those who wanted to immerse themselves in the stories, and even arrange player-organized gatherings and concerts to keep it alive. This is something I have found lacking in other games and remains one of my favorite things about LotRO and the people who play. =)
First and favorite memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
First Memory: Choosing my first character's name; I wasn't even in the game proper but I already felt immersed in Middle-earth.

Favorite Memory:
Coming out of the darkness of Moria and into the light of the golden woods.
first / favorite
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
First memory: playing on my brother's account while game was brand new 5 years ago to try it out. created a hunter and got out in the world leveling like crazy,and loving it.

Favorite memory: A lot of really good memories, but one i remember well because it was more recent was beating Saruman for the first time on top of Orthanc. It was one of my first serious raids at level cap and it was intense.People were dying and it was hilarious because everyone was worried because we might not have enough people to get the rings then i died and ran back just in time to get thrown off the tower and found myself in a forest with an eagle. I felt such achievement, relief, and joy over actually beating it when we came so close to failure, especially considering that it was like 30 minutes before the reset, and we wouldn't have even had time for another try.
Memories of LOTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory

My first memory was that all quests are so professional. Each quest has his own command!

My favourite memory

My favourite memory was when I crafted the first armor for my kinship.
The happiness that the player had because I gave him a free armor. He transferred that happiness to me! Thank You Mystic Templars Of Gondor out of Meneldor!
LOTRO Anniversary Contest Entry
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory in LOTRO: Having never played an MMO before, I was running around Archet doing only one quest at a time because I didn't know you could accept multiple quests at once!

My favorite memory in LOTRO: Looting and eating the "Barrow-Brie" immediately (having no idea what it was) while fighting through the high-level barrow downs dungeon, causing my Minstrel kin-mate to heal me double-time!
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