New Firefall Dev Blog Updates on Progress

There are no pictures in this latest developer blog from the Firefall team, so I had some difficulties paying attention, but I managed to power through. In a quick update to what's going on behind the scenes, the team notes that they were able to run a beta test on Saturday, complete with multiplayer matches and a full implementation of the recently revealed Dreadnaught Battleframe.

Staying on topic, the blog also touched on the optimization and polish that was going into the game, including getting a proper installer, a polished UI, and other various small tweaks. The team is also confirming that they "are not rolling out invites at the same rate that we had hope to when we got back from PAX in September." Perhaps we'll see more invites sometime in the future, but for now the team wants to keep their numbers low so that they can focus on server stability. Whew, that was a lot of words to read, I think I need to watch some flashy lights or something.

Tags: Firefall, News


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