CCP Discusses EVE Online Incursion Fixes

The Sansha incursions kicked off on Jan. 25 in EVE Online and CCP plans to make some tweaks and fixes to the system. Yesterday, the team deployed the first set of changes to the invasions:

  • Based on your feedback, we’ve cut the system control regain in half. That means Sanshas will regain control much slower than before. This is a first tweak of this value, and we’ll be monitoring the Incursions over the weekend to see if this was too much/too little.
  • One of the things we found out initially was that sites were being kept “alive” for a long time after they were completed. The number of players in each system meant that you’d always have traffic going into sites, which means they didn’t de-spawn. Hopefully we’ve dealt with that problem by removing the beacon from overview when a site is completed. This should decrease the traffic going into completed sites. This, combined with optimization of the sites should mean the re-spawning of content is quicker and more graceful.
  • The journal, specifically the global report, was not updating properly. We’ve put in a fix that should make it update accurately.

CCP has set up a feedback thread so players can share their thoughts on the incursions and help direct future changes. For more details on Sansha's Nation and why they're invading, check out the introductory video on YouTube.


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