EVE Online Blogs About Character Portraits

CCP has published another blog entry about the new character creator system that will be implemented with the last part of EVE Online's Incursion expansion this month. Players will have much more control and detail when making new characters (as seen above). These hi-res images will replace the current character portraits, meaning that all players will have to make new ones.

If you're insterested in saving your current portrait in hi-res, EVE is urging players to log in and use the capture portrait option while it still exists. Also, to avoid slowing down your computer, EVE has come up with a simple system to handle so many hi-res images:

"Rendering characters with all the details that we want to present to our users takes up a lot of computers resources, resources that we want you to be using to blow up spaceships rather than rendering portraits. Based on this, we decided to render all character portraits server side and let the EVE client fetch the portraits from our web-based Image Server, just like normal web browsers do when loading up web pages."

Head on over to EVE Online's official site for more detailed information on the new Character Creator and Portrait system.


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