Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
What to do....
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
For all you people out there who wan't to nuke someone so bad. Do you understand the implications of what you mean when you say "nuke" ? That would be killing 1000's of innocent people who were in no way involved with what happened yesterday. What these terrorists did to our country is terrible and if I had my way I would find all the people who masterminded the whole thing, skin them alive, and hang them on light posts so people could take swings at them with baseball bats. They certainly deserve this and worse. However, running over to the middle east and nuking someone would cause a war the likes of which the world has never seen before. It would likely be over in hours and nuclear devestation would claim more than three-fourth's of the worlds population. If we, as a people, NUKE another country, we will be just as bad as these terroists. What we need to do is find the people behind this and those who may be sheltering them, and punish them in a most horrible fashion, but leave the citizens of whatever country might be harboring the culprits out of it. They may hate our guts, but that does'nt mean they should die. They may have celebrated in the streets at our loss, praising god in their twisted belief that god might actually condone such actions. This is not a warrant of death. Find the ones responsible and do justice, but spare those who are innocent. Show the world that america won't take this laying down but also show them that we aren't a heartless giant founded on hypocrisy that would take such a severe hit and then turn around and do the same to someone else. The chain has to break somewhere, why not here?
a night imposble to forget
# Sep 12 2001 at 9:48 AM Rating: Default
RE: a night imposble to forget
# Sep 12 2001 at 10:03 AM Rating: Default
sorry cat jumped on keyboard
anyways a event such as what happened september 11 cant be forgotten. so many people brave and unexpeditly died to a unknown mad man. Such a person resposble for funding and carring out this horrorble deed befallen the great nation of Amarica yet i fear this isent the end i beg amarica tostay on guard for a long time so such event will not happen to places like San Facisco, orlando or charleston
/e begins to cry over the lost of the firemen ,PDs , and hard workers inside the the WTC twin towers and the people forsed to see a horrific site.

Something has to change
# Sep 12 2001 at 9:23 AM Rating: Default
To all those in the NYC and DC areas:

I have friends that live in both cities and when I first saw the news on USAToday.com, I thought it was a terrible practical joke. So I turned on the local news and boy was I wrong. I watched with horror as first one tower collapsed and then the second one. All day I sat trying to understand how someone could be so indifferent to the rights of the souls that inhabit our planet. Why would someone do such a thing? Did we do something to cause it? Could it have been prevented? Those are the questions that have been running thru my mind since I heard the news.

Could we have prevented an atrocity of this magnatiude? I doubt it. As Americans we are too complacient on our security and have been for many years. This has to stop its destroying our country. Somewhere we have to sacrifice a few rights to keep our people safe if only for our travel industry. Its too easy for foregin nationals to get into our country and we need to stop this. If not this will happen again somewhere and this time we may not be as lucky as we were yesterday, for although it is horrific it could have been alot worse.

My heartfelt prayers go out to those who lost loved ones and the children whose lives have been destroyed and I pray you find some comfort in the coming weeks. I too almost lost an uncle in the attack but he was delayed and for that I am grateful. If the fear and pain I felt all day yesterday is any indication of the feelings of those whose loved ones were inside the towers or pentagon, I will hope for the best and give you all the prayers in the world.

Be assured that as Americans we will not stand for this attack on our soil and will find the people who caused this. It will not go unanswered of that I can feel certain. Take pride in the fact that we are Americans and as such when crisis or tragedy strike our fair country we pull together to survive. Today I will go with my neighbor and donate food, blankets, money, and blood for the survivors. I wish there were more we could do to help.

Houston, TX

*sacrifices a dictionary to the spelling gods for all the errors in this caused by the inability to sleep*
I am not American
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
I am truely sorry friend. Words cannot express how I feel. I pray your sister and your friends will be found.
-A friend
RE: I am not American
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
I am Canadian, and I am also angred beyond words. Such acts are UNFORGIVABLE, and I pray swift punishment befalls the people behind this attack.

Sykid Shadowstrife
In nyc
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
It was truly hell as I live in NYC. I have friends and a sister inside WTC who have not called since. All I can do is play EQ and hope for the best but, like a guild raid gone bad, it does not look good at all.
RE: In nyc
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
I am a Deist, or should I say was. I cannot academically deny the existance of a God who is wrathful and forgiving. This tragedy forces me, who would not have believed in any power of prayer yesterday, to pray. And I pray for you and your loved ones, friend.
RE: In nyc
# Sep 12 2001 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
I just want to say that I hope your sister and friends are still alive and that they get in touch with you soon so you can stop worrying about them. My heart goes out to you and everyone else with friends and relitives in NYC.

I am not American
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:54 AM Rating: Default
I am not American, but I feel their anguish and pain all the same. The Americans have always stood up to those who threaten anyone in the civilized world, and in so doing bear the brunt of their attacks and hatred. I am Canadian, but today I stand along side my American brothers and sisters and support them 100%. Come what may I am with you.
-A friend
justice must be served
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:38 AM Rating: Default
whether it be by wiping the ones responsible for this off the planet, or throwing them into the deepest darkest hole we have. Makes no difference. Justice must be served

# Sep 12 2001 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
/em gets his Dutch - English dictionary.

Kill the terrorists

Nagash The Great Necromancer

/em prays to god for a real Necromancer or cleric that could raise the dead people from the twin towers and pentagon
what a change
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Even as I personally feel I am showing a bit of a childish view here -

I am discusted with how in one night's time this meaningful thread has become an arguement. Alla created this thread so that we may add a few words of hope to others. If anything all you really had to do was say -- Hope - and leave a name, actually you dont have to leave a name. THIS IS NOT a thread to lead to discussions on who is right and who is wrong. People lost their lives and this was ment to show our sorrow for them and their families. END OF STORY. Please do not show that the players of EQ are heartless. Put aside any disagreement and concern yourself on giving a comforting word or two.
the first post on this forum is bogus
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
well heres what i think that i am a 12 YEAR OLDCHILD and i play everquest and i watched the whole news story all day yesterday now keep this up and p.s. whoever wrote that first forum post on this topic your as smart as black burrow gnoll
RE: the first post on this forum is bogus
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:42 AM Rating: Default
There is nothing to be gained from this thread of discussions except giving voice to all manner of ill-informed and ill-formed polictical commentary and frankly I am truly embarassed for those posting childish political views here.

Yes, people are upset. Yes, there are views on both sides of every conflict.

But this is not the place for this. If you cannot see the truth of that, there is little that I or anyone can do to educate you. Perhaps in time you will learn.
RE: the first post on this forum is bogus
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
If there is nothing you think will be gained by this thread STOP READING IT! Some of us value the opinion of others and it doesn't matter if they are 13 or 40, college graduates or high school drop outs, good people or morons. Who are you to say where we can or can not post our thoughts. Who are you to say there is little anyone can do to educate us. I believe it is you who need some education in tolerance, acceptance and the workings of a message bord. If you don't like it DON'T post. It is your right as much as it is ours to post our thoughts.
RE: the first post on this forum is bogus
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:42 AM Rating: Default
WTF? I'm 13. Get real man. Anyone who has anything to say today should be embraced. For their loss, their love, and their willingness to fight for what we (as Americans) belive is generally right. Anyone that says this is no big deal, that i had to put up with this **** all day, I dont think you realize what this is. This is the LARGEST MASS MURDER EVER TO TAKE PLACE IN AMERICA. Ten years from now this will be in history books, and I will remember that it was the saddest day in American History. Thank you all of you who gave blood, my mom is a nurse and has explained to me that tons (litterally) of blood might be needed, so if your reading this and you havent given blood, please do so. I mourn for all of you who lost family in this terrable ordeal.

Kakaraught Sayin
Level 39 magician and summoner of sorts *retired*
Bremrin Dahealer
Level 20 cleric os tunare
Stop it
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:28 AM Rating: Default
Yes lets end the thread,we have had enough of any form of terrorism, even that which was ultimatley funded by Americans, namely the IRA, that have been terrorising the British for decades, killing inocent people, living and working in many places including the city of london, bombing building including Canada tower in docklands.

Lets stop it all now before more innocent people get killed in revenge attacks
Please Just Close This
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:16 AM Rating: Default
I believe that this news thread placed here is in very poor taste and should be removed.

The nation is in the midst of the grief and suffering of these attacks, but EQ is a game and one played by people of all ages inclduing children. I do not feel that a game forum is the proper location for a discussion of terrorisim and national policies.

Terrorisim is a dirty little word. One used when soneone decides to put civilians of any country into a body bag to make a political statement. It is the harming innocent people to create fear. This is not an acceptable action by any nation on the globe that respects individual rights.

I weep to see people here postulating their petty theories, their "let's bomb them all" armchair philosophy and their "it's your own fault" sophmoric ranting.

Everyone is entitled to their political opinions and there are a wide variety of forums for voicing those political opinions, but this game forum should never be one of them.

Please, for the decency of everyone involved and in respect to all of those hurt in this terrorist act, do not let the foum of a game site become this type of pulpit.

Noone can benefit from this discussion in any substantial way.

But the arguments and antagonisim that can spark here are substantial and inappropriate for this site,

This thread is a no-win situation.

I am as upset as anyone else over these events, but I recognize that this is not the place to come to vent my feelings and views on international politics.

Resist the urge to post here and close this down.
I'm done
# Sep 12 2001 at 7:03 AM Rating: Default
I've made a couple posts and I just can't read any longer. The numerous people that are frequenting this board, somehow saying the death and destruction was justified, some stating the obvious that this was retaliation for US supporting countries, specifically Israel. There are many that are caring, posting their feelings of sorrow and grief, and others that make posts making unnecessary comments about what the US did to deserve this, then wonder why we Americans are getting so angry about this. I just can't leave another post on this board. Signing off.
NYC & DC Attacks
# Sep 12 2001 at 6:53 AM Rating: Default
My prays go out to those of you in the NY and DC areas...

More killing will not sovle anything. It will bring about more death. I feel that we need to have this fully investigated, however I think there is more involved that what is being said. Has Bush really held up his end of any agreements that have been made? Had he violated spoken treaties? How did they NOT know the planes were hijaked? Why ddi they not warn the cities these planes were on route for (they obviously were not heading toward their destination)?

Most terrorist groups jump to say they had done whatever... Yet they all deny it. All goernments deny having been involved. Even Osama denies it, however he did warn of an "attack" over 3 weeks ago. Was he really involved? We need to bring those individual to justice. Do we really want to risk the lives of innocents by creating another war? Obvioulsy the culprut at hand did not get the user manual for diplomatic warfare, and is willing to strike at the citizens of our fair country.

Flame if you wish, but take a moment and think from a different stand point...
RE: NYC & DC Attacks
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
"More killing ...... will bring about more death" Duh?

So whats your point? Do you think there is some agency out there that is all powerful and all knowning working for us? What do you mean how did they NOT know the planes were hijacked??? They knew when the planes went off course and when a few people managed to make calls from the plane.... what are they supposed to do? Read the minds of the hijackers and evacuate New York? Do you honestly think that this should have been forseen? The people in air traffic towers are just that. PEOPLE just like you and me and can only do so much. I could walk out into a mall and open fire right now.... are you going to say the police should have known I was going to do that? I hate to brake it to you but it's ALOT easier to commit an attrocity than it is to forsee and prevent one. Hindsight is 20/20 the rest of us just have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Hey I just killed 20 + thousand americans and they have said this time they don't care who what or where they will come...hrmmm I think maybe now is a good time to publicly deny any involvement.... and plan my next attack.

What agreements has Bush made regarding this incident? What spoken treaties? What the hell are you talking about?
# Sep 12 2001 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
I'm very sad today because of the atrocities that have taken place in the US. Noone can defend such a terrible action whatever reason may lay behind this. My thoughts are with you all...
Now I'm only hoping that the US will not be blinded by the yells for revenge. Of course every reasonable step should be taken to stop this from ever happening again, but I get very sad also from reading the "nuke'em" posts on this message board. Of course every reasonable step should be taken to prevent this from ever happening again, but violence blinded by a lust for revenge is not a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I am as mad as anyone at whomever is behind this, and I hope they rot in hell. I'm not asking you to turn the other cheek, merely not to get carried away. I've lost enough faith in humanity already.

from England.
# Sep 12 2001 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
Our thoughts, are with you all on this blackest off days, of our freeworld.Though an ocean separtes us, your pain and anger is felt by us all.

I wish there was something i could do, nodoubt like most of the freeworld wishes. We stand with you all in your grief and pain.

It's time now for us to make OURSELVES heard, and find these BASTARDS and WIPE them off the face of the earth.

Ardema Rylin`Tar
Remove post Below
# Sep 12 2001 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
"America, welcome to the world that we have had to endure for many years, maybe now you will realise that there is a world outside of your own borders and stop being so insular!!"

Its insane to me that any person would welcome a country, that just lost 10k+/- innocent people in a single day terrorist attack, to the "real world". The post below should be removed. This is about mourning the loss of many innocent people and a strike to the core of American hearts. If you wish to welcome a country to pain and suffering then I wish to welcome you to my middle finger. I have traveled all over the world and lived in numerous places that have it much worse than America and Great Britian, that DOES NOT justify some child happily greeting people to suffering. You want to talk about insulated? Your comment is about as hypocritical and insulated as you can get. Your narrow minded view which over looks the loss of innocent lives for your own selfish desire to make a cry for attention is about as insulated as it comes. This is something which should be mourned. Take your British propaganda elsewhere, and please remove the below post.
Horrible day
# Sep 12 2001 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Just want to say that i cant EVER imagine what people in NY can fell, cuz i am not there. But i am horrified of what happened. My heart is with all the people who have lost a friend or a family member.


P.S. Sorry for my poor english, i am a french canadian.
God and Religion are not one and the same.
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:05 AM Rating: Default
All of you who are "forgiving" those who did this... it is not your place to forgive. You are not digging the corpse of your brother, or sister, or son, or daughter out from under a pile of debris. Think about that for a second. Put yourself there, in the wreckage. Imagine your loved one getting pulled from the dust... like a rag doll, torn, bleeding, lifeless... empty eyes. Put their face on this tragedy. FEEL THE PAIN OF THE SURVIVORS. You parlor-pontiffs and religious pablem-pukers make me SICK. Religion is what caused this hideous mess in the first place.

Religion is not God. God is not Religion. Religion is a sick, perverse idolatry, designed by man to exploit the faithful. I am true to my God. I worship my god. And I refuse to let anyone tell me how to worship my God. Religion creates things like mindless hate. Religion brings towers crashing down. Religion kills nations. Religion creates body counts. Religion ruins beautiful regions and burns them to ash. God does none of these things. To kill for religion is to kill God himself. If I ever catch one of those responsible for this cyclopean horror unfolding before us, and I slit his throat, I will not be killing for God, I will be killing for me.

So you can shove your forgiveness; YOU have not been wronged. It is not your place to forgive. It is the place of the victims to forgive, and if they choose to, they are MUCH more lenient and serene than I could ever be. No one that I know personally died in this apocalyptic tragedy, and I thank the God of my Heart for this. But not with your baseless, voyeuristic religions. I will not pray in your temples of hate.

And for those of you moron bible-thumpers out there screaming "turn the other cheek", let me give you some advice. Read the Old Testament. You know, the BIG section at the beginning that moder born again Christians seem so wont to neglect? God himself didn't turn the other cheek at Eden. He didn't turn the other cheek a Sodom and Gammorah. He didn't turn the other cheek in Egypt. He didn't turn the other cheek in Babylon. "But," you may say, "that is proof that God will exact vengeance in his own time, in his own way."

Well you know what, God will exact vengeance... through the methods that he gave us in his infinite wisdom, the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse that is about to rain down on all of the bloody barbarians that tried today to murder our nation. The names of these Four Horsemen?

Air Force

The time for peace has passed.
Monsters we will be, lest monsters we become.
RE: God and Religion are not one and the same.
# Sep 12 2001 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
I have to agree religion is often misused. Think for urself and u see scritptures r pieces of proganda and not truth at all. God does exist but he has given us free will use it. Look around all throughout nature u see the hand of God make no mistake on that. If u need chruch and mass or whatever services u call them fine so be it. Go on a crusade or a jihad and I have probelms
Don't flame this post think on it debate and at least try to begin to use the free will given to you
RE: God and Religion are not one and the same.
# Sep 12 2001 at 6:33 AM Rating: Default
I 100% &$%#ing agree with you religion is what causes war. Look at the crusades all for a city, hundreds of thousands died. And guess what most of the "good christian" soldiers did Rape, pillage, and murder little boys and girls. But hey it was allowed by god or so they say. So all you religious stupid F#$%ing hipocrits can go straight to F&$%ing hell, you all sicken me with your pathetic little beliefs that you in no way have any proven evidence that any higher being exists. The only reason you believe in a god is because of your parents, because in the beggining you precieve your parents as people who can not lie to you so you except what they say 100%. And so on and so on thats why your parents believe it and thats why all you ignorant ***** believe it.
RE: God and Religion are not one and the same.
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
THe Crusades were hundreds of years ago, and rape and pillage took place on BOTH sides. The simple fact of the matter is that we as Americans are enraged. Allow us our anger. Those who did this will be brought to justice, and those who harbor them, will be destroyed. We will not stand for this, we do it not in the name of God (or Allah, killing in Jihad is not acceptable for our religion anymore). This is about justice and the law of the land. Known terrorists should be surrendered. If you dont like the US, why are you accepting foreign monies from us, why are you trading with us. Our anger is deep and our sorrow deeper. Allow us that, we are strong and prideful. Those who did this will know justice, and my advice to you is- if your country is harboring the ones who did this, or is allied with those who did this... get out. Run very fast.
RE: God and Religion are not one and the same.
# Sep 12 2001 at 6:02 AM Rating: Default
I´ve read many columns now concerning the hideus acts been done yesterday: But your article/thread is by far the most revolting piece **** i have ever read. Do you know the difference between you and the ones who did this? I Dont!!! Plz explain what the difference is? You stupid little boy!! Dont post anything again, u make me sick *******!
RE: God and Religion are not one and the same.
# Sep 12 2001 at 5:50 AM Rating: Default
If all people thought like You, the world would have stopped existing long ago...

Of course there is no forgiveness for the ones who did that. They have to be punished.
But keep Your punishment to the people who did that, and not to civilians on the other side.
This is exactly what the fanatics intendend:
Motive No. 2 is hate of the Americans.
Motive No. 1 is to provoke the U.S., get them to bomb islamic cities, islamic nations unite, and Voila, World War 3, or - as they call it - Dschihad against the "Satan" USA and its western allies. Mission accomplished.

Don't let them succeed in that.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 12 2001 at 5:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) baahaha, that was a good one!
RE: Dont forget it's politicians fault
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
Read now and if you will not put yourself any more questions go kill bugs
The terror inside
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
First off I would just like to say that today was a tragic day for all countries in the free world and my heart and deepest sympathies goes out to the victims and their families.

There is a reason they call it "Terrorism" as it is intended to put fear and terror into the hearts of the people. Today was one of the few times that they may have succeeded. I urge all people of America to not let this change their way of life. To not let them start to look over their shoulder. As this is what these people intended.

I do not agree with "Turning a Cheek" but i also don't think that you should bomb the heck out of them. Right now few people are thinking clearly. They are only thinking with fear and anger. Within the next few days a different approach may become aparent, and then again one may not. Time will tell.

As for now we must all calm down so that we can think clearly before any major decisions are made.

Today was a day that will be remembered in History for Centuries to come. Tomorrow will be another day. Tomorrow we will begin the healing process. Tomorrow we begin to try and understand the who, what, when, where, how, and most importantly the why?

Many condolences from those of us up in Canada.

Turvok Trueheart
51 pally
The terror inside
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
First off I would just like to say that today was a tragic day for all countries in the free world and my heart and deepest sympathies goes out to the victims and their families.

There is a reason they call it "Terrorism" as it is intended to put fear and terror into the hearts of the people. Today was one of the few times that they may have succeeded. I urge all people of America to not let this change their way of life. To not let them start to look over their shoulder. As this is what these people intended.

I do not agree with "Turning a Cheek" but i also don't think that you should bomb the heck out of them. Right now few people are thinking clearly. They are only thinking with fear and anger. Within the next few days a different approach may become aparent, and then again one may not. Time will tell.

As for now we must all calm down so that we can think clearly before any major decisions are made.

Today was a day that will be remembered in History for Centuries to come. Tomorrow will be another day. Tomorrow we will begin the healing process. Tomorrow we begin to try and understand the who, what, when, where, how, and most importantly the why?

Many condolences from those of us up in Canada.
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
As they have shown no discretion or compasion for us, we in return will show none for them. I'm sorry.

"Those who have made man, were the ones that could see past it." -Me
RE: revenge
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
Don't be sorry. It isn't something to be sorry about. It isn't our fault, it is the fault of the cowards that did this.
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:29 AM Rating: Excellent
I am a military member... I AM BIASED, not because im a service man but because I am an American! Freedom, as you may guess, has a very special meaning to every soldier. We fight for the defense of our way of life, so our family and friends can live in peace. We shield them from such atrocities. This will continue untill we do something VERY SOON! If we dont, they will continue to see just how much damage they can do!
So, I say "Find them! and nuke them till they glow, and then shoot them in the dark!" Make no mistake! Terrorism is a NEW form of combat! IMO should be treated as such.

They just took your car, with you family in it, and ramed it into your house! Try talking to them?

GOD in ANY form has nothing to do with this! Everyone has the "right of self defense". Would you defend your country from Iraqi soldiers storming into your back yard? I hope so! IF not I encourage you to visit you relatives graves and let them know all of what they fought for you tossed away! Just because they don't wear uniforms and march in columns does NOT mean they are not an ENEMY!

My heart goes out to all who are affected by this! I hope soon ill be re-called to take part in the ***-kick'n they (unknown) so richly deserve!

RE: Freedom
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
I guess the problem is that noone knows who the enemy is here... Might be Jehovas Witnesses for all I know, who are you going to nuke then?

Violence has no meaning. Peace.
RE: Freedom
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
What a stupid analogy. If the Jehovas Witnesses were responsible we'd bomb the Jehovas Witnesses. What's your point? Go have a look at the real world, go watch what's happening in New York, and get your mommy's words of "violence doesn't solve anything" out of your head. This is most certainly not something that you can just shrug off and say "Osama, could you not do that again, please?"

Hypothetical: Someone just stabbed you in the side, and they're wearing a mask but they're saying they're going to stab you again. Are you going to sit there and plead and bargain with them not to stab you again just because you don't want to hurt them? I hope not, for your sake.
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