League of Legends Hosting a Black Friday Sale

Riot Games has doubled up on their special deals for this weekend!

Admittedly, this isn't such an amazing occurence, as Riot Games regularly has champion and skin sales almost every week, but this Black Friday will be slightly special, as Riot has just announced that their Leapord Nidalee, Highland Tryndamere, Galactic Nasus and Grungy Nunu skins will all be a whopping 75% off! Not only that, but there will be a 50% off sale for Kennen, Malphite, Blitzcrank and Urgot for those who want to make the purchase this weekend.

So if you were planning to get your League of Legends on this Turkey weekend and you were thinking about picking up a new champion or a skin, consider one of the four going on sale this weekend!


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