EVE Online's "PLEX for Pakistan" charity drive

In an effort to make the world a better place, CCP has decided to help out the Pakistan Red Crescent society by converting donated in-game PLEX into real cash currency for charity

Do you want to help a charitable cause? Do you have an excess of PLEX on your EVE character that's just burning to be used? Well, CCP has a great solution for you! With players expressing a great desire to help the innocent victims of the floods in Pakistan, CCP has acquiesced by creating their new charity drive: PLEX for Good: Pakistan! The charity drive will begin on September 15, 2010, and will end on October 6, 2010. During this time, players can 'donate' PLEX to CCP for the program, and each donation will be converted into cash currency and given to the Pakistan Red Crescent Society, a humanitarian and relief organization based in Pakistan that is helping flood victims.

In order to make a PLEX donation, do the following:

  • Contract your PLEX to the "CCP PLEX for Good" character, and make sure that the character is in the "C C P" corporation and that the name is spelled correctly to avoid scams.
  • Contracts will be accepted within 24 hours of submission, though usually sooner than that.
To reiterate that first point, please make sure that you avoid any scams that may arise during this time, and be certain that you're donating to this charitable cause (and not Timmy down the road).


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