New Artistic Style coming for League of Legends!

If you ever thought that League of Legends was just a wee bit too "cartoony" for your tastes, check this out!

Courtesy of the friendly people over at PC Gamer who appear to have an endless pipeline of information straight from the Riot Games' office, it seems as though League of Legends may soon be due for an artistic overhaul, featuring a fairly significant jump from its 'cartoony' ways to what appears to be a more realistic, grittier artistic style. While there doesn't appear to be an ETA available for when Riot Games plans to implement this new art style (with their one-year anniversary coming up... who knows!), the guys over at PC Gamer are promising some more current news and information in addition to going more in-depth with the complete graphics overhaul, including some new information on Magma Chamber, Riot's latest 5v5 map (but bigger!), and LoL's upcoming new champion, Irelia. To get the scoop on all of the above, just pick up the latest issue of PC Gamer, coming to newsstands in a few days, and help support your print industry!

It definitely sounds like we've got some exciting news coming up for League of Legends fans around the world, so stop complaining about those server downtimes, and let's look forward to some of these great new additions!


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