DCU Online Video Says Heroes can Fly at Level 1

The new "In the Studio" video announces character can fly at level 1

A new DC Universe Online "In the Studio" video answered some questions today about character creation, powers and headlines. Lets go through some of the topics:


After you and your team of heroes take down a villain or foil a plan to destroy the world, you'll see a newspaper headline reporting on your actions. It's an instantaneous pat on the back from the Daily Planet and will factor into your renown. The developers stressed how DC Online is about making you the next legendary super hero and accumulating renown by grabbing headlines feeds into that.

Heroes Specializing in Multiple Powers

The question asked to the developers was, "will heroes be able to specialize in multiple powers, like fire and ice?" Kudos to Devs Chris Cao and Jens Anderson for including a question in their video that they answer "no" to. Characters will only be able to specialize in one power, because, in the DC Universe, characters only really have one power. Which is mostly true except for posterboy Superman, who has, like, 15 different powers, including heat vision and cold breath.


Cao and Anderson talked about there being many more places to adventure than just Metropolis and Gotham City. As a hero you'll get to hang out in the JLA's Watchtower in space and villains get to lounge about in the Hall of Doom, each of which is about as big as a city. They were also quick to point out that Metropolis and Gotham City have sub-areas, such as Arkham Asylum, S.T.A.R. Labs and The Daily Planet offices.

Character Creation

Anderson made big claims about the character creation in DCU Online, saying "I don't think any MMO has ever offered this level of character creation before." He spoke of letting players mix and match everything about their character, including "body type, gender, origin, magic, meta, tech, power source, super power [and] movement mode." Cao went on to say that character creation isn't just about how long someone's nose is, but, if you're a fire character, how it looks when you summon your fire, how it looks when you fling it and what it means to use it when you're flying. The character creation will focus on important choices.


And lastly, Cao and Anderson were proud to announce that characters can fly at level 1. Super speed and acrobatics will also be accessible at level 1. They basically said it's a superhero game and everyone wants to fly, why make people wait?


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