Return to PotBS for Free from Feb. 5 to March 5

Beginning tomorrow, Feb. 5, former Pirates of the Burning Sea players will get a month of free play time to return to the game and try out the new features that have been implemented since they left. The offer ends on March 5 and only applies to users who stopped playing between Jan. 22, 2008, and Jan. 15, 2010.

This offer comes after this week's launch of build 1.22 and Flying Lab's consolidation of players onto two servers. The other three realms will be shut down in five weeks to give players ample time to transfer their characters to the Antigua and Roberts servers.

It seems that February is "return for free month" for MMO players. As we reported, Sony Online Entertainment is inviting former Star Wars Galaxies players to return to the game for free this month to try out the Galactic Civil War update.


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