CCP Asks Players to Participate in Dominion Tests

While the Dec. 1 launch date for Dominion may seem to be in the distant future right now, it's actually only about seven weeks away. In order to test out the upcoming changes in a live environment, CCP has announced that the team "will be running a series of fleet fights and other mass-tests on our main test server, Singularity."

The tests are tentatively scheduled to begin on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. GMT. However, an issue has been found on the test server that may postone the testing. Keep an eye on the thread for any updates to the testing schedule. If all goes according to plan, CCP is going to need at least 100 pilots (preferably more than 400) on Thursday.

The full announcement can be found after the jump. Also, check out the rules of the test server before logging in for the event.

[Edit: updated dates, fixed errors.. check back soon for more updates on testing schedule]

Dominion is just around the corner and it brings more improvements and enhancements with it. We think you'll be happy with the changes we've made; of course now we need to put it to the test in a "live-like" situation! To that end we will be running a series of fleet fights and other mass-tests on our main test server, Singularity.

These tests will begin Thursday, October 15. We need at least 100 pilots, preferably 400+… the more people who show up, the better.
Test schedule:

An issue has been found on the test server which may force us to postpone the mass-testing. We are hoping to have things sorted out in time, but we may need to re-schedule the tests for next week or later.

Thursday [October 15] @ 17:00 GMT -- Tentative
Friday [October 16] @ 18:00 GMT -- Tentative -- Sovereignty test
Thursday [October 29] @ 17:00 GMT
More to come...

How to connect to Singularity for this test:

  • Make a copy of the current Tranquility (TQ) client

  • Visit the Sisi patch page.

  • Patch the copied client to the Singularity build

  • Login to the singularity test server

  • Join the in-game channel "FleetTesting"

  • Disable brackets | Read here if you're not sure how

  • Listen for instructions and ask questions in-channel

What exactly is being tested?

  • First part of the test will focus on Fleet vs. Fleet open combat

  • Second we will move the engagement to a Starbase-siege (POS)

  • You should pay attention to your FPS (use ctrl+f to view in-game)

  • Anyone able to use multiple accounts is strongly encouraged to bring your alts!

  • CCP staff and ISD will be on hand prior to the test to help move players to the starting location

  • Don't forget to fill out the feedback thread after the test (links will be clearly posted at the end of the test!)

What should I bring?

  • You will want a Battleship, carrier, dread, or support ship

  • Use drones!

  • Give weapon linking a try

  • Spider tanks 4tw


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