Want To Play In The Champions Online Open Beta?

Players who have been eager to play Champions Online can now sign up for the Open Beta via Fileplanet! The process to do this is a little bit confusing, but here's what you need to do:

1.) Head on over to Fileplanet to register for a Champions Online Open Beta Key.
2.) Attach it to your Cryptic account, or go register for one.
3.) Next, you'll need to confirm that Beta Key on Fileplanet.
4.) Then just remember to download the client from the Fileplanet Champions Online page.
5.) Log in and enjoy yourself!

All pre-orders of Champions Online also come with access to the Open Beta, so if Fileplanet runs out, pre-ordering seems to be the only other way to get in. The Champions Online Open Beta will continue until 11:59PM, August 24th. Finally, remember that the NDA for Champions Online has been lifted, so be sure to tell your friends and family about your experiences!


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