SOE's Fourth Annual Block Party!

If you're in San Diego or close enough to get there, you should plan on going to SOE's annual Block Party!  This informal event is a fun-filled afternoon at SOE Headquarters with music, food, drinks, tours, previews of upcoming games, give-aways, raffles and special guests. There will be activities for kids as well. Meet game developers and staff, socialize with SOE employees and friends, and have a great time in the sunshine!

As usual this event is being held during Comic Con (but not AT Comic Con) on Saturday, July 25th. Everyone is welcome and admission is FREE!

  • When:  Saturday, July 25th, 2009 4:00pm - 8:00pm
  • Where: SOE Headquarters,  8928 Terman Court,  San Diego, CA 92121

For information on shuttle busses (parking is limited) and special room rates for folks from out of town, see this post on the forums.


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