EVE Fanfest Set for Oct. 1-3 in Iceland

If you're an EVE Online fan who's looking to take a vacation, mark Oct. 1-3 on your calendar and book your flight to Reykjavik, Iceland in preparation for the 2009 Fanfest. The sixth annual event will take place at the Laugardalshöll Convention Center, and while access pass availability and pricing are not available yet, CCP has compiled a list of special Icelandair Fanfest packages, which include airfare and hotel. For example, the trip from the U.S. begins at $719. CCP warns flights to Iceland sold out last year, so begin planning your trip as soon as possible.

If you decide to go, here's what you can expect to enjoy: "Get ready for another weekend of PVP tournaments, hanging out with the developers, and partying in a sea of fellow EVE Online fans. As always, Fanfest attendees will be treated to videos and announcements on the future of EVE and what players can expect in the upcoming expansions."

The EVE Online team has created a Fanfest teaser video to get fans excited about the event. For more information, check out this developer's blog entry. As always, more details will be released as we get closer to Fanfest since it's six months away, but it's always good to plan ahead.


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