Help Test Russian, Japanese Localizations for EVE

Russian and Japanese localizations of EVE Online are currently on the Singularity test server, and CCP Caedmon has asked players in a dev blog to help point out anything that may have been lost in translation.

According to Caedmon, the team has been localizing more than 700,000 words for the Russian client, where most console games gave about 100,000. In addition, a lot of the EVE code was written with English in mind, so it doesn't translate easily to Russian. This is why Caedmon has asked players to log on to Singularity and report and bugs they find for both the the Russian and Japanese localizations.

Also, just to make it clear, Caedmon emphasized that machine translation was not used in either instance. So you don't have to worry about seeing "All your base are belong to us" popping up in any version of EVE Online.


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