Day 1 Producer's Letter

One day into the launch, Producer Dave Georgeson posted up a producer's letter to let you know what's going on in Planetside. ---------- Producer's Letter - Day 1 Recap Howdy folks, Here we are. Day One. The worlds are live and starting to fill up. As we watch the process working, we're also watching the Forums and we've noticed a few topics that may interest you. First of all, the My PlanetSide features are now available. (You can either click this link or go there from the front page of This is a powerful feature that will only grow over time. You can check out outfit and player statistics, ranking ladders and even watch the progress of the various worlds over the last 8, 12, 16, or even 24 hours. Secondly, there's a rumor out there that SOE was not going to allow the European players to play on American servers and visa versa. That's a very strange rumor and it has absolutely no truth. We, of course, allow players to play anywhere they wish to play. We are opening up world clusters based in Amsterdam soon, but those are not "required" for European players. Those servers are just located there geographically to lower latency issues for European players, if they desire to play on those servers. Lastly, folks that were in Beta have noticed that experience awards are lower than those to which they were accustomed. This is true, but the experience curves in beta were intentionally overinflated to allow faster progression of rank. This allowed our design team to examine data about the usage of weapons and armor at the various Battle Ranks. Those XP gains are now returned to the gains originally intended. For the record, the experience gains while in a squad are shared evenly among squad members, but with a 20% bonus added onto them. Therefore, if you destroy a target worth 100 raw XP, and you're in a squad of 10 people, your individual gain would be: (100/10) * 1.2 = 11.2 XP (rounded up to 12). This may seem like a reduction in experience potential, but when in a squad of 10 you rack up kills at a greater rate and with relative ease compared to doing so as an individual, so it's possible to gain a great deal of experience that way. (Plus, squads allow easier communication and allow the sharing of base capture experience, as well as allowing Command functionality, so they're very worthwhile groups.) That's it for now. Watch this space in the coming days. There's sure to be more on the way. Dave Georgeson Producer


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