Ask Cryptic Q&A Covers Many Topics

Cryptic has given us a ton of new information on what we can expect in Champions Online in today's Ask Cryptic post.

Today we're answering community questions on the impact community feedback has had on game development thus far, starting zones, environmental destructibles, PvP, boss battles, crafting, the character creator, costumes, and stances!

As far as character creation goes, we now know that you'll be able to have multiple costumes for the same character; all characters must be bipedal, but can have wings, fins, etc.; tails will just be cosmetic and won't be used as weapons; and you won't be able to have multiple limbs, like Grond, at launch.

Read the full Q&A session here or below.

Today we're answering community questions on the impact community feedback has had on game development thus far, starting zones, environmental destructibles, PvP, boss battles, crafting, the character creator, costumes, and stances! Thanks to Arkayne and Absinthe for their answers!

How many of these questions on the forums have made the Champions Online Team either rethink a design concept or pointed out a new concept that had not been thought of as of yet? (Nightshyft)

Arkayne (Lead Designer): A lot, actually. We’re made some major shifts in focus based on community feedback from both the regular forums and the alpha testers. While we’re not doing wholesale re-designs we’ve definitely changed some of our initial implementation plans to incorporate feedback from the fans.

As it was said in previous interviews and such, Champions isn't going to be locked into a city, at least from the get-go. What other zones can players be able to start from? (Captain_Intrepid)

Arkayne: Right now we’re looking at a couple of heroic holdouts in crisis locations: the Project Greenskin base in the southwest desert and the Steelhead Legion base in northwest Canada. People are in trouble and they’re asking heroes for help: will you answer the call?

Will there be instances in which certain powers can interact with the environment such as a fire attack on a gas main causing an explosion that takes out a group of enemies or an electric attack on a fuse box that knocks out the lights? (russellatstudio)

Arkayne: There will definitely be environmental destructibles but we don’t want to limit it to specific powers simply because of the breadth of available powers. Damage from fire, electricity, lasers, etc. should all be able to trigger a volatile explosive object. We’d rather have players utilizing those destructibles most of the time than restrict it to a certain power build.

That being said we do plan to have skills that can be used to trigger/shut down/override certain objects in the environment: shut down security systems, grant a temporary radiation imbuement, disenchant magical runes, etc.

PvP and Boss Battles. Can we expect Big baddies battling in our bases (Woot illiteration) and more diverse enemy encounters (the same 5 minions again and again is extremely boring, even with slight variants) or will we occasionally encounter massive enemies, robots, monsters etc, that require whole teams to take down? Will there be friendly/unfriendly PvP games to partake in, assuming Villains are not playable. (BigHairyWolfman)

Arkayne: Definitely! We wanted to try and keep encounters diverse and mix up the composition when we can. We have team-based threats that require players to work together in order to take them down, especially in the case of the major villain strongholds. We also plan to have a number of PvP maps for players to battle in and earn rewards.

In order to remain competitive and/or on par with like-leveled characters, will it be necessary to utilize the crafting system? Or will it be a feature that will simply add some cool bonuses, access to temporary powers (but not overpowering, like features that make you completely immune to certain power/effect types), and other non-game unbalancing features? (belefauntes)

Arkayne: The crafting aspect of skills is intended to be a cool addition to regular gameplay, but not required for advancement. Players who don’t care for crafting can focus on advancement through regular gameplay.

As far as the costume creator goes, will players be able to create characters that differentiate more from the humanoid mold? (Dishonest Abe)

Absinthe (Lead Artist): All player character will be bipedal. However you will be able to make shark people (with shark tails!), vulture people with wings, etc.

Will a character's stance be locked at creation, or can we pick a different one with different costumes? (Duckdee)

Absinthe: Character stance is treated like any other costume part, and it can be modified in the same way.

Will we be able to have multiple costumes for the same character (which we could swap at any given moment)? (Captain_Intrepid)

Absinthe: Yes!

A big part of Ankylosaur is his club-tail. Will we have several options along those lines (bladed, blunt, piercing) for non-traditional tails? And will we be able to use them in battle? (Cost)

Absinthe: Yes, and sort of. However tails are just cosmetic.

Will characters be able to have multiple limbs, like our good pal Grond? (Kreios)

Absinthe: Not at launch. Unless you count wings and tails.


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