Realm & Class Breakdowns on Gaheris

User Exsilio recently posted some interesting research, complete with graphs, on the Camelot Vault user forums. Attempting to answer the question "Who Plays What On Gaheris?", Exsilio gathered data twice a day for ten days, and compared the number of players from each realm and class on DAoC's first completely PvE server. Among Exsilio's findings were that, contrary to popular belief, the various realms are pretty evenly represented, and that there exists only one "true" healer for approximately every 12 players. Another interesting result was the extremely low number of rogues, who were easily the least populated base class compared to tanks, casters, healers and the various hybrids. The most popular class, according to Exsilio's study, was Necromancers, followed closely by Bonedancers. At the other end of the spectrum were Infiltrators, with Scouts and Nightshades not far behind. While Exsilio's study is by no means scientific, it brings some empirical evidence to bear on questions of class balance and popularity on Gaheris, which is the first DAoC server to have no RvR play. Check out Exsilio's study and the resulting discussion thread here.


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